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*This takes place in a hotel and is a story by a famous comedian named Gabriel Inglesias. He's hilarious. Also, Painter is narrating this all.*

Aloha: Ya know what. Rider is always messing with us, why don't you mess with him?

Painter: What should I do?

Aloha: Why don't you prank call him?

Painter: Dude, that's a good idea!!

*Calls Rider and the phone rings*

-Boi so stupid X3

Rider: hello?

Painter: Hello sir? Hi, this is the front desk. Listen we're having a report of a lot of noise coming from your room. Do you think you could please keep the noise down?

Rider: I'm sorry... I didn't know I was making noise.

Painter: Thank you, sir, please keep it down.

Rider: Ok.

*Hangs up*

-10 minutes later, called him back. >3

Aloha: *evil giggles*

Painter: Shut up dude, shut up X)

Rider: Hello?

Painter: HELLO SIR?! Hi, this is the front desk again, obviously you did not listen when I told you about the noise. You need to keep the noise down!!

Rider: But I'm not ma-

Painter: SIR LISTEN! You either keep down the noise or we're gonna call the authorities

Rider: ok...... I'm sorry....

Painter: thank you!

-And before I hung up the phone I said this: "Damn Mexicans."

*Hangs up*

Painter: :3

Aloha: ( o__o)

-Whooooow! You guys swore to God, the Mexican revolution started ALL over again! He was MAD. He came running over to the room right, and he started pounding on the door

*Rider bangs on the door*

Rider: Open the door!

Aloha: Ah! We got 'im!! We got 'im!! We got 'im!! We got 'im!! We got 'im

Painter: Shut up dude, shut up!

Aloha: *laughs*

Painter: shut up!! XD

*Painter opens the door and greets Rider*

Painter: what's up dude!

Rider: You're not gonna believe it. This hotel is racist.

Painter: *tries really hard not to burst out laughing* Really?! Why do you say that?

Rider: The lady at the front desk, she doesn't like Mexicans.

Painter: Well what are you gonna go do about it?

Rider: well I'm gonna go flatten her! *Pulls out Dynamo Roller*

Painter: Dude, no more flattening anybody! Maybe you just need to go talk to her, Aloha tell him!

Aloha: Yeah- should go talk to her!
(• ▽ •;)

Rider: That's what I'm gonna go do!

-So he starts walking off and I'm just like:

Painter: Aloha we gotta see this!

*Painter and Aloha follow Rider*

-So we start following him to the lobby and Rider gets mad halfway and starts running.

Painter: Dude don't run!

-Trying to run, Rider gets to the lobby like 30 seconds before we do right, and keep in mind, the girls at the counter, they don't know what's going on! They're doing their job, checking people in, giving keys.

Lady 1: Ok, thank you. Please, come again. Ok, here you go, here's your keys, sign here, ok.

-And here comes Rider right

*Rider shows up and slams his hands onto the table*

Rider: Ok.....which one of you bitches hate Mexicans?

-And they start freaking out

Lady 2: Omygawd, there's an angry Latino!

Lady 1: Omygawd, look it's not my fault the Raiders lost, ok?

Lady 2: Don't take it out on me please, ok?!

-So he keeps yelling at them, going back and forth, right, this and that. And Aloha and I finally get to the lobby all winded right,

Painter: *gasping for air from running* Rider! Rider don't do it dude, don't do it!

Rider: Shut up, you don't know what's going on.

Painter: Rider I can explain everything!

Rider: Shut the hel-

-And then all of a sudden the security guard shows up, grabs Rider and starts trying to put him down and I'm just like:

Painter: Oh man, I left this get out of hand! I gotta break this up! Rider let me explain!

Rider: Shut the hell up!

-So I grabbed his ear and I said:

Painter: Sir!! You're gonna need to keep the noise down.

Rider: Paint....was that you?

Painter: Yes sir.

Rider: You're an asshole, Paint.

Painter: I know sir. But it was funny huh?! :D

*The end!*

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