Army (14)

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Army: Never give up on your dreams Mask!

Mask: I wanna be thrown into the landfill to be with my family!

Army: Ok maybe you should give up on your dreams...


Army: Excuse me but have you seen a pink inkling anywhere? Short, Hawaiian shirt, flirtatious sometimes, you'll know it's him because he clearly doesn't have a brain so you'll know it's him the moment you see him-


Aloha: Hey Army was wondering if-


Aloha: *pulls out a plate of curry*

Army: So what is it that you need?



The rest of the S4: (・–・;)

Aloha: *walks in and has Army's manual in his hands* Hey guys! I just found out thaa-......

Mask: He's dead for sure

*Insert Aloha running while Army runs after him*


A mother with her two hyperactive kids: It's hard dealing with two kids that are more hyper than Huskies

Army: Tell me about it, I have to deal with 4 idiots who act like children- well...three of them are ok most of the time BUT THE ONE CHILD-


Army: *Teaching Rider how to drive* Ok, you're on the road and you see Emperor lying on the road passed out, what do you do?

Rider: Run him over- Just fucking RUN HIM OVER-


Heya pals! It's M here, just wanted to apologize for not updating, school is a bit too much right now and anxiety from how much I have to do just makes me go: "Yep! Nope! I need a break from e v e r y t h i n g". So I apologize if you've been waiting for me to update, to those who have been patiently waiting thank you so much for your patience. I'll try to update when I have time and maybe you all can provide some ideas for me? I would really appreciate it if you would. That is all I have to say and sorry for talking so long and not updating for awhile. I wish you all a safe and good day! Bye!

-Author (M)

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