07. You Are A Freaking Criminal

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          We stood in the lunchroom, looking around. Gideon was by my side, tray clutched in his hand tightly.

Camryn avoided eye contact with him, and I didn't blame her. But she did see me and beamed.

"Okay, so you need to pick a table," he tells me. "You can meet some people that way. Have friends."

"I don't want—"

"Spare me the speech," he says, sighing.

I roll my eyes.

"I didn't think you hung out with the scrawny boy," someone says from beside me.

I turn to see Aria smiling at me. "But, then again, you used to hang out with a freak like me, so..." she smirks.

Aria was a little bit weird when I was friends with her. She reminded me of that one girl in glass that you just think is going to kill everyone with her mind. Like in Carrie. But I liked how standoffish she was. How odd she was.

"I don't hang out with George, here." I point to his chest with my thumb.

"Gideon," he corrected, glaring at me.

"Perfect. Then you wouldn't mind hanging out with us," she tells me, jerking her head softly to the table where a girl (who I think was named Allison), two other girls, and two boys all sat together.

"That's not the best table," Gideon interrupts. "They get into a lot of trouble."

I raise an eyebrow at him. "You wanted me to make friends," I tell him innocently and I hook my elbow into Aria's. "Watch me."

He sets his jaw as I turn away from him and walk to the table.

She smacked one of the guys with long hair behind his head. He looked up at her and glared, but she smiled at him. "Samuel, be polite."

His eyes darted to me. Samuel nodded a hello to me, smiling a bit.

"You brought the greenie?" Samuel asks her, arching an eyebrow at Aria.

"You guys are all so boring," she complains. "I needed the old-new." She sat down and I sat beside her, taking in the table.

A girl with black hair, who looked like a total bad bitch, another girl with dark skin, the one who I'm pretty sure was Allison, Samuel with his tan skin and man bun, and then there was Landon Rowe. The schools playboy. I wanted to puke.

"Ah, so I've seen you've already heard of my dream boy of a brother by the expression on your face," the black haired bad bitch said, roughing up Landon's hair with her fingers. He glared at her, but looked back to me, eyes flickering. "I'm Valarie. And don't worry, my brother won't make a move on you."

He scoffs at her, slapping her hands away from his hair.

There were people of all groups at this table that I would have never thought would even be friends.

"I'm Allison," the one girl said, confirming my thoughts.

"Sorry, they're not as cool as me," Aria says, winking at me.

I snort, shaking me head. "I'm JJ."

Samuel turned his head to me. I was wedged between him and Aria and I was doing everything I could not to press my arm into his. "You're that fire chick?"

I set my jaw for a moment before nodding.

"Can't say I'm sad to see that school go."

"Why?" I ask. "What did you have against it?"

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