Chapter 1

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Click walked in as I was stepping out of the bathroom, a towel wrapped around my body.

Him: Lisa

Me: Click

In the intricate tapestry of my unconventional familial dynamics, the paternal thread bore a peculiar embroidery. He, a figure not wholly inclined towards the filial moniker of "dad," and I, an unassuming participant in this familial ballet, found a harmonious accord in the nuanced dance of our relationship.

The genesis of our connection traced back to a momentous episode, a daring escapade that unfurled my presence into his discerning gaze. A prodigious feat manifested when, at the tender age of twelve, I orchestrated the temporary cessation of the entire internet infrastructure in China—a stunt both audacious and calculated. The virtual canvas of the world became my stage, and the act, a symphony of keystrokes that reverberated across digital landscapes.

His attention, a coveted acknowledgment, became the unspoken reward for my techno-wizardry. The pursuit that followed, an attempt to decipher the enigma behind the digital maestro, catapulted me into the orbit of the man who would become a reluctant patriarch. The cryptic layers of my origin began to unravel through the encrypted tendrils of a message bequeathed by my elusive mother. Her voice, rendered in pixels and codes, became my guide in the labyrinth of connection.

Hacking, an art form cultivated in the crucible of my unconventional upbringing, found its roots not in formal tutelage but in the ethereal echoes of videos. Kaylin, the custodian of my adolescence and my mother's sister, assumed the role of a digital maestro's muse. The footage, a visual narrative curated by my departed mother, became the conduit through which the language of codes and algorithms whispered their secrets to me.

The tragic interlude of my mother's demise cast a shadow over the genesis of my familial saga. Kaylin's narrative posited that malevolent forces had claimed my mother's life, a storyline I absorbed but questioned in the recesses of my intuitive skepticism. The veracity of events, cloaked in uncertainty, became a compelling undercurrent in the formation of my connection with the man who traversed the chasm of estrangement to claim the title of my paternal figure.

The evolution of our relationship was not a linear trajectory but a labyrinthine journey, navigating the complex terrain of shared history and unspoken queries. The bridge we constructed, spanning the chasm of paternal unfamiliarity, solidified into a connection that transcended the binary of father and child.

In the realm of academia, where norms were defied, I emerged as a luminary—a gifted child whose coding prowess eclipsed the pedestrian curriculum of conventional schooling. The refrain "too cool for school" became a whimsical anthem, a testament to the divergence of my aptitude from the conventional corridors of learning.

Him: your aunt says she's been trying to call you

Me: yeah, I know.

Him: ok? why aren't you answering her calls then?

Me: because we had an argument, and she said some things

He took a seat, and I dragged my feet to sit next to him.

Him: about?

Me: her sister Kaitlyn. That woman is hiding something from me, and I don't know why

Him: it's probably for your own good. Remember what we had to do to keep you safe and out of harm's way?

Me: I know Click, but still. She's hiding something from me, and I'm going to find out what it is

Him: you won't let this go, huh?

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