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I was now 8 months pregnant with our first born. A lot had happened in the past 5 years, Ahlume has a 5 year old daughter named Sibulele Kayla Adams with Monalisa Noland my crazy doppelganger.
5 years ago if you had told me that I would be a 23 year old step mom expecting her first child married to a hybrid I would have probably told you to quit tripping or stop playing with me like that but here I am, 5 years later and madly in love with my hybrid and his daughter who had anger issues like her father.
That day Mona left, when my grandmother walked in and said it wasn’t over, I thought she was talking about Mona’s pregnancy but nope, she was talking about the whole doppelganger blood thingy. Mona brought her daughter to us to keep her safe because if word came out that Sibu is born of a vampire doppelganger and a hybrid then witches from all over would be looking for her and they’ve been looking for her.
Mom did a spell to cloak her and so far she’s been safe but I can’t help but worry that something might happen to her, last night I had this disturbing dream that they were trying to sacrifice her to bring Connie back and my baby is not the type that’s is unsettled unless he hears his father’s voice but ever since the dream he’s been playing soccer in my belly the whole day and I’m worried that something must have happened to Monalisa.
I have been trying to reach her since these past few days and nothing, she’s just went off the grid, I tried getting mom to do a locator spell on her and she couldn’t get anything.
I got up and packed my stuff waiting for Ahlume to tell me he was here, he was fetching me on his way back from work because I was lazy to drive my own car. I was working with Ashlene in the lab, she walked in as I was almost done
“you still here?” she said
I nodded “yeah Ahlume is on his way, had to fetch Kayla” I said packing a file in my bag
“and how’s the little one?” she asked touching my belly
“still unsettled but better than before” I said
“she just misses her dad” she said with a smile
“can he miss him elsewhere?” I said touching my belly
I was hoping for a boy seeing that we already had a daughter and Ash was hoping for a girl together with Ahlume
She laughed “you so cute. Listen, Cal and the others are in town for the weekend and they were thinking we chill…”
I chuckled “I’ll have to talk to my husband”
She groaned “I’m still asking myself why the hell you got married at 20”
I giggled “when you know, you know friend”
She rolled her eyes “or hubby just wanted to tap that already”
We both laughed
“even if he did, look at me now” I said taking off my lab coat. We both laughed again, my phone rang and it was him “he’s here”
“let’s go” she said helping me with my bags
We took my things and made our way to the car, he got out the minute he saw me. Ahlume was so loving you would swear I gave him some love potion together with its paper. He kissed my cheek and took my things from me and Ash
“how are you Ash?” he asked
She smiled “I’m good and how are you?”
“also good, thanks”
She put her arm over my shoulder “she’s my friend. Listen, the squad is in town for the weekend and we would like to chill like old times”
I looked at him trying to read his facial expression but it was blank
“no clubs!” he said with a straight face
She smiled “of cause.”
He nodded and so did Ash, we shared a brief hug and then he opened my door for me
“hello munchkin” I said brushing Sibu’s chin
She smiled “hi munchkin”
“how are you?”
“I’m fine munchkin and you?” she said playing with her hands
“I’m also good honey. How was school?” I asked
“It’s draining. I want to quit” she said sighing heavily
I turned to look at her shook, her dad laughed
“what happened in school?” Ahlume and I asked at the same time
“there’s a new teacher and I don’t think she likes me. Every time she’s asking something she always asks me” She said sulking making me laugh, she was too cute for words. I adored her as if she were mine.
“she probably likes you that’s why” Ahlume defended
She shook her head
“how is the little one?” he asked brushing my tummy
“he’s quiet for now” I said
I swear that was an invitation because he started moving. I looked at Ace
“what?” he asked holding back laughter
I rolled my eyes “your baby is up”
He chuckled and touched my belly but that didn’t help at all, I wanted to cry even
“I’m sorry” He kissed my cheek.
I rested my head on the seat while Sibu was chatting non-stop.

I named her Sibu because despite everything, I’m grateful she survived, I’m grateful she’s here and I’m grateful for having her in our lives. I’ve never seen my husband this content though at times he does get angry but it’s never that anger of his that would make him kill so thank God.

“Sweet Lips”  he said
“are you ok?” he asked placing his hand on my knee
I shrugged “I’ll be fine”
I couldn’t shake this bad feeling that something bad was going to happen, it really got to me that my baby was this unsettled and me brushing my tummy didn’t help with anything.
He put his hand on my tummy and brushed it “I don’t like seeing you like this” he said
“it’s ok Ace” I said
The radio somehow lost signal as we got close to our house, something that’s never happened before. I turned to him and he changed the station but nothing was playing on any radio station, it was just making noise. Sibu started crying
“mummy turn it off”
I turned to her and she had her feet curled up and her hands on her ears covered. Ace switched it off and stopped the car on the pavement outside our house but Sibu still wouldn’t stop crying. I got out and went to her
“mommy there’s someone screaming in my ear” she cried out in agony worrying me. I was now scared myself, I pulled her to me trying to calm her down but nothing
“Ahlume what’s going on?” I yelled
“I’ll call your mother now” he said
“mommy make her stop” she pleaded in tears
It pained that I couldn’t do anything to help my baby. I just held her tightly rocking us back and forth, Ahlume was outside probably talking to my mother. Just as we were sitting like that I started hearing some chanting I raised my head to look around and I couldn’t see my husband, the car doors locked themselves.
I shouted trying to open the door but it wouldn’t open.

God this could not be happening, this was the last thing we needed.

I said shouting for him again while trying to open the door but the doors wouldn’t open.
“honey look at me” I said cupping Sibu’s face. She looked at me “I need you to fetch mommy’s phone in her bag ok?”
“where?” she asked with a shaky voice
“in mommy’s seat” I said
She nodded and made her way between our seats
“mommy who is that?” she asked pointing in front
I peeked up and it was Taylor
“it’s no one baby, just hand me my phone ok” I said
She nodded, a while later she gave me my phone and I dialled mom’s number but I couldn’t hear anything, it sounded like a radio that had lost its signal and as if that couldn’t be worse it felt like the phone was burning my hand and so I threw it on the floor
“mommy I’m scared. Where’s daddy?” she asked holding back tears
“he went inside the house baby, he’s coming so…”
And just like that it was lights out for me

Fate Chose Me… Fate chose me for Ahlume, Fate chose me to be the doppelganger that tames a werewolf, Fate chose me to be a step mother to my doppelganger’s daughter and now I think Fate actually chose me to be the one that will die or to be the one that will carry a miracle baby so that Taylor could abduct me.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2020 ⏰

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