Chapter 17

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When we got back late around 8pm Ahlume spoke to the manager and the manager told him that they were short stuffed and couldn’t get anyone to attend to us but her; her is our house cleaner, there was some bad vibes I was getting from her and I needed Ahlume to talk to the manager about her so that we would get someone else instead. I won’t lie I wasn’t happy to hear that but what choice did we have? We walked into our room and it was as if there was something in it or someone. There was just this bad energy in the room, I turned to Ahlume and he was sweating heavily.
“Babe” I touched him and he looked at me with those eyes of his, with different colour pupils that had something like a flame in them. I stepped back really scared. “Ace” I whispered
He was breathing out heavily and that alone scared me. part of me wanted to pull him to my arms but I had never seen him like that before, yes last year he got pissed when we went to the mountain but he was never like this. he held onto the door as if he was about to fall. I pulled him to my arms and he collapsed, I sat down with his head on my lap.
I had no idea what to do with him and me panicking was not helping so I pulled my bag and took out my phone and dialled mom’s number while I was busy trying to wake him up but he wasn’t waking up instead he was just sweating and his eyes would roll back every now and then. Mom answered after a while
“mom” I said with my voice shaking
“Anelisa what’s wrong?” she asked calmly
“I don’t know what happened mom. he just started sweating and his eyes changed and he fell” I was speaking really fast and I was really scared for him
“Lisa I need you to calm down. breathe baby ok.” she said very calm
I looked at Ace and he was tossing and turning “mom I’m scared. I don’t want to lose him. we haven’t had any time” I said placing my hand on his burning cheek
“he is going to be fine. How are you? anything strange about the place you in?” she asked
I looked around but couldn’t see anything different in our room from when we left “ever since I met this girl I’ve been feeling a bad vibe and then when we walked in the room I felt this bad energy and when I turned to him he was sweating. Mom please do something” I begged
She took a deep breath “ok listen I need you to search around the room for something like a flower or a doll or anything out of the ordinary.”
“a flower?” I asked confused but looking around
“you will know it when you see it Lisa. You going to feel it” she said
I took off my jacket and placed his head on it. He bought us jackets at the mall before we went back. I didn’t drop the call, I made my way around the room looking for something out of the ordinary
“Lisa have you found it?” she asked panicking this time
“no mom not yet.” I said looking around
“you better find it soon honey before he wakes up baby” she said
I stopped in my tracks “what happens if he wakes up before I find it?”
“you don’t want to know” she said
She was on loud speaker as I looked around the room. I looked at him and he was tossing and turning
“Anelisa you better find that flower before he turns into a beast.” She said
“A beast?” I asked
“yes, Anelisa. That flower or whatever it is, it’s meant to untame him. it will make him angry and make him lose his temper on you”
“what do I do when I find it?” I asked holding what looked like a doll but was made up of dirty grass and it smelt terrible
“place it in water baby.” She said
I turned and Ahlume was getting up, he held his head as though it was painful
“Ace” I exclaimed
He looked at me like he was looking at a stranger, someone he had never seen before. He looked confused but he also looked angry with his furrowed eyebrows. I didn’t know what to make of his facial expression but all I knew was that this was war.
“Ahlume?” I said walking towards him
He walked towards me looking angry. His skin was suddenly pale and his eyes had a flame in them, I moved back scared because I could not recognise the man before me
“Anelisa you still there?” asked disturbing both of us
“mom I’ll call you later” I said dropping the call and placed my phone in my pocket stepping back
“who are you and what are we doing here?” he asked moving closer
“Ahlume it’s me. Anelisa Sweet Lips” I whispered with an uncertain smile. Looking at him he seemed confused and scared like he was a lost child. I walked closer because he didn’t need me afraid of me, he needed his Sweet Lips and not some scared little girl
“don’t come any closer” he warned but I didn’t listen to him
“you will never hurt me Ahlume.” I said confidently
He moved back “Anelisa is it?” he asked and I nodded “don’t come any closer to me else I’ll kill you” he said
I threw the doll on the floor and he held his head like he had just felt the most painful migraine ever. My phone wouldn’t stop ringing but I couldn’t answer it now. I was too close to breaking him.
I cupped his face and looked into his eyes which were teary “you will never hurt me Ahlume. I know you” he removed my hands but “don’t do this.” I pleaded and for a second I saw my Ace
He pushed me so hard I hit the wall with my back “Anelisa LEAVE!” he roared startling me
I stood up and it was then that I felt the pain on my back but I wasn’t shaken. I made my way to him and cupped his face “I’m not going anywhere Ahlume. You love and I love you!” I said with tears rolling down my cheeks
I was in physical pain but mostly emotional pain. Ahlume was not himself and ontop of that I got to feel his strength for the first time and it hurt like a MF*.
“you know me. I don’t know what’s happening with you but I know that my Ahlume is still in there. The man I love and adore is somewhere in there and no amount of dark magic will come between us” I said and I could see him soften up “don’t let your anger consume you. you not that person Ahlume.” I said trying to break through
I stood on my tiptoes and planted a kiss on his lips but he didn’t respond and so I stopped. I looked into his eyes and he looked into mine with tears rolling down his cheeks
“Sweet lips” his voice came out as a whisper
“Ace” my voice came out as a whisper too. he pulled me into his arms tightly while sniffing “you scared me” I finally managed to say in between sniffs
“I didn’t mean to. I don’t know what came over me” he said crushing me tightly
Everything mom once said about me taming the monster in Ahlume made sense. I was able to tame the wolf in him. I was amazed by the love we shared, the love I had for him which was enough to subsidize the anger in him. Yes, he was scary when he was angry but he needed me as much as I needed him. he was mine to save and only mine. He got out of my arms and went to sit on the couch and buried his face in his hands
“I am so sorry. I almost killed you Anelisa. I pushed you” he said with so much hurt and disappointment in his voice
I went to kneel in front of him and removed his hands from his face and made him look at me. his eyes were blood shot red, he was crying which made me cry myself
“I am so so sorry Anelisa. I didn’t mean to” he said with guilt in his eyes
“its ok Ahlume. You were not in your senses. Someone put something in our room which messed with your emotions” I said
He shook his head “that’s still no excuse Anelisa. I laid my hands on you after I promised to never hurt you” he said shaking his head
I said cupping his face but he removed my hands from it. “no. I hurt you Anelisa. There’s no excuse for hurting you and I will never forgive myself for it”
It broke my heart to see him punish himself like that. he was afraid of himself for me and that alone tore me apart. It pained me that he would do that to himself as if he had done it on purpose. He was even shaking.
“you need to rest, you tired” I said getting up
I couldn’t bare it; I couldn’t stand to watch him that vulnerable. I took the doll figure and went to put it in water as mom had instructed me. I sat down by the door and just buried my face in my hands.
Who could have done something like this and what were they hoping to achieve from it? I found myself in tears. Was his grandmother that evil that she would try to get her grandson to kill me? I didn’t even understand what sin I had committed for her to hate me the way she did. Was I not supposed to love him? if I could control the way I felt about him then I would have long ended things with him but I couldn’t. I loved him too damn much.
my phone rang disturbing me in my thoughts, I took it out and it was mom, we spoke for a while before I ended the call
I loved him and to see him surfer the way he was suffering was hurting me emotionally and physically. As long as I was alive Ahlume was never going to be normal. Yes, I could tame him but what happens when I can’t? What happens if another incident like this happens and even I can’t tame him? How could something so beautiful be so toxic? Our love was beautiful but it was toxic.
I walked out of the bathroom and he was standing on the other side of the door looking at me with bloodshot red eyes
“Sweet lips” He said with his voice breaking

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