Chapter 19

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“take these” she said placing herbs in a paper bag on my hand “drink these every morning with boiling water and they will make the headaches go away ok?” she said
I looked at her strangely “headaches?”
She nodded “yes, they drugged you a lot and these will help with the migraines” she said “your father is waiting for us”
I walked out to the lounge following behind her and there he was standing in the middle of lounge wearing a 3 piece Italian black suit. I looked at him and he smiled at me with teary eyes.
“oh my baby” he said pulling me into his arms
“she’s ok now, don’t worry” she said
He pulled out of the hug and cupped my face looking at me making sure I was still intact and then he let go of me and turned to her “how ever can I repay you?”
She smiled “make sure that you keep her safe. She’s special” she said
He nodded with a smile “of cause. As of now we never leave the country young lady” He said hitting my nose playfully.
They spoke some more and after a while we left. On the way I was quiet, I didn’t know what to say. Click was talking but he stopped when he noticed I wasn’t paying attention
“Mona are you ok?”
I nodded “yes, I’m fine” I said with a fake smile
He frowned “are you sure?”
“yes, I’m fine” I said touching my amulet.
“can I get us something to eat maybe?” he asked
I shrugged “anything is fine”
He nodded. With that we went stopped at Macdonald and he bought me a burger meal with chips and cream soda and then we drove home. He showed me to my room and then left me to shower. I stood in front of a mirror, I wasn’t happy at all. I was miserable, I was feeling a pain in my heart. It hurt that I was here. I could feel that I wasn’t going to enjoy my stay here but what choice did I have? What made no sense was how my heart could feel so heavy yet I was home safely. I figured maybe I should just take a nap
I woke up soaking wet from sweat. I looked around and I was in my room, it hadn’t changed at all, it was the way I had left if before I went to study in SA, God I don’t even know why I went to study there in the first place. Who would leave this place for SA? I had this dream where I was actually happy with a guy except I didn’t know who he was and he kept calling me Sweet Lips and I called him Ace. And then there was one where I was with a Kendra and a group of friends in a club, I seemed uncomfortable but I was happy and having fun. Nothing about what I dreamt off made any sense. What could the dreams even mean anyway? I woke up and went downstairs, it was already in the morning.
“morning dad.” I said hugging him
He chuckled “hey honey” he said breaking the hug
“aren’t you supposed to be at work?” I asked plugging in the kettle
He smiled “not today princess. I want to spend the day with you today” I walked over to him and I hugged him tightly and he responded tighter “glad to have you back princess”
“it’s good to be back dad. What’s for breakfast?” I said breaking out of his arms
“whatever you want to eat princess” he said sipping on his tea
I nodded and made my way to the cupboard and poured cereal in a bowl and then warmed up milk
“so I was thinking we go to New York tomorrow” he said
I was about to pour the herbs in my cup when the window just opened and blew the herbs in my spoon away. I looked at my cup and at the window
“that was strange. The forecast said nothing about it being windy today” he said closing the window “you ok?” he asked
I was so confused and there was just these memories in my head that I knew nothing about. I moved away from the window and went to stand by the sink and poured the herbs successfully this time
“yeah sure, New York” I said “wait, whats in New York?” I asked turning to him
He frowned “Aya and your siblings, remember”
“when did they move to New York?” I asked shook cause last time I checked they lived in Atlanta
“3 months back honey. They were complaining that ever since you moved to South Africa you no longer talk to them” he defended
Guilt washed over me, how could I not contact my own siblings? “ahh man, I’ll call them later today” I said sitting on the high chair opposite him
He let out a deep breath “yes, please do. I didn’t tell them about you being abducted, I didn’t want to scare them”
“of cause, I’m glad you didn’t because then they’d be worried none stop and that’s the last thing I need right now” I said
“how are you?” he asked placing his cup on its saucer
I nodded “I’m ok dad. With time I’ll be back to my normal self”
He smiled “exactly. That’s a nice amulet”
I touched it “oh yeah.” I looked at my amulet and smiled “thank you. I got it from a friend”
He shot me a look with a raised eyebrow “you mean a boyfriend?”
I chuckled “no, a good friend daddy”
He eyed me for a while and then went back to eating. I took my cereal and went to the lounge to watch TV. I was happy but something deep inside of me was missing, there was just this void that needed feeling. Maybe I just missed my siblings.
We were in New York and dad and his ex-wife had just walked out living me to sit and just keep busy by pressing my phone.
The voice sounded familiar but I couldn’t figure out who it could have belonged to. I looked up and the most gorgeous man I had ever seen was standing before me with a cup of coffee in his hand, he was dressed up nice and neatly. I looked at him with a raised eyebrow
“surely you haven’t forgotten me. I look just like your boyfriend, just hotter and cleaner” he said with a smile
I chuckled trying to think of the person he could have been talking about, he was charming and very cute but nothing about him sparked anything in me of some sort. If he did look like my boyfriend, then surely something in me should have sparked a memory or whatever but nothing happened.
I smiled politely “I’m sorry but I don’t know you”
He looked at me “it’s me. Ahlumile, Ahlume’s brother”
I looked at him still confused and shook my head “I am Monalisa Noland; you must have me mistaken for someone else”
He eyed me for a while before nodding “uhhm yeah, I probably am mistaken. I’m sorry for the misunderstanding”
I smiled “its ok, for the record I’m sure your brother must be just as charming as you are”
He chuckled “He’s actually the jerk, I don’t know why girls even like him”
I giggled “there must be something special about him that draw the ladies to him”
He raised an eyebrow “special? I doubt it, though he is better than me at everything”
I raised an eyebrow “so he’s an Ace”
He chuckled and so did I
“I should go” he said with a smile
“ok cool. Nice meeting you Mile” I said
“Mile?” he asked with a raised eyebrow accompanied by a smile
I chuckled “short for Ahlumile”
He nodded with a smile “nice meeting you too Monalisa Noland”
He kissed my forehead and then walked away. Suddenly I had this vision whereby I was sitting with two of him and I was sitting on top of a kitchen counter and the other him had tattoos on his body standing between my legs eating from my cereal bowl and he was making fun of Ahlumile and his girlfriend.
I looked around and Click was sitting opposite me “you just zoned out, you ok?” he asked concerned
I nodded “yeah, yeah I uhmm… I’m fine”
“I was saying we should go to the kid’s school now” he said
I nodded “ok dad.”
We both got up and went to his car. What happened back there?
While in New York, Aya got a call from home saying her mom was sick so Click said we should all leave with her, she needed the support.
Personally I think Click did it to get back with Aya.
He loved Aya but I feel like Aya was too blind to notice that or she noticed it but chose not to pay no mind to it. We got to South Africa and for a split second I had a number of memories coming in floods that I fell to the floor crying in pain holding my head. It was the worst kind of migraine I had ever had before.
When I woke up I was in bed sleeping, I was in a room I had never seen before.
“Lisa” two kids said jumping on my bed. They were the most adorable things ever. I looked at them confused waiting for them introduce themselves.
“I told you we shouldn’t wake her up Justice. Mom is going to shout at us” said the cute little girl
“but I missed her Mahle. How are you Lisa?” He asked pulling away from me with a big smile.
“I’m good, and how are you guys?” I answered with a smile
“Guys come on. You heard what mom said about waking the guest up” a girl probably my age walked in carrying a tray.
“but its Lisa” The little girl said.
Her sister looked up at me and the things in her hands fell to the floor. judging by the look on her face she knew me.
“Anelisa” She whispered walking towards the bed
“it’s Monalisa” I corrected
She shook her head “no, you’re Anelisa Sibeko my best friend from since matric” I looked at her with a raised eyebrow “Oh my God Ahlume won’t believe this! We have to call him” she said all excited or rather with so many mixed emotions
“Kendra! Yvette! Justice!” someone shouted their names
“in here mom” Kendra yelled
A woman looking like Kendra stood by the door
“mom its Lisa” Kendra said all happy
“no honey that’s Rodney’s daughter Monalisa” the mother corrected
Kendra shook her head “this is Anelisa mom, she’s a doppelganger”
I looked at Kendra.
Doppelganger? Those things don’t exist!
The mother chuckled sarcastically “yeah right honey. You guys need to go and shower so that we can go and visit Yaya”
“I’ll go later, I wanna show her around” Kendra said
The woman looked at her for a while before nodding. “better clean this mess up lady!”
She walked out and so did the little ones.

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