Chapter 6

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Things between Ahlume and I were great, we were almost inseparable like we were made for each other if such things exist. He would pick me up from school and take me when I was sleeping at my father’s house. Dad hadn’t met him yet but I had a feeling that he didn’t like him. Kendra and I were the best of friends and we were known for our academics around campus! Me being in her life was a blessing I guess.

I had just finished changing and he was taking me out, gran was cool with Ahlume but sometimes I didn’t want to be too comfortable with him in a way that’s going to be disrespectful and he understood and let me be. He was so loving and so understanding and everything I could ever ask for in boyfriend.

“so where are we eating and don’t tell me you don’t know sweet lips”

He’d been calling me that ever since he kissed me at Gateway and we’ve kissed again since then but we hadn’t had sex and he’s never initiated it, we did spend time indoors together but he didn’t try anything weird.

“Rocco Mama’s? I heard their food was nice” I suggested strapping on my seatbelt

“good choice sweet lips. Now let me taste those lips” he said. I found myself giggling, he was such a charmer. I planted a kiss on his lips but he deepened it making me wet almost instantly. I pulled out breathing heavily and so did he. He cleared his throat “Ahem”

I also cleared my throat “yeah…. Uhh”

“look what you did to me child!” He said pointing at his D with his eyes. I giggled softly “you so adorable you know that?” he added. He leaned over, I closed my eyes expecting a kiss only to feel my hair hanging loose on my shoulders and him chucking “your lips are sweet and all but I’m afraid if I kiss you again I won’t be able to stop myself from having sex with you right here right now”

I flushed with embarrassment. Ahlume Adams was too open for me, I was a shy person and some topics including sex topics made me cringe, but he didn’t care about me cringing at the sound of him talking about sex so openly. He would just tell me to deal with it because we old enough. or so he believed

“how come you don’t let your hair hang loose?” he said tucking hair behind my ear “I mean when its hanging loose you just look like a sex goddess with those charming eyes of yours”

I shrugged my shoulders blushing like a kid “I don’t know; I hate how it gets in the way when I’m busy” and it was true, it was long, silky and had a tendency of getting in the way when I was doing something so to refrain it from disturbing me I always kept it tied up in a neat bun and I guess I just got used to that

He smiled at me showing his perfectly white teeth “well I enjoy tucking it behind your ear. It gives me a chance to touch your beautiful face and kiss those lips” I covered my face with my hands and he kissed me all over my hands making me giggle “don’t deny me that pretty face sweet lips”

“stop it” I said in between the giggles. he started tickling me making me laugh really hard, I was pleading for him to stop and my hair was all over my face, I was trying to stop him with my tiny hands. We hadn’t left home yet

He was laughing at me as he stopped “and there she is looking gorgeous as always”

I flushed. He just said things effortlessly with that corky charming smile of his doing things to me. I think I was in love with him

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