Chapter 18

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It was a few days after Ahlume graduation and things between us were good after all the arguments we had about me applying for a student exchange and he was not so happy about it so I was forced to reject the acceptance, not because of him but because of my mother and everyone else thinking it was a bad idea.
I went out with my friends and they got drunk, I didn’t touch alcohol because of my boyfriend. Phila tried and gave up. We were going out one last time before writing our exams. The club was lit thou, we got home and Amina our house mate was with her friend in the lounge chatting up a storm. I was shocked because Amina barely brought friends over and there was something about her friend’s voice that sounded familiar but I paid no mind cause I was too drained. I went straight to bed after calling Ahlume.
I was woken up by someone blowing some smoke into my face, I opened my eyes and I saw a face I didn’t not recognise and my hands were tied up behind me.
“finally! I was beginning to think you dead. I’m Taylor Heather” the lady crouching before me said
“what’s going on? How long was I out?” I asked trying to pull my hands but I was only cutting my wrists with the rope
“3 days’ tops.” She said getting up. I kept quiet. She was busy looking at me strangely “you look just like her, everything about you… Well except the hair, yours is longer than hers” she said turning the other way
“what do you want from me?” I asked
“well you my dear, are the key to turning my nephews into what they were intended to be” she said
“you won’t get away with this” I said
“you think your witch of a mother will save you?” She chuckled “oh honey that’s sad even for you. Your mother is not strong enough. and your vampire father doesn’t feed so it makes him weak” She looked at me with pity “you see with my mother in the same town as your mother, she was able to tap into your mother’s magic and make her weak.” I looked at my amulet “that won’t save you” she said proudly
“what do you want from me?” she said again
“I already told you. to make Ahlume and Ahlumile hybrids” she said crushing something
“so you want to kill me?”
She shook her head “no. you’ll find out when mother returns.”
“everyone is already looking for me” I said proudly
She laughed “oh you poor thing. You’re a doppelganger.” I looked at her confused and she smiled “your doppelganger is there so that they don’t look for you”
I chuckled “Ahlume will know”
“even if he does. He’ll fall into our trap. Time for you to go back to sleep now you’re annoying me” she said blowing smoke into my face and like that I was out
I woke up and this time around I woke up to Ahlume’s grandmother’s face, Connie.
“you’re awake” she said breathing out “great to see you again”
“why wont you let me go” I said
She took a deep breath and let it out “you see at first I thought you were just a normal doppelganger until I found out who your grandmother was” I looked at her confused
What was she talking about?
“you see a doppelganger born of a witch means you hold more power than I had imagined” she said turning to me
I frowned “what are you talking about?”
She looked at me squinting her eyes “you don’t know do you?” she asked and I shook my head “your grandmother was the greatest witch to ever live, she was the leader of the coven until her husband died”
I shook my head “my grandmother is not a witch”
She chuckled “oh but she is. How do you think your mother is this powerful witch she is?” I shrugged my shoulders “A witch is not created, its born and witch births another witch which would make the child that you would carry the most strongest child to ever live” she said giving that evil laugh
I shook my head still a little confused “my grandmother is not a witch neither am I”
She shook her head “you have been living a lie all these years. When I learnt of who your family was I knew I had hit the jackpot and I had to have you” she said proudly “your mother tried to hide you but she couldn’t hide you forever, not when her own mother cursed her not to unlock her full magic” she said
Nothing about what she was saying made any sense
“I’m not a witch”
She took a deep breath “you cant be a witch and a doppelganger but that doesn’t mean you don’t have magic flowing through you but it seems like someone got to your magic first before I could”
She clicked her finger and I felt a strong electric wave of memories come back. From when I was still a kid, I remembered sitting with my grandmother in a very tacky room with me holding my teddybear. She told me to repeat after her and I saw my teddybear glowing and she explained it to me by telling me that my magic was stored in the teddybear and I wouldn’t be able to use it but it was stored for my mother when she needs it in future or I could use it only if no other doppelganger existed but me. Clearly I was too young to understand and seemingly she supressed that memory because I never remembered me having any kind of magic in me.
“do you see Lisa, you are a witch. The first doppelganger witch to ever exist and if you and Ahlume made a baby then that baby would be the first hybrid witch which would make him or her the strongest supernatural to ever exist” she said turning back to her table
“but Ahlume and I have never had sex and he wont have sex with me” I said
She chuckled “you see all I need is for Ahlume to kill your doppelganger which in turn will trigger the werewolf gene that will turn them into hybrids”
I looked at her confused “but you need a vampire for a werewolf to turn into a hybrid”
She shook her head “not when their father is already a hybrid”
“but why should Monalisa die?” I asked
“so that we only have one doppelganger in existence and if she dies then it will make my power stronger. You see Ahlume is the angry twin and my magic is anchored on his anger, the more he stays angry the more power I gain and through his anger he will kill a doppelganger which will mean he will never be tamed again because now the only thing taming him is the fact that theres two doppelgangers” she explained
I had never been so confused in my life. Nothing about what she was saying made sense to me.
“I can tell you confused even more. Two doppelgangers makes my magic weak but if one of you could die by the hands of Ahlume then it would make my magic stronger than it is now. his anger alone is not enough, I need him untameable for me to achieve what I want to achieve” she said
I looked at her “and what is it that you want to achieve?”
She took a deep breath and smiled “to bring my husband back to life ofcause. You see your grandmother placed a curse on him to stay a werewolf forever” she said
I looked at her and shook my head “hes not a werewolf anymore” I said
She looked at me and chuckled “yeah right”
“no hes human. I don’t know how or when it happened but Ahlume had a run in with him last year and he still sees him every now and then. He’s human now” I said
She shook her head “no. I don’t believe you”
“I don’t know how it happened, maybe when Lisa and I were abducted the spell or whatever ritual was being performed may have freed him from the curse. Ahlume told me that he apparently turned human on my birthday which was the same day Lisa and I were supposed to be sacrificed. You have to believe me” I begged
She looked at me almost like she was considering what I was saying. She walked over to me and blew smoke into my face and like that I was out.
I stayed there for days, I didn’t even know what day it was but I had lost all hope of being found, even my amulet served to be useless because if it did work then Nelly would have found me already. I was miserable to say the least.
No amount of begging and pleading was enough to make her leave me alone. She kept me locked up and fed. I could barely remember anything about my life, I think she was spiking my food. I had memories I don’t even remember having been through. I knew people I didn’t even remember meeting, apparently I was Monalisa even though I didn’t feel like I was her but I was her, in my mind I was Monalisa and I could barely remember my life as Anelisa. She walked into the room “you’re awake” I didn’t respond she smiled “don’t worry, your father will be here in a few hours to fetch you. so let’s go over this again. What’s your name?”
“where are you from?” she asked
“At the moment I reside in LA but originally I am from Miami but I grew up in China with my mother whom I thought was my aunt” I said
She smiled “good. Who is your father?”
“Rodney Click Noland, the world’s greatest hacker” I said
Her smile grew wider “great! How old are you?”
“I’m 17 this year”
“last question. What happened to you?” she asked
I looked at her confused. I had no memory of how I had landed up in here with her
“I found you, you were kidnapped and you escaped from a group of people that were trying to sell you off back when you were in South Africa” she said but I had no memory of what she was telling me “ok that’s enough. you need to save your strength”
I just nodded. With that she handed me an iPhone. I looked at it and was not so clueless but it was not my phone or at least I don’t remember having it as a phone. I looked at the amulet around my neck and it sparked something in me like I had some kind of connection to it. it seemed special to me or atleast that’s what it felt like
“you need to take that thing off” she said pointing at the amulet
I frowned “why?”
“because it’s going to mess with your mental state. Hand it over” she said with her hand held open
I shook my head “please don’t take it away from me” I said feeling some kind of emotion from it
“I have to! it’s the only way” she demanded pulling it from my neck
“please just let me keep the necklace, I promise you it won’t mess with anything. I swear” I begged but she threw it on the floor as though it had burnt her or something
She looked at me with doubt and then looked at the amulet, she picked up but it was like she couldn’t touch it at all
“whats going on?” I asked
“this thing burnt me. pick it up” she yelled
I picked it up and wore it around my neck again and it didn’t do anything to me like she had said. It felt good to have it around my neck. In my head I had these memories of my life with Click and I also had memories of my life with Nelly or rather a woman named that and a girl named Kendra but I had no idea who they were.

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