A Unexpected Visit From my Father

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-Percy's POV-
When Kronos left complaining about not getting any screams in pain or misery, I saw something in the corner of my eye, there was a man there, leaning against the wall, he had black hair with little white dots in them,a perfect face that could attract anyone, perfect teeth, then his eyes, they we're complete black except for little... universes in them? He had an aura of perfect order, like he could say one word and everyone would follow his command in an orderly fashion with no room for error.
Then he spoke,"Finally that fool left, now I can talk to you alone." he started to walk up to me and Nico, I started to tense ready for another fun torturing time."Relax I swear on the Styx that I won't hurt you or Nico." He said soothingly, I relaxed a little bit, but I was still on guard, then I asked him in a horse voice since I haven't drank water in the past millennia "Who are you, and what do you want with us?" His answer was "We'll, the first answer to your first question is that I am Order, brother of my younger sister Chaos, creator of many universes blah blah blah, also your real father, the second answer to your second question is, for you and your brother is I have come to give you a deal, and bring you home with me also you are the prince of this universe." Nico and I just looked at him than fainted "Oh boy that was probably very big shock to them..."
-3 hours later-
I slowly woke up from my little nap and saw someone sitting on a chair waiting for me to get up. I then I sighed, "So that wasn't a dream. Then my "father" replied "Nope" with a pop on the P then he snapped his fingers and my restraints were gone as well as Nico's, who was still knocked out. I fell to my knees because my legs were so weak from not standing on them in a millennia. " No, way you can't be my father, my so called father disowned me and left me for dust." I spat, Order spoke again " No you are my son, I just had to wipe your mind and put the mist over Posideon so he thought you were his son, same with Hades." "Then how did I only have power over water?" I said in a defiant tone, Then he answered me "I locked away you true power so they wouldn't figure it out, and only allowed you to use your water powers. I also had to wipe you and Nico's minds because if they searched your minds they would find all your memories of me and helping me restore order to other planets, if I sent you there without doing all these precautions they would find out about you and everyone would try to kill you, even your past loved one, then they would die by Kronos or Gaia," he said simply then continued " I saw that they were rising so I sent you here to defeat them." "Wait, since now I want to destroy them, why not of let the Titans or Gaia do it then let me destroy them after they are weakened?" I asked "wouldn't that be a lot simpler?" Then he replied by saying " I sent you to defeat them because I thought that the Olympians would rule better if they won, but now I realized my mistake, they are still hungry for power, and will destroy innocent people to get that power." They have been given to many chances but they always let that chance go." " So let's do a recap, you, Order, is my father, Nico's my brother, full blooded and everything, and I am the prince of this universe. "Check, check, and check, you nailed it right on the dot." he said happily, "Well can I have a chair in going to faint again." then I fainted.

Percy Jackson and the son of OrderWhere stories live. Discover now