Omega Team

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Dun Dun Dunnn!!!!!! I am back ready to take on the hardest challenge of all!!!

Actually on second thought I'm not...

Please don't kill me... (Hides in dark corner)

Percy: "Get you lazy ass back to the computer or it's going to be even worse!"

Me: Ok ok... just I'm seriously sorry about not updating but I should be able to update more often since it is summer and stuff so... onto Percy!

Percy: Finally, I haven't said this in a while... (takes deep breath) PJO and HOO characters all belong to Rick Riordian, Chewy only owns this plot! Now back to you bro!

Me:Now on with the story!

Percy's POV:

I pulled my hood up still blushing like a madman that's drunk, but I pulled my thoughts away from Chaos and as I felt the long distance teleporter activate I wondered how should I get in? I already knew who my second in command was going to be and all the other members but should I just run up to them and say, "Hey it's Percy the one who was exiled, now lets go back to my new home and you can be a warrior!

But then I formulated a plan.

3rd person POV

Nico De'Andelo was in the Fields of Punishment thinking about how he got so close to being free. But he made a very simple, stupid, at right fucktard, mistake, when Percy and himself were about to be teleported out, he looked at Order when he turned into his true form, well, his body got completely annihilated. Even for an immortal, if you look at a primordials true form you die.

You would think he wouldn't make this mistake for being around the Gods and all, but no, the Fates just love to see him get so close but then just drag him back before he could reach freedom.

His father, Hades found him dead and was completely shocked on how he died. When questioned he would just say that 'Kronos has his ways.' and would leave it like that.

But the Fields of Punishment is paradise compared to Tartarus so he at least is getting better treatment.

The worst part here though is learning that time passes differently in Tartarus than in the real world, so it has only been 100 years here while in Tartarus it was a lot longer he can't even remember how long.

He was currently in the Think Tank where you are forced to think about things until you are close to being insane but than it stops, but that was an easy punishment, I liked to think, and hoped that Percy could get himself out of here soon.

"Nico?" Speak of the Devil, and he shall come.

"Percy?" I croaked out in my strained voice, it was very hard to talk while thinking at the same time.

I looked up at the glass and saw Percy just crashing through it.

That's when the alarms went off.

"Fuck!" Percy yelled, he forgot that he needed to be sneaky, he could just here his father mentally sigh.

"Idiot." I said clearly now, I was able to speak now because when the glass broke all the gas that makes you think flew out.

"Shut up, I'm getting you out of here now, and don't worry about me, ok, I'm going in guns blazing!" He then proceeded to twist a golden ring and pure black and gold armor shimmered onto his body.

"Just stay still the teleporter is taking you now." Percy yelled over the alarms, "Wait, Percy! You can't possibly beat Hades army, it's more than a billion!" I yelled back "Trust me! I am a lot stronger than the Asshole and his army!"

I then felt a tingling around me and suddenly everything turned white as I disappeared.

-Percy's POV- ten minutes before meeting Nico-

Ok here was my plan, turn on cloaking device, go into Fields of Punishment, look for Luke Castellan (Tell me if I spelled that wrong) teleport him back home, go to Elysium, get Bianca, Zoe (Zoe chose to go to Elysium instead of staying in the sky), Beckendorf, Selina, Will Solace, and then, teleport all of them out, beat the crap out of Hades, and finally teleport to get Calypso of of her Island and take her back.

And maybe do make some chaos...

So I started towards the Fields of Punishment with my Active Camo on, looking at the various tortures, through what I've been through this was a holiday.

One torture caught my eye though, it had a boy who looked around 19, and was vaguely familiar, suddenly it clicked.

Nico not seen since the teleportation with Order, Primordials! How was I so stupid! He looked at Order, that retard, you can't blame Order for this really, it was all on Nico.

"Nico?" I said through the glass,

"Percy?" He said, I didn't even think, I slammed through the glass and then the alarms started blazing, "Fuck!" Was the only sensible thing I could say that would conclude how much I screwed up.

"Idiot" I heard him say,"Shut up, I'm getting you out of here now, and don't worry about me, ok, I'm going in guns blazing!" I replied back to yelling to him over the noise, I then proceeded to twist my ring preparing for the coming battle.

"Just stay still the teleporter is taking you now." I told him, "Wait, Percy! You can't possibly beat Hades army, it's more than a billion!" Nico yelled back at me "Trust me! I am a lot stronger than the Asshole and his army!" Was my reply, then in a flash of bright light he was gone.

Well when something goes wrong you know what I say.

Fuck the plan and improvise.

I then twisted my other ring and in a white light my sword appeared and even though it was supposed to be a two hand sword, I welded it like a twig with one hand. In times like this a thanked the Torture Training.

I saw thousands of dead soldiers pilling into the room.

Well here goes nothing, I let out a thunderous battle roar/cry that made the dead even wet their pants, and charged straight at the pissing army.


Dun, Dun, Dunnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!!

I know you hate me for the cliff hanger but hopefully nothing bad comes up and I will update soon, and not lie to you about it. But thanks for reading, comment, and all that good stuff and I'll talk to you next time



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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2015 ⏰

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