My Place

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Hey guys sorry for not updating i just had to come up with some ideas for this book! Like i said, im so sorry it just took a while. Bu i am back with some more! And ill update soon!



-Percy's POV-

'Uggh, I fanally finished doing that horrifying,grueling, training/torture.' I thought barly making it to my bed before collapsing in exaughstion.

It had been two weeks since i started the training but i knw i was so much stronger than before i could lift a 300 pound weight 100 times, i had also added onto the training. I had added on doing squats, lunges, and rows. My body got a slightly more muscled due to the training, i had a 8 pack now that seemed to be sculpted out of marble, with strong arms, but i wasnt looking like a body builder, more like a swimmer. I was thankful for that, because i didnt want to look like that asshole Hercules.

I just layed there, spread like an eagle across my bed. I was super, physicaly exaughsted, but my mind wasnt. I was actully wide awake for some reason. My body was like 'Go to sleep i need rest!' then my mind was like 'NO, i am not tired we need to do something!' I listened to my body.

I just crawled into bed and let exaughstion cover me, hopeing to go to sleep, but my mind was stubborn. I decided that i wasnt going to go to sleep for quite a while. i grabbed a cup that was on my bedside table and poured it over me. At helped a tiny bit with my aching body.

I slowly started to sit up in bed dispite the groans and achs my body caused. Once i was fully sitting up i slowly stood up, completly focosed on my task. 'Ok' i told my self 'one, two, three!' i stood up, my legs were burning in exaughtion, just wanting to sit back down, but i had equal firey ditermination.

I decided to go to the pool and heal up, i was fully concintrated on walking, i had my tounge slightly sticking out of the side of my mouth, 'once foot in front of the other.' i thought to myself I was making good progress, i seccessfully went ten feet down the hall, only about ten feet to the pool. 'Come on allmost there!' i opened the door to the indoor pool. No one was there, actully, i havent seen anyone except order around, i havent even asked where i was! 'wow, i am great at not asking obvious questions.' i told myself as i finally made it to the edge of the pool on shaking legs. I dint even bother to take my clothes off. I just fell in, not jumped, fell. When i hit the water i instantly felt better, but not that better, i meen better than before so that meant, i could atully walk normaly, i couldnt run or even jog but i could walk.

I just sat at the bottom of the 16 foot deep pool. Thinking about how crazy my life is. I then thought about where i was. I had only been to three places, My bed room, the training room and the pool. i had not seen one person yet except my father. I found that i little creepy, I guess ill ask Order where is everyone next time i see him. He had said he would be back soon, he told me that he had buisness to deal with but he'll be back soon.

The pool i was sitting in was about 50 feet long, 16 feet deep in the deepest end, and 4 feet at the shallowest end. It was 30 feet wide, and at the deep end there was a diving board about 4 feet off the water.

My room was a master bedroom, with a king size bed. Simple enough.

And the training room was actually a giant indoor arena, it was 150 feet in diameter, so if your in the middle it would be 75 feet to the wall on all sides. On one wall there was any type of weapon you could think of and all of them had perfect weight and balance for you, and they also adjusted to your size, the metal that they used was, Order Gold, it looked like gold but hadpeices of white in them, it was even stronger than Chaos silver, but super rare, if you looked on a planet about he size of jupiter, you would only find a sliver of it. No one knew about this mineral except Me, Order, and Chaos. She though, angered that her type of metal was worse than his tried to find and destroy all of them she could find. But it was so strong she couldnt even destroy it. there for she hid it. Order found a stash of it and melted it to craft these weopons. Only he can destroy or melt Order Gold because he had found it first. He still has quite a few bars of the gold though.

Anyway back to the present.

I was still sitting at the bottom of the pool when i heard the door open. Yes, remember i have special attubutes in water, one of those is being able to hear everything like he was outside ofswimming up to the top he saw his father smiling at him, like he had just acheived somthing amazing. Knowing him he had something planned.

'Father, what are you planning?" i asked him slowly and cautiously "Ohh... nothing much... except maybe a little present for all thos birthdays i missed." i perked up at that "What is it?" i asked eagerly "Fine I will tell you and you will be super happy. Lets consider it a present that will make up for all of them. It will make you happy and it will be very usefull to me as well but you will have to train in the art of stealth if you want to do this." He said mestiriously i groaned " Trust me you will be cring in thank you's once i say this." "What is it!" i yelled in desperation, he took a deep breath "You will be able to assemble a team of your choice, anyone. Including the dead. If they are dead they will be brought back to life and given partial immortality like you. They will stay here with you. Remember yoy can choose anyone." He smiled i just hung to the side of the pool. Than I got a huge smile.

I knew the people i wanted to choose.


Hey guys sorry i havent upgated in a while but like i said earlier i need to come up with ideas so yeah. Thanks for reading! I will update soon!


Percy Jackson and the son of OrderWhere stories live. Discover now