~~Sarah's POV. ~~
(Girl in the photo)The burn of a familiar gaze hitting my back distracts me from stacking the new releases on the bookshelf, I quickly turn my head immediately being met with James's soft gaze. You could say James and I are friends... BestFriends to be exact with extra perks; We like to have some harmless fun from time to time. He's an ex-boyfriend who ended up becoming my best friend and I'm comfortable with him, so it makes things kind of easy. His signature Jet black hair is what lured me in, not so much the height or the tattoos, not even the bad boy aura that follows him... Well maybe those were part of it but his hair, was the darkest hair I've ever seen and I needed to know what a boy with that dark of hair was like.
"Sarah?" My boss Justin snaps his fingers in front of my face, effectively snapping me back to reality "Yes, sir?" He shakes his head with a deep sigh "What do you see in that boy?" I blink a few times in confusion before realizing who he's talking about "Umm he's my best friend." Justin's ice-cold glare grounds me but not enough for my eyes not to roam down his burly physique. Justin has the looks of a fucking sinner and could have any woman on her knees for him in seconds but unfortunately, he's also an uptight asshole most of the time.
"I see. Well, see to it that these books get put away." he murmurs motioning towards the cart full of books next to me "Yes sir." A devil's smirk plays against his lips as he makes his way back to his office. May be an asshole but he's an asshole with a cute ass. A tap on my shoulder startles me bringing up a small squeal; quickly turn around to find the culprit only to find a chuckling James standing behind me. "You scared me, dumbass!" I whisper yell playfully swatting at his chest. His hands find their way to my hips lightly pushing me up against the bookcase with a sinful smile spreading across his face. " Well, I did try to get your attention but you were too busy gawking at your boss to notice." His voice is playful but a hint of sternness follows. With a playful roll of my eyes and the best fuck me eyes I can muster up I lift my arms bringing them around his neck. "Finally going to give me my kiss goodbye?" he whispers lightly brushing his lips against mine stirring the butterflies in my stomach. "Yes Sir." I murmur before bringing my lips to his, his hand travels up to the nape of my neck deepening the kiss "Sarah." Justin snaps."Yes, Mr. Wright?" I murmur taking a step to the side creating some distance between James and me. " I want to talk to you after these books are put up and your boyfriend is gone." I nod with a light sigh watching as he storms off to his office "Dick." I mumble, making James burst into a fit of laughter. "I just wanted one kiss, and you got all handsy." He jokes bringing heat up to my cheeks "Liar!" I groan in annoyance earning another deep chuckle.
"I'll see you at home and be a good girl and eat something before you pass out from starvation." He says quickly pecking my lips before heading out. James and I have lived together for a few years now and since we both took college classes in high school we managed to finish college early. I'm only 21 and James is 22 but he inherited businesses from his family setting him up for life as for me I went to cosmetology school, and even graduated at the top of my glass but I don't see myself working as a cosmetologist at this point, one I need to build clientele and two I'd still need a full-time job on the side to keep up with bills until I take off. James owns a wide spread of businesses but the ones he oversees are KFC, Denny's, and McDonald's making it pretty awesome when you have late-night munchies.
I finish putting the books on the shelf, straighten myself up, and begin to mentally prepare myself for the ass whopping I'm about to receive. I grudgingly walk up to Justin's office lightly knocking on the door. "Come in" he calls from the other side, I go in taking a seat across from him. Justin may only be 23, but acts more like a 30-year-old businessman most of the time. His cold glare sets on me forming a warmth in the pit of my stomach "So James is your boyfriend, not your best friend?" I feel the Confusion plaster onto my face "Um well no, see, he's my best friend. we just ya know... We..." I trail off hoping he would get the picture. "I see." Someone's curious."Then let me show you what a real man can do for you Sarah, let me take you out." My eyes bulge in surprise, this has to be some sick joke. "James is a real man but.. I'll take that date anyways. " I murmur crossing my arms over my chest. The end of his lips quirk up in amusement "Good. I'll pick you up tonight at 8 and since it's 7:00 pm you should get home." he chuckles as my eyes widened. I scatter around a bit, trying to collect myself before giving him a soft wave "See you at 8 Mr. Wright."
---- at home after my shower----
After rummaging through my closet for what seemed like an eternity I decided to call for reinforcements "JAMES!" I yell, making him speed slide into the room "What-" he stops for a moment taking in my appearance and therefore lack of clothing "Damn.. to what do I owe the pleasure of seeing you in a towel? " I roll my eyes, shooting him a playful smile."Pick out something you'd want me to wear out with you." I put on mascara, eyeliner, and winged eyeliner as fast as humanly possible.. with only two small mental breakdowns regarding my winged eyeliner. "Here." he says handing me my outfit " And why did I do that?" I change into the Lacy black thong with the matching bra, torn black skinny jeans, a crimson red crop top, and a black leather jacket to go over it. "I'm going out with Justin."
James freezes. "Why?" I shrug, " He asked." The doorbell rings, making me jump a bit."Holly shit he's here." I murmur before taking off downstairs to open the door revealing Justin in a black suit and red tie with his hand out for me to take. "Bye, James," I yell, shutting the door behind me as I walk towards a limo with Justin.... can he really afford something like this by just owning a bookstore? I take a deep breath in an attempt to calm my nerves before climbing in. "You look beautiful." Justin smiles as he climbs in next to me,m bringing a tinge of a blush up to my cheeks "Thank you, so do you." My eyes widen with embarrassment earning his deep chuckle. "Thank you, Sarah, but please relax. I promise I don't bite." The ghost of a playful smile shadows his lip.
--- after dinner.
Justin takes me home after dinner, the night wasn't awkward at all even though I was a little nervous and a little clumsy causing me to drop my glass of wine on myself during dinner but Justin ended up helping me clean myself up. I couldn't help but let my mind wander while he dabbed my body with the cloth napkins attempting to dry me off. when we get up the porch steps we stand outside the door in sweet silence for a moment. "I wanna take you out again. Maybe this weekend if you're free." I smile wide with a nod "Okay, sure." He leans in planting a soft kiss against my cheek lighting my blood on fire."Good night, Sarah." he whispers "Good night, sir." I breathe as he walks off towards his limo. Once he's off I head inside wasting no time running straight for my room. I shut the door behind me, stripped down to my bra and panties, and lay flat against my cool comforter. James slowly makes his way in, sliding into bed behind me. "Hey beautiful, how'd it go?" his arms snake around my waist as I yawn, barely keeping my eyes open."It went great. He's great and wants to see me again next weekend." I say sleepily." Im glad it went well." his hand travels over to the top of my panties."Not tonight, handsome. I'm way too sleepy for all your crazy antics." he chuckles, placing a gentle kiss against my temple. "Okay, princess, get some rest. I'll be here if you need me." With that, I fell fast asleep in his arms.

BDSM With My Boss
RomanceJustin owns his own bookstore and just so happens to be a lonely Dom searching for an obedient kitten but when he mixes buisness and pleasure together things become blurred and secrets from the past begin to surface faster than he could have ever im...