~~Justin's POV~~
Sitting there in shock at what Sarah just told me I take a deep breath as James comes down and looks at me with an ice-cold glare. "What did I tell you?!" He barks getting in my face "I said if you wanted her you'd have to keep her! She's not like that!" I smirk "Hit me I dar-" I was cut off by a blow to my jaw. I get up and punch him back, he tackles me on the couch, and I punch him in the nose earning a blow to the eye. "James!" Sarah shouts and he immediately stops just for her. "Sarah, are you okay?" He goes over to her and wraps his arms around her. "Mine" I growl at James making him shake his head. "No, she's not." "I am," Sarah whispers and both James and I are shocked. "What?" James looks at her.
"I'm his." She looks down "Come here kitten." She slowly makes her way over to me getting down on all fours to crawl to me " I've been a bad girl." she whispers low as she gets closer to me; I nod and pet her. James walks over to us and sits on the couch "Sarah I'm so sorry." He looks at her and she scoots closer to me "It's okay... This is what I want, I'm his kitten and that's how I like it." She whispers sitting by my feet. "James" I look at him and he at me as I whisper his name "She's become a submissive overnight. I have barely trained her."
---- 7:45 pm
We've all been sitting in the living room watching tv and relaxing. My kitten has fallen asleep by my feet since she didn't want to get up, she found comfort where she was.
I hear a knock at the door and James gets up to get it. "Vanessa?" I hear James I snap my head towards the door almost giving myself whiplash only to see my ex-kitten standing there looking as beautiful as ever. "Hi James, hi Justin." I wave not saying a word in an attempt to keep Sarah asleep through the ordeal but she begins to slowly lift herself "Huh?" She rubs her eyes crawling onto my lap without hesitation. "James who's at the door?" I run my fingers through Sarah's hair as Vanessa along with James come and sit by us."New kitten?" She asks causing Sarah to stiffen. "Hi, I'm Vanessa." She looks at Sarah, Sarah looks at me and I nod giving her permission to speak to her. "I'm Sarah." She nods "Nice master huh?" Sarah's eyes go wide "Um yea." I try to pull her close to me but she seems so uncomfortable so I don't want to push it.
"I'm sleepy... I'm going to bed." Sarah rises and kisses my cheek, hugs James, then looks at Vanessa "It was nice meeting you." She goes upstairs slowly shutting her door behind her"She seems cool." I nod "She is." "So when do I take her place?" "You don't," I state matter-factly. "But-" I cut Vanessa off "no." She nods. "Yes sir." She gets quiet "Can I kiss you one last time?" I sigh "Okay but fast." James shoots me a disapproving look "Don't look at me like that you know she won't stop unless she gets what she wants. Vanessa smiles nodding her head before connecting our lips and wrapping her arms around my neck. "Justin?" Sarah yelps and I pull away "Baby it's not-" She shakes her head and puts her hand up for me to stop. "I can't." She whispers.
She shakes her head lightly as she slides off a bracelet I gifted to her a while back leaving it on the bottom step "I have to go... I quit by the way" she mumbles as she goes back upstairs but quickly returns wearing dark blue skinny jeans and a black leather jacket; She walks out of the house not saying a word. I shoot James a look "Get Vanessa the fuck out of here." I run outside "Kitten! Kitten! Sarah!" I yell but she quickly turns the street corner so she's out of sight before I can catch up to her.
Sarah's POV.
You know... I thought I liked him... I thought he was different... I thought that these relationships were supposed to be different, I walk until I see Dustin's house. He's one of James and I's mutual friends, he's always been supportive and has always helped us with life lessons when we needed them. I knock on the door waiting for a moment before he answers but his smile quickly turns into a frown once he sees my face "Hey what's wrong?" I shrug "Just kind of got cheated on." "Come in." Dustin also works at the bookshop with me just on different days since there's only one of us needed at a time, We even dated at one point and he was an amazing lover/ boyfriend but we decided just to be friends.
When I walk in I sit on the couch, Dustin joins me shortly after sitting next to me. "Justin?" I slowly nod "yea." He sighs "You quit?" I nod "Okay well you can stay here as long as you want but you'll have to face the music sooner or later" I smile giving him a friendly kiss on the cheek "Thank you."
--12:00 am
I'm sleeping in bed with Dustin when I hear a knock at the door startling me awake, I groan turning over and lightly shaking him "Nooo" he groans "I'm naked." I whisper and He shoots up making me giggle "kidding. Someone is knocking." He sighs "So mean." I giggle again watching as he walks to the front door, I decide on following him to see who it could be at this hour. All I have on is my bra and panties along with one of Dustin's shirts since he's already seen me naked and I hate sleeping with a lot of clothes on. He opens the door revealing a smirking James but when he comes in he's not alone with Justin following close behind making me feel a lump in my throat. "Dude no not Justin. I'm sorry you may be my boss but out." Justin shakes his head "Let me talk to her." Dustin goes over to me and whispers "If you don't want to talk to him you don't have to. I'll be in the bedroom so if you need me just holler." I nod giving him a small kiss on the cheek.
"You know I'm the one who usually helps when you need it." James pipes; I shrug in response "But you were enjoying Vanessa I saw you staring and I didn't want to be the girl who interrupted. " Vanessa was beautiful in a different way.. a way that I could never be and Justin seemed to like her too. A tear rolls down my cheek but I quickly wipe it away while shaking my head. "What do you guys want?" "To talk to you." I walk over to the kitchen and begin making coffee. "Talk" they nod "Well one Im always here for you and I mean always." James said "Okay" I mumble not believing it."Vanessa kissed me." Justin came close to me but I stepped back creating space between us. "Look I'm not your kitten anymore so please leave me alone. That whole she kissed me thing just isn't it for me." He attempts to pull me into him but I push back "Please" I whisper barely auditable with a cracked voice. They no longer protest and decide on leaving me for the night thankfully, I slide back into bed with Dustin "MMM you smell like coffee" I give him a light smile "Yeah it's ready for tomorrow morning since I couldn't handle talking to them tonight." he nods knowingly "Get some rest love. " with that I drift off.

BDSM With My Boss
RomanceJustin owns his own bookstore and just so happens to be a lonely Dom searching for an obedient kitten but when he mixes buisness and pleasure together things become blurred and secrets from the past begin to surface faster than he could have ever im...