11. Im...

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~~~ 1 Week Later

I still can't bring myself to take the test, my period is late but they're irregular so how am I supposed to know for sure? Dustin has been coming over every day to check on me but I still haven't told him about this little issue...I still haven't spoken to Justin or James and I'm not sure if I ever will. I started working at a club called Animal shortly after I quit the shop and to my surprise, Justin gave me an amazing recommendation so now I'm a bartender, I have work tomorrow night but as for tonight, I'm all for some drinks and a nice night in. Dustin walks in with the drinks and pizza making me smile "Thank you" "Anytime." I kiss his cheek as he climbs into bed with me.

Time flies as we munch and watch a few episodes of Family Guy, at around 11 I decide on getting some sleep, and I begin cleaning up all of the snacks and putting them all back on the table and in the mini-fridge. " Hey, Sarah.." Dustin trails off for a moment " Do you think that maybe you and I could ever try again?" I hear the hesitation in his voice, I think for a moment about the last few months "Yes I do but I don't know if I could right at this moment you know?" he slowly nods "So.. then I guess kissing you is out of the picture?" a goofy smile plays on his lips "Well maybe not completely." his smile widens as we lean closer as our lips brush against each other there's a knock at the door; we pull apart and for a moment I'm hit with relief. I get up and go to the door but the peephole is just a little too high for me so I'm not able to see out of it. "Who is it?" I yell "Justin." I froze staring at the door in shock "Please open up."

I shake my head and put my hand over my stomach. "No." I whisper "Please Sarah I'll do anything." I slowly go and open the door revealing a well-dressed Justin "What?" I snap earning a deep sigh in return "Please talk to me." I shake my head "Talk to Vanessa" "give me a chance baby, please. You're the only one I want." I shake my head and back up looking over to give him the signal to stand by me, he realizes what I'm asking and is next to me almost instantly "What's he doing here?" Justin spat, Dustin wraps his arm around my waist in a protective way. "I'm here to help her." I nod playing with my thumbs; I'm so damn nervous but why when I've done nothing wrong? "Are you two a thing?" "No" "Yes" Dustin and I speak in unison"Well which is it Yes or no?" Justin snaps.

I shake my head "No" I say with a light digh "I see well then can I speak to Sarah alone?" Dustin kisses my head "I'll be outside if you need me." I grab his hand "Wait" Dustin turns to me and I lean in kissing him on the cheek."We can talk later." I lightly smile at him, he nods as he gives me one last look before walking off. Justin walks deeper into the room and looks around. "Small but nice " I sigh pinching the bridge of noise before hearing the sound of the bed "May I sit?" I nod.

"Why didn't you tell James or me where you were?" I shrug and look down "Answer me." He snaps "I didn't want to talk to you... You both... You both should just stay away from me." I hear his slight gasp, my gaze finally meeting his burning glare. "We have been a wreck without you, the store has been closed, no one will talk to us, and we are just lost without you."I sigh and lay on the bed, I look over at Justin who is looking at the ground. "Why won't you look at me now?" I whisper just as he grabs a hold of something just out of view until he turns to face me. I go wide-eyed seeing the little pink test in his hands. "Are you..." He trails off but I shrug. "Take it please." I slowly nod, take it from him, and go into the bathroom to take it.

5 minutes later

I walk out staring at the test in hand before quickly looking up to meet his gaze "Well?" "Im...

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