10. Scare...

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A/N:It's always gonna be in Sarah's POV unless told otherwise.


Waking up next to Dustin was nice; he has always been so protective and understanding so after last night... I could use a sweet amazing friend like him to lift my spirits and since I'm not usually friends with girls the guys are all I have."Hey gorgeous." Dustin grumbles, I smile lightly at him "Hi handsome." I love his dark brown hair, tan skin, green eyes, and toned body. I mean... I love his personality too but he's something smooth to look at if you know what I mean. Dustin is about 6"2 and since I'm only 5"5 I look up to him literally."Staring isn't nice" Dustin smirks and I roll my eyes "Shut it dusty" I giggle at his annoyed groans "I hate that nickname." "Yea yea" I get up, put on my jeans, and jacket, and grab my shirt."Want me to drive you home?" I nod "Mmhmm" Dustin gets up, gets dressed, and puts on sweats with a sweater.

We walk to the car and get in when he's all ready.

---at home

I live about ten minutes away from Dustin by car but it's about a twenty-minute walk or run depending on the pace. When we get there I take a deep breath trying to ease my nerves, Dustin leans over giving me a friendly kiss on the cheek "Want me to walk you to the door?" I shake my head "I got this" I shoot him a reassuring look "Thank you for everything." He nods "Anytime." I walk to the door and for a moment I'm stuck on the porch, im not sure if I even want to go it or if I even want to see James especially since he saw what was happening and did nothing about it. I sigh knowing I need to change and freshen up, I quietly unlock the door and step into the house.

to my surprise, I see Justin and Vanessa on the couch causing the lump in my throat to return but I don't make a sound in hopes to avoid this whole situation again; I quietly go upstairs to my room where James is sleeping in my bed. "James!" I whisper yell as I slowly shut the door. "Huh?" He mumbles and shoots up with a wide smile "Sahara" I lightly wave before He gets up, runs over to me, hugs me, and picks me up. "James!" I squeal failing on trying to be stealthy and angry at James "Do you finally forgive me? will you finally talk to me? I'm so sorry about what happened." The door slams open and reveals a half-naked Justin and Vanessa.

James puts me down and I wrap my arms around his waist from the side. "Sarah?" I shrug "yea" I'm trying to act as calmly as possible."Can we talk?" I scoff "no. Now can you get out?" I hiss and he is taken back."Awww Vanessa you look so nice in your bra and panties I'll have to come see your show sometime." She blinks startled earning a fit of laughter from James. "Oh shit Sarah!" James falls to the floor laughing making me feel good about my comeback; I smile wide at him. "Sarah" Justin growls, I glare at him in return. "I'm out of the contract; have her be your kitten because I can't be with a cheater."

I go over to James and tug on his hand. "Hmmm?" He's finally stopped laughing and is now looking at me. "Sarah" I smile "yea?" "Will you go on a date with me?" my smile widens "Yes." James looks at me a bit surprised but I return the look with confusion. "You just accepted a date in front of your ex dominate." I slowly nod and look over at Justin who is fuming."Sarah get over here now we are gonna talk." Justin says through gritted teeth "Fine we can talk but not for long."He grabs my hand and takes me downstairs to the couch. "Listen Sarah." Justin sighs as I plop down next to him "I do care about you... It's just I've never had anything serious." I nod "Did you and Vanessa..." I trail off and he slowly nods.

I get up, sit on the other couch, and put my hand up. "Stay there." He nods "It's just you left and I thought you were gonna have sex with Dustin so..." I shake my head" Please don't go out with James." I scoff earning an ice-cold glare "You wanted sex and you got it." A tear runs down my cheek but I quickly wipe it away. "I'll see you around Justin." my heart shatters in my chest but I do my best to ignore the sting from the jagged edges, When I read up on bdsm it said your dominate will take care of you, guide you, teach you to be a better you, and make you feel safe but right now I feel none of those things so why should I stay? why should I put myself through the feeling of distrust and insecurity?

I get up ready to walk away "Wait" Justin stops me but I keep my gaze set in front of me "I love you, Sarah, I just don't know how to show it correctly." I nod " I know." just in time to catch Vanessa leading James into his room; Jesus this girl gets more ass than a toilet seat. I decide on leaving for the night to avoid any more confrontation, frankly, I don't think I could handle any more telenovela moments; I walk into my room and begin packing an overnight bag that'll last me a few days. "Hey, Sarah do you...what are you doing?" James asks strolling into the room as if nothing had happened "Leaving for the night" "What?..why?" "Everyone seems to like Vanessa you know? I mean I know the whole date thing was just something to piss off your brother but honestly, you could've at least waited before getting in bed with the chick." " The date wasn't a joke Sarah, Im sorry about what you saw but honestly I thought you were going to talk it out with Justin and call it off anyways but at least now I know you never really thought it was a date to begin with so it doesn't even matter. " "If it was a real date and you told me that then I would've come up here and told you that Justin and I are through and that I would love to go on a date with you."

I grab a bag, the keys, go downstairs, walk out the door, get into the car, and start driving around. I stop at a gas station, go in, and head straight for the snack aisle; as I'm browsing, I notice that there's a small section for medications, condoms, tampons, and pregnancy tests... Im late...my stomach turns at the forbidden thought flashing across my mind. I hesitantly reach for the test lightly shaking with anxiety, my hunger escapes me so I decide to pay and head to the Hampton Inn for the night.

---at the Hotel.

When I get to the hotel I decide on getting a nice king-sized bed for myself to help me relax, once I check in I take the key and my things and begin heading down the wide hallway leading to the elevator. My elevator ride came to a halt on the fifth floor, I walk down the hall to my room and take my things in. Once the door shuts I run flattening myself on the fluffy comforter; I grab my phone out of my purse to check for messages since the Hampton Inn was pretty far it took me few ways to get here and I know that none of the boys would be able to track me down out here so it's the perfect hiding spot.

I look at my phone flashing six missed calls, fourteen texts, and, a bunch of missed face times.

James da bae💞: please call me.. let us talk about this
James da bae💞: If you just give me some time I can explain everything. You know I have feelings for you, please talk to me.

He blew up my phone. I roll my eyes letting out a sigh as I toss my phone on the bed; my eyes peer over to the gas station bag making the familiar pit in my stomach form. I don't want to take this. "fuuuuckkkkk" I groan sliding myself under the comforters to hide; I'll take it tomorrow morning maybe....


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