18. Mistake

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Waking up the next morning I feel the effects of my drinking last night, I groan plopping back down  "Go to bed" I hear a mumble and I turn my attention to the person next to me. Please be Justin please be Justin I murmur as I pull the covers off his head realizing it's James. I gasp looking under the covers, I'm naked!  I put my hand to my forehead. No no no no. I shake my head "James" I shake him "Noooo" he groans not wanting to budge so  I push him off the bed. "Wha-huh?" He stands up fast looking more than happy to see me  "What happened last night?" He grabs the sheets wrapping it around his waist. 

"I was singing to you and we drank some more and then... I don't remember" I hear my phone, I look down the screen flashing bright making me squint at the name across the screen... Shit! I pick up as calmly as possible. 

(M for me J for Justin)

M: hello?
J: good morning, I'm on my way princess so be ready I have a surprise for you. 
M: yes daddy

I feel my heart race as I run to the bathroom with the phone between my ear and shoulder as I start the water.

J: how'd you sleep
M: good. I um... Daddy I gotta go take a shower.
J: okay kitten enjoy your shower, I should be there by the time you get out. 

He hangs up and so do I as I hurriedly jump in the shower and try to move as fast as possible, after my shower I run back to my room and get dressed. I put on a black and red bra and the matching thong along with blue ripped skinny jeans, and a low-cut blue t-shirt. I hear the door meaning Justin is here, I sigh deeply staring at myself in the mirror with disapproval. I let my hair air dry and quickly apply mascara and eyeliner before running downstairs to meet Justin. 

"Hi kitten" Justin smiles wide as I try to catch my breath. "Hi, Daddy" I purr once I've recovered. He wraps his arms around my waist and slowly kisses down my neck but stops. "What's this?" He pulls away. "A hickey?" He barks. "From James?" I try to get out of his grip but it tightens "Yes" I squeak out. He lets go of me, walks out, and drives off. "Sarah?" James grabs my hand but I snatch it away "he found out." "But it was an accident; We were drunk." "Accident or not it was a mistake..."

Justin's POV.

She slept with him... I never thought I'd have to worry about her sleeping with anyone but me, I pull up to my house and walk in slamming the door behind me and startling Austin. "Woah you alright there boss?" I send a sinister glare towards him making him cower.  "This about your girl?" I smirk "She's not my girl. She's nothing but my play toy." After a while of sulking, I decided to head back to Sarah's place to confront both her and James about the bullshit they pulled. 

~~ At Sarah's House~~

I slowly walk up to the door taking deep breaths in hopes of calming my anger, I knock on the door harder than I intended; the door opens revealing a puffy and red-eyed Sarah "Are you mad?" She whispers "No." I lie walking past her once she lets me in "Wait before you punish me... Calm down I don't wanna have to use a safe word" What she says catches me off guard. She walks over to me and touches my cheek "Hey" she whispers " it was an accident. We were drunk. It was a mistake" I feel it... That low feeling, the feeling of being betrayed, the feeling of being cheated and lied to.

I step away from her "I'm the only one you're supposed to be with. You cheated. You broke all of my trust and that is what this relationship is based on." I can't do this. She's not just a play toy anymore. I love her. But she cheated. Drunk or not she made a mistake. One I don't like and I'll never be able to forget. " you've made mistakes too. Multiple if I may remind you." She snaps through tears  "You were the best kitten I've ever had" I whisper barely audible and I hear her gasp "What?" She looks at me with pleading eyes "Let's just go back to how things were, I'm just James's brother" I walk out not wanting to look back at her in fear that ill go running right back. 

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