Chapter 3

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The marriage was a fucking disaster. He was now chasing that bastard of a groom. Why the hell did he not take Shinobu as his wife? Why did he say no? Does he think that his relationship with Shinobu was a fucking joke? Was his affection towards her a lie all along?

He doesn't remember what had happend in detail, all he remembers is that the bastard had said no when he was asked if he took Shinobu as his wife and ran away, leaving Shinobu in tears. Seeing her in tears had caused him to snap as he was now chasing after that son of a bitc-

His trail of thought was put into a halt as he purposefully pounced on the man, causing the both of them to land on the ground beneath them rather harshly.

"You bastard!" he shouted angrily after he had stood up, "Why did you say no?! What are your intentions?!"

Said person stood up and started to wipe the corner of his lips while laughing maniacally.

'This bastar-'

"I didn't know you swung that way, Giyuu."

Hearing his given name come out from his mouth made him feel extremely disgusted. How the hell does he know my name? He wanted to vomit right then and there but he managed to compose himself. Do not show weakness infront of this bastard.

"Don't you fucking dare say my name. Just what are your intentions huh?! You proposed to her then you got bored and decided to just throw her away after that? Do you think she's fucking toy or something!?"

The man raises his brow at him before he lets out a sigh. "Look buddy. It was a bet between my friends and I. We betted on rather or not I could make her walk up the altar while wearing a wedding dress." he explained in a cocky manner. "And so, I won the bet. Thank god, hundred-thousand yen here I come!" he cheered.

Giyuu was startled. He couldn't believe it, all that for a bet? He's a dumbass. Couldn't he just ask her to do a fake one together with him instead? Did he seriously just date her for two years just for a bet? Whatever it is, he's fucking dumb. Very dumb.

Suddenly, the man stopped cheering and smirked uglily at him.

"Ah... I wish I could've fuck her, but she was constantly denying it, saying that she only wanted to do it during our wedding night. Pfft, little does she know she'll never get one now." he started laughing once again. How the hell was that even funny?

"Plus, it's not my fault your pretty little onee-san fell for it. She's the one who came to me and allowed me to toy with her."

His mind went blank after that.


He didn't know how long it had been since he started to beat the man to pulp mercilessly. He didn't know and yet he didn't care, this bastard deserves it after all he had done. Playing with Shinobu's feelings for the past two years. Two. Fucking. Years.

"Don't. You. Fucking. Dare. Show. Your. Face. To. Either. Me. Or. Shinobu. Ever. Again." he said word by word each time his fists landed on the man's face.

His fists were bloody. It was filled with the bastard's blood. He was getting tired, but he refuses to stop. This bastard has to pay. How dare he play with her feelings.

He notices that the man was losing consciousness, good. He deserves it. As he was about to land one more punch that would've cause him to faint, he felt something- or someone grabbing onto his wrist.

He didn't even bother to turn to look, he was just trying to breakfree the tighthold. One more. Just one more. "Let go of me!" he shouted.

"Giyuu stop it!" Tomioka-san, it's fine, calm down.

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