Chapter 7

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A woman had ran towards an unconcious body while repeatedly shouting her name, trying to get her to regain her consciousness.

No... No, no, no her condition is getting worse.

Is there really no cure?

The woman had wiped the blood off of the unconcious person's lip before carrying her towards the living room to lay her on the couch.

Staring at the unconcious person with a sad expression, tears had started flowing down her cheeks rapidly. She needed to do something. There has to be a cure. There's no way that there isn't a cure for her disease.

Wiping her tears away, she took out a piece of paper from her pocket before picking her phone up from the table to dial the number which was displayed on the piece of paper.

Her heart had began to beat rapidly once she had heard someone greeting her from the otherside of the line.

"Hello Hashibira Aoba-san... this is Kochou Kanae. Are you up for a collaboration?"


"Are you alright?"

Those were the first words she had heard Giyuu uttered when she had came out of the hospital.

"Im fine." she replied tiredly while stopping right infront of him before letting out a big yawn.

He frowned, "Don't lie to me, you look pale."

She inwardly curses. She had forgotten to apply makeup right after her shift.

She took a deep breath before giving him her infamous fake smile which she used whenever she had to deal with stubborn patients. As well as a hundred years ago.

"I'm fine, really."

"Shinobu, you kno-"

"I said I'm fine!" she lashed out at him angrily.

It went silent after that. She quickly covered her mouth in shock due to her sudden outburst of emotions.

Is this part of 'it'?

"Im sorry." she apologized truthfully while staring at the ground beneath her, wanting to avoid eye contact with him at all costs.

"Right..." Giyuu replied awkwardly before letting out a series of fake coughs to ease the awkwardness. "Do you mind if I take you somewhere first?" he pointed to the camera which was hanging loosely around his neck, "Need to do my job you know?"

She looked back up at him before she had began to giggle lightly. "It's fine." she replied in agreement, "Show me the way captain." she saluted jokingly.

Her sudden moodswings are rather...

Giyuu made a face of displeasure and shook his head before he had began to walk towards the destanation with Shinobu trailing not too far behind him silently.

"Hey." Shinobu broke the silence after a while and ran to walk beside him, though not before slapping his behind. "How long will it take to get there?"

Giyuu grumbled while rubbing his behind angrily. "It's not that far, a minute more I guess." he turned to glare at her, "You shouldn't do that to people who are older than you, you know?"

"Oh? But you're younger than me now Giyuu-kun." she teased, purposefully adding the suffix at the end.

"Didn't I tell you to stop calling me Giyuu-kun?"

She looked at him with a raised brow, "Do I look like I car-"

"We're here." he interrupted.

She turned her head to look straight ahead and her eyes widened. The scenery was absolutely stunning.

She doesn't really know what it is but there was a pond in the middle of the area, as well as a bridge right above the pond itself, the other side of the bridge had led towards the other side of the city.

Giyuu pointed at the bridge, "Lets go there." he said while walking towards the bridge and turning his camera on, "I'd like to take a picture of that pond right there."

'Seriously?' Shinobu deadpanned at his reasoning. Would people actually be interested in that? Not that she was complaining though.

She walked towards the bridge as well and stopped right beside him. Though, not before sneezing and shivering as a sudden gust of wind had rushed past them.

She felt extremely cold.

Giyuu looked at her with a raised brow, "You cold? Good. Suffer."

This son of a b-

"Hey Giyuu, give me your jacket."

"What? No."

Shinobu felt a vein popping out of her forehead immediately after hearing his reply, without further ado, she forcefully stripped his jacket off of him and wrapped it around herself.

"You purposefully let me do that right?"

Giyuu hummed in agreement with a slight smile and began to take pictures of the pond infront of them.

Shinobu sighs tiredly as she leaned on the bridge's railing while resting her head on her arms. She surveyed her surroundings, looking around for something that she could look at which would entertain her. Oh, there were ducks coming out from under the bridge.

She was having fun looking at the ducks, until her insides had started acting up which had caused her to begin coughing violently.

"Hey, are you okay?" Giyuu asked with concern laced in his tone as he immediately stopped taking pictures once he had heard her coughing violently.

"Is there something going on with you that you're not telling me about?"

She couldn't tell him. She just couldn't. She didn't want him to feel upset. She doesn't want him to know that she'll be departing anytime soon due to some unknown disease which had struck her years ago.

It's better this way... Right?

"Im fine." she replied while using her free hand to wave him off, the other covering her mouth.

She forcefully swallowed down the blood which had threatened to come out of her throat after her coughing fit had ended. With a smile, she turned to face him once again.

"So?" he awaited for her answer to his other question which she had thought he would hopefully forget about after her coughing fit had ended.

She shook her head in disagreement while letting out a small sound of disapproval. "Im offended that you'd think I won't tell you anything about my health." she said in a tone which feigned hurt.

I'm sorry, I'm lying.

"Shinobu, are you sure you're fine? We promised to not keep things in right?"

Right. But I have to keep this in, I'm sorry.

"Yes, I'm fine Giyuu, just continue on with what you were doing." she waved him off and leaned back onto the railing with a smile.

Somethings not right with her. He had thought as he had continued to take pictures with his eyebrows furrowed in concentration.


A/N: I'm extremely sorry for the late update. I'm sorry if this chapter had come out sloppy or rushed. But, this is one of those chapters where I kept deleting every single thing and rewrite it all over again. The results however, turned out to be trash. Again, I apologize. I also dont really have the motivation to write as much anymore. I will, however, try my best to not discontinue this story.

Other than that, the quality and quantity of this fic really do be going downhill though.

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