Love Love LOVE!!!!

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Star:Hey!! We're at the water park taking a little break with the dares!

Yuki:*shows up in a swimsuit* Not so really!

Star:Yuki!! What are you doing here?

Yuki:Duh! A dare for the entire guild!

Star:Ok! Fire away!

Yuki:First one is that I dare everyone to slide the Love Love Slide with a partner! Oh and I Brought my brother Zereft with me!

Zereft:*walks in*

Natsu:Oi Lucy? Want to be my partner?




Gajeel:Hey Shrimp! Wanna be my partner?


Zereft:M-Mavis! Long time! Wanna be my partner?

Mavis:Ya! *blushes*

Sting:Yo Rose!

Rose:*turns around to face Sting* yeah?

Sting:Wanna be my partner?

Rose: yeah!

Mira:RoSti RoSti RoSti!!

Romeo:Hey Wendy!

Wendy:Yeah Romeo!

Romeo:Wanna be my partner?


Star:Everyone have a partner?

Rogue,Yuki and Wyt:No!

Star:Then one of you can partner up with Rogue!

Wyt:You can have him! I'm goin to the pool! *walks away*

Yuki:L-looks like we're partners then?


Zereft:*pulls Rogue away and whispers to him* Hurt her or else you'll die!

Rogue:*gulps* Y-yes sir! *walks back*

Star:Everyone READY!?!?!

*everyone goes on the slide, one by one they went down*

~Sting and Rose's turn~

Sting:*feeling sick* I think I'm ganna Throw UP!! *starts hugging Rose hard*

Rose:*Blushing*Sting don't throw up please!! Hold it in!!

Star:*Camera flash* Instagram!! *takes a picture of Sting hugging Rose on the slide.

~Yuki and Rogue~

Yuki: Rogue your motion sickness!

Rogue:CRAP!!*hugs her*

Star:*camera flash!!*

~Wendy and Romeo~

Romeo and Wendy:WEEEEEEE!!

Romeo:*hugs and blushes*

~Mavis and Zereft~

Mavis:I don't know why but I'm scared of heights!

Zereft:*hugs her*


Wyt:Hey why don't you join in?

Star:Sorry! Bit loved to but I don't have a partner!

Wyt:You do now! *pushes Star to the slide with a random person*

Star:Wyt!!*looks at the person she pushed her with* Ren?!? What are you doing here?

Ren:Long story!

Wyt:*Camera flash* going on my Instagram! *starts chuclking*

~after everyone rode on the slide~

Rose,Lucy,Levy,Yuki,Mira:Sting,Natsu,Gajeel,Rogue and Laxus are you guys ok?

Lucy:Before things get uglier lets move on to the next dare!

Yuki:Ok! I dare Nastu and Gray to be in love for 3 CHAPTERS!!

Gray:Flame Brain?

Natsu:Ice Pervert?


Natsu:I love you Gray-sama!

Gray:I love you more!

Wyt:*walks over* Ok before things get weird..., Bye?


~Time Skip (only 2 minutes)~

*the water park was destroyed*

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