I regret nothing...

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Wyt:Sorry about the last chapters title! *swaetdrops*
Star:Yeah! So used to spelling shut, she put shut instead of shout! *sweatdrops*
Wyt/Star/Rose:I REGRET NOTHING!!!!
Rose:*sweatdrops* We get it!... Now we have Yuki!
Yuki:I dare everyone to mess with Edo-Rogue and Rogue *takes out permanent marker and writes "I'm a sexy emo!" And "I'm the king of dragons"* I really need to get a hobby *turns into a cat and snuggles in between them* if they squish me I wanna say I regret nothing!
Keysha:on it! 😀 Yuki and Rouge sitting on a tree K.I.S.S.I.N.G! *giggling* Sorry I just had too!
Yuki:Keysha I'm going to *tackles her*
Keysha:Yuki I want me to live!~ *try to get Yuki off*
Yuki:NEVER *transforms into huge dragon* Keysha
Keysha:Yuki ;-;......I'm dead! *trust to run*
Yuki:Take it back! *ready to choke Keysha*
Keysha:NEVER! *still trying to get Yuki off*
Wyt/Rose/Jessie/Sting:*laughing like there's no tomorrow*
Everyone else:*dumbfounded*
Sting:Keep doing this I'm enjoying it!! *still laughing with the others*
Yuki:*teleports Keysha to hell and demon chase her* Take it back Keysha
Keysha:NEVER! *now running away from demon*
Yuki:*chase her with a huge sword* Take it back *swings at her while demons chase her*
Keysha:NO *use magic to run faster*
Yuki:*use her magic to make her run faster too* Yes *has dragon chasing Keysha*
Keysha: ;~; No! *still running*
Yuki:Yes *still chasing her* wait *teleports Kesha to the underworld*now *starts chasing her again*
Keysha:Never been here or have I? No no no no *starts to run again*
Yuki:Yes you have and you will stay here *tackles her and ties her up in magic cancelation rope* Now *puts her in a dungeon* ^.^ l feel better now Keysha
Keysha:Yuki let me out and I will not stop ! ;~;
Yuki:Nope I won't let you out *stuff cake in Keysha mouth* I think I and going to use the next dungeon for Rogue and Edo-Rogue when they wake up ^.^
Keysha:*eating cake* Cake ^-^ -_-
Yuki:What just happened here? *walks away*hope you enjoy it here *goes to the next dungeon prepares for Rogue and Edo-Rogue*
Wyt:No clue...but I enjoyed it! You just made my chapter for me! ^.^ *runs away*
Yuki:Come back here your joining Keysha there! *chases Wyt*
Keysha:Yuki it was because *thinking* never mind and why am I still in the dungeon? Run Wyt run!
Wyt:NEVER!! *turns into light*
Yuki:*turn into light too* come back and because you won't take it back Keysha!
Wyt:Never! *Still light* *goes to Keysha and unties her and runs away from Yuki*
Keysha: True I want to take it back!
Wyt:Yay! No more running! Thank you Keysha!
Keysha:Wyt and Yuki gata run *starts to run again* Still not taking it back!
Wyt:Dumn you Keysha! *starts running*
Keysha:What did I do?
Yuki:Come back *tackles them. And ties them both together and throws them to the dungeon* be good or no food today ^.^ now to prepare twin Rogue dungeon
Rose:What's going on? *runs away from Yuki,Keysha and Wyt*
Keysha:*gloomy*Awww....no food means no cake....
Yuki:*Tackles Rose to and ties her up* another catch *throws her with Keysha and Wyt*
Keysha:Me too! Hey Rose...*thinking* Rose do you have any food with you....?~
Yuki:-_-*takes out guns* people are going to die tonight
Wyt:Look it's Natsu. NATSU FREE US!!
Yuki:-_-' How would someone have food now never mind *teleports them to the worst place then the Underworld*Welcome Rose,Keysha,Wyt
Keysha: ;~; .........mommmmy......at lease I can still go to cake heaven....
Wyt:Are we in the home of the demons?.....Torturous?
Yuki:I'll never let you go to cake heaven...*cancels everyone's magic* now you can't get out of here *disappears* only way out is if Keysha takes it bakck
Keysha:Fiine....just because I want food.....but I will take it this time,but not the next one......maybe.
Yuki:I won't let you out anyways *goes to dragon world*
Keysha: Wyt I want to live,Yuki I knew it TT^TT
Wyt:My sister would revive you Keysha.
Keysha:Oku, then I'm ok dieing.
Sting:*at earth* *Still laughing like there's no tomorrow*
Everyone else:*stares at him dumbfounded*

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