Triple The Torture

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Star:Hey everyone!! Let's get moving on with the school dares!!

Yuki:Rogue I dare you to dump paint on Professor. Guildarts!

Rogue:I'm dead...

Yuki:Get to it!*takes out paint,gives Rogue the paint and moves him to the scene*

Rogue:*pours the paint on Professor. Guildarts then walks away*

Guildarts:*pissed* What did you just do to me kid! *pulling at Rogue's color*

Rogue:I hate you Yuki! *crying streams of tears*

Guildarts:*throws Rogue out the window*

Yuki:Next one. I dare all of you to tickle Aquarius.

Lucy:Are you sure about that?


Lucy:Ok.... C'mon everyone!!! To coach Aquarius!! *runs to Aquarius*

Aquarius:Get back!!*gets a hose and blasted everyone*

Natsu:That was a fail.

Yuki:Now for Lucy.

Lucy:I have a bad feeling about this...

Yuki:I dare you to kiss Sting in the lips!!

Lucy:There's no way I'm doing that!!

Yuki:Sorry dares a dare!

Sting:*walks in* Oi!! What ya all talking bout?

Lucy:*walks up to him* I'm sorry about this *kisses him in the lips and runs away* *Not looking and kisses Natsu in the lips*


Wyt:Some ones too exited.

Star:See Ya all!!

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