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overdose on frustration

Walking into Melwood Trent's initial intentions were to search for Wynter to discuss the article that recently got the football industry hyped up. After reading over the article multiple times during the break, Trent had chosen not to be on speaking terms with Wynter, declining her calls or even leaving the ringing on his phone to fall flat. He'd also received phone calls from his girlfriend through his international teammates though he always refused to speak to her, ultimately leaving some of his teammates confused about his sudden attitude towards her.

As the days passed, Trent's anger towards the french player only grew to the point where it became noticeable to the naked eye. From an outer perspective, Trent seemed crazy to think the rumours were true seeing as a football player himself, he too would understand the media would utilise your name for the most absurd reasons.

Though at that moment when he read over those articles the scouse felt justified with his decision to come to the conclusion that perhaps Wynter was concealing some important details from him.

Once he'd gotten himself changed into his training kit, the scouse took a quick tour around Melwood in search of his girlfriend to discuss their situation. However, peaking into every room Wynter tended to lounge in, asking staff members and some players from the female squad, he'd no avail of her location in the vast training ground.

Just when Trent was about to give in to the idea that he would only see Wynter during training, he turned to his left to see one of the team doctor's accompanying his girlfriend out of the room they were previously in. From where he stood, he caught a glimpse of an object in her grasps though he couldn't identify what the object was from afar.

On the other side of the situation, the french player's face was nakedly fatigued and worn out though once Wynter noticed his stare focused on her, her face lit up for a moment. She gave her final farewells to the doctor before she made her way over to the scouse, clearly in high spirits due to Trent's presence amongst her own.

"Hey, Trent! Great to—"

Trent cut her off, a cold expression resting on his face. "Are they true?"

"Huh?" she let out a breath as she approached him, brows fusing together. "I'm missing something here. What are you talking about?"

"The transfer rumours about you moving to Juventus. They're true, aren't they?"

"Are you seriously bringing up this topic again?" Wynter couldn't help but roll her eyes. The pair have fallen upon such topic on many occasions, all occasions the french player ruling out any of the rumours as false. So when she has to deal with her boyfriend blindly accusing her of something he'd slim knowledge on, there soon came as a sense of annoyance. "Listen, Trent. I don't want to talk about this right now—"

"I just want to know the truth and I feel like you're not telling me," Trent spoke, taking a slim step closer to Wynter.

"And I already told you the truth, Trent!" she squitted her eyes in his direction. "I told you last week; my mom was there for another player, not me. I'm not the only player she has to deal with. What else do you want me to tell you 'cause from what I'm hearing it seems like you want me to go to Juventus since you're the one who keeps bringing it up," she said with a frown, pointing a firm finger in his direction.

"That's not true," Trent's anger slowly began to fade away, guilt seeping into his system. Of course, he didn't want Wynter to leave Liverpool. More specifically, he didn't want Wynter to leave him.

Wynter scoffed at the sudden change in his demeanour. "Then why do you keep pushing the situation on me? I told you the answer you needed to know before all these articles came out and yet you still have this belief in your head that I'm just going drop everything I have here in Liverpool and just leave? Where's the sense in that? Answer this for me—do any of those articles confirm a transfer in any way possible, Trent?"

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