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Mattia POV
Fuck...i just slapped Elena. I mean she was in the way...nevermind. Anyway I cant believe I just did that, the only good thing coming out of this is she is moving to another room, so i dont have to spend a week with her. Bad thing is that she probably won't talk to me so I dont get to asking about... Mateo?

End of POV

Elena POV

I really didnt want to switch rooms but on the other hand it would stop arguments. Im not going to move. Please mattia dont ask why...

Elena: im going to take a shower...

Mattia: okay...

I got in the shower and before then I checked my face in the mirror it wasn't read just sore. I went to get in the shower and the water was hot so it burned but I turned it to cold a little. I didnt want to get out and see Mattia but I was sharing a room so its what ever. I got out and put on my clothes ready to go to the second day of playlist.

*skip after the 2 day of playlist*

Still Elena POV

I was walking back to the room when Kairi stopped me.

Kairi: hey

Elena: hi

Kairi: do you want to go to the-

I cut him off by saying...

Elena: uhh no im just going to go to my room and work on stuff

Kairi: okay well bye

Elena: bye

I opened the door and walked inside the room. Mattia was probably going to be with Alejandro and Kairi so I had the whole room to myself. I walked inside and it smelt like Mattia...No. Why? Why did it have to smell like that? I sprayed air fresher because I didnt want to smell him at all. I was on my lap top until Jordyn call.

Mateo: hi mommy!

Elena: hi Mateo, you having fun?

Mateo: yeah i-i got a toy because jordyn bought me it.

Elena: can I see it?

Mateo: okay

*shows toy*

Elena: wow! That's a cool toy ill be home soon okay

Mateo: okay

Elena: love you

Mateo: wuv you too...

I hung up and I could still smell Mattia... This is annoying. I stand up and spray more but after another 20 mins I smelled him again. I heard someone walk in the door and it was mattia.

Mattia: damn it smell strong as fuck in here!

Elena: i kept smelling something

Mattia: like what?

Elena: something I didnt want to smell...

Mattia: oh okay, well damn you sprayed a lot then

Elena: sorry

Mattia:hmm well you going to the 3 day of playlist

Elena: if i came to playlist , why wouldnt I go on the days im suppose to

Mattia: just asking...

*skips after the week of playlist*

Elena POV

I was packing all my stuff about to leave. It's been hell of a week with mattia... I was packing my stuff when mattia walked behind me.

Mattia: bye...

Elena: bye?

He pulled me closer to him as we looked at each other...please dont kiss me I swear to g- I was cut of by him kissing me. Doesnt he not know? 😑 it took me awhile to kiss back even know I didnt want to but the thought of it being my last time to see Mattia was annoying and getting to my head the closer the week ended. I put my hand behind his head as we kissed and it was a long ass kiss...

Mattia: you okay?

Elena: yeah, I'm fine

We looked at each other awkwardly without looking away.

Mattia: can I get your number? To talk to my son. He said looking at me right in the face

Elena: uhh...idk.

Mattia: please, just to have a mini conversation with him.

Elena: okay...

*gives number*

Mattia: thanks

Elena: mhm

I was so awkward giving mattia my number but it was whatever. As I was leaving I was texting jordyn that I would be there soon and me and Mateo go home soon. I got on the plane and made my way back to New Jersey...


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