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Elena POV

I was walking a distance from mattia as I was heading in the room. When I unlocked the door to the room I ran inside and flopped on my bed. My phone ran so i picked it up. It was my dad. I answered.

Ur dad: hey Elena, how is playlist

Elena: how do you know im at playlist

Ur dad: oh you are! I was just guessing,wow! but uhh yeah.

Elena: its going alright

Ur dad: well okay I'll call you maybe another day, okay?

Elena: okay bye

Ur dad: bye

I hung up and looked over and mattia was sitting on the bed watching something on his phone while smiling. I really didnt care at what he was doing so I got up and took a shower. After my shower I went to my side of the room to get some clothes. I felt some cold breeze behind me so I stood up and turned around...

Elena: ahh!!! Mattia wtf, what do you want? I said as I looked him in the eyes.

Mattia: is my charger over here. He said as he sound clueless

Elena: why would your charger be over here? This is my side of the room.

Mattia: is it tho? He said getting impatient

Elena: no Mattia

He walked off with and annoyed face on. I dont know what goes through his head sometimes, one minute he can be horny the next angry then emotional. Even tho he barely gets emotional. I sit on my bed with my laptop and I was watching Netflix. My show was at a decent volume but mattia still wanted me to turn it down.

Mattia: turn it down!

Elena: stop yelling

Mattia: then turn the shit down

Elena: fine. I said as I rolled my eyes

Mattia: dont roll your eyes

Elena: why not. I said with a smirk

Mattia: im for real, stop!

Elena: you know what, you are so goddamn annoying. Idk why after 2 years i have to spend a week with you!

Mattia: deal with it. I still have to spend a week with you so dont complain.

Elena: yeah, okay

I stand up and grabbed my phone from the TV stand and mattia got up and he need to get his glasses where my phone was. He walked behind me and leaned to get his glasses. As he leaned over me he pushed me in the process, i push him back and he looked at me and pushed me back

Mattia: move! Damn

Elena: you pushed me

Mattia: maybe because you take a long ass time to get your phone off a TV stand

Elena: shut up

He stood up and walked towards me. He got very close to the point I couldnt look up at him.

Mattia: say that again...he said while he put on his glasses

Elena: shut up


I knew mattia was going to pull something but I just didnt know what he was going to do. Sooner or later he slapped me. I didnt feel any pain at first until he put his hand on my arm and I pished him to look at my self in the mirror

Mattia: im s-so sorry I didnt mean to- i-

Elena: why would you hit me

Mattia: it just happened I didnt mean it

Elena: tomorrow im getting a different room!

Mattia: im sorry please forgive me. He said as he really looked sorry

Mattia never was sorry, he always found a way to use his sorry in a bad way. But this sorry sounded nice and actually like he was sorry...


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