Chapter 31 (FINAL CHAPTER) - Too Late

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~Too late~

PS. This is a short chapter that's why it came out so quick looooooooool. Sorry you guys.

PPS. Read the author's note at the end! Very important!!!!!!

PPPS. This is what i call a Luke Chapter so, there won't be any other POVs

(Luke's P.O.V.)

I drove back home as fast as i can and packed all my bags. I can't just let her leave like that. I dialed Ashton's phone number and waited for him to answer

"Yo! What happened?!" he asked

"Ash, get me the fastest flight to L.A.! I'm going after her! How long is the flight?"

"Okay, i'll go check!" he answered and i continue to gather money and clothes

"I got it! I'll take you around 13 hours and a half to get to LAX! And, shit! The next flight going to Los Angeles is tomorrow!"

"Tomorrow?! I'll take that! Find the venue of the wedding!"

"Whether you get lucky and get that flight, it's no use." a voice said. I looked by my door and see my dad with his arms crossed

"What do you mean? The wedding is still in a week." i raised my eyebrow

"Nope, they made it earlier. They adjusted the date because they wanted to do the business deal as soon as possible. Even if you get the flight for tomorrow or today, it's too late. It'll take about 5 hours of car drive to the venue.

"What?! When did the change it?!" i shouted

"That doesn't matter! If you're going to see the date in Los Angeles, the wedding happens 2 days from now! One day to travel and another one to gather all the guests and the media people. Like i said, are you really goig to make her chose between you and her family? If yes, then you're selfish." My dad pauses, "Do what you want. I won't stop you, but if you failed, i'll be here to say, I told you so."

After his little speech, he leaves the room.

"Luke?" Ashton says through the line

"Fuck!" i shouted out of frustration and punched the mirror that was in front of me. With my fist covered in blood, i picked up the phone and sat on  my bed

"Ash, what do i do?" i asked him and cried quietly

"Wait! My dad will arrive tomorrow and i reckon we can use the jet! It's faster than a normal plane!"

I lifted my head up in hope, "When?! What time is he arriving?!"

"Tomorrow at 9!"

"I'll be there!"

~The Next Day~

I parked my car in their garage at 9:15 and i head up directly to where the jet is located. Ashton was by the door, waiting for me

"Get in, idiot! We're leaving!" he shouted

One of the people put my bag in the jet's compartment and i entered the plane.

"I talked to the pilot. He said that the weather is good so we'll be able to arrive at a private airport that's 4 hours away from the church" Ashton informs me

"Great then, let's leave!"

The engine started and the next thing i know, we were lifting off

~9 hours later~

"We're here!" Ashton shouts,"There's already a car waiting for you outside! Hurry up!"

I stood up form my seat and took my bag. The black car that was waiting for me was already ready to leave. I hoped in and the driver sped off.

~4 hours later~

Suddenly, there was a traffic jam and the cars are barely moving.

"Uh, sir? What's happening?" i asked the driver

"It seems like we're stuck in traffic. I doubt we'll start moving soon!"

Then a stupid idea came to me..

"Is the church close from here?" i asked him

"About 3 more kilometers!"

"Would you mind if i could get the address?"

"Here" he gave me a piece of paper, "I was ordered to take you to this location"

I took it and opened the car's door, "Thank you!" i got out and started running through the traffic hoping that i could catch the wedding on time. I tried to avoid this car, that car, that truck until i finally managed to get off the expressway. I looked at the address and asked the people that were walking around. They pointed me to go to this street, enter that way, take a left on this one and exit on that one. 

I was really lost until i was the name of the street that was similar to what what written on the paper. I continued dashed to the church where Ashton said the wedding was going to be held. I ran and ran, not caring if my legs are aching. I need to stop that wedding before i lose her! 

Once i saw the building, i ran faster than my feet can and kick the church's door open revealing an empty room. I looked around and there we traces of flowers around. I saw a man sweeping the rose petals off the floor,

"Oh, young man. Are you here for the wedding? That Calum and Madison?" he asked me

"Yes! Yes, sir! What happened?" 

"Oh, my dear boy, i'm so sorry" he said


I looked around again and realized that all the wedding decorations we're already in the trashcan. The benches were obviously used and the red carpet that was leading to the altar had a lot of petals.

"The wedding ended an hour ago"



Even i have no words for this chapter. I can legit see all the the comments at the end of this chapter.

P.S. i finished writing the Epilogue first than this chapter so...technically, the Epilogue is ready to published





But I won't do that yet! lol

(I know i'm being a b*tch)

Don't worry though, i'll publish it. It's just that i need to ask you guys a favor. 


That's a promise!

Samantha xxx

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