Spies pt.2

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~back to Jungkook~

The staff talked for about an hour before Y/N woke up. She looked around at the girls all piled on top of each other and a huge smile made its way to her face. She tried to get up without waking the other girls up but seeing as they were laying on her it didn't work very well.

"Where are you going hun?" Joohyun asked her groggily.

"I'm just getting a drink Unnie, I cried so much I'm probably dehydrated" she giggled to her leader.

Y/N came back with some tea for the girls, by now all of them we're awake. They thanked her quickly and then decided to watch a movie.

"There's been too much sad today, we need to watch a happy movie!" None of them disagreed with their youngest member, simply passing her the remote. She smiled to herself before starting "Barbie and the 12 dancing princesses" they all laughed at the movie she chose, it's been a while since they watched a Barbie movie. (They're good movies bro).

They mostly paid attention except for checking their notifications a few times, before focusing on the movie again. It ended and they all stood up, stretching their bodies and grabbing their phones. They were heading to the kitchen before Y/N started laughing, it was so loud and sudden that her members jumped a little. She calmed down and playfully glared at Seulgi, who seemed to know exactly what she was laughing at.

"STOP SENDING ME JUNGRI IS REAL VIDEOS!" Y/N yelled through giggles.

The girls all looked at each other before laughing too, both at Seulgi's pure ridiculousness and their maknae's reaction. 

I felt myself smiling before I could stop it, my face heating up in the process. I was glad that I was included in their day off topics, as well as the fact that I was part of the reason Y/N laughed that loud. I noticed that the boys were looking at me and tried to avoid eye contact, hoping they wouldn't tease me. Of course it didn't work, as they all laughed and made fun of me. I didn't mind too much, most of what they were saying was true and I was just glad that the mood was happy.

We watched along for the rest of the day as the girls kept teasing each other and watching even more Barbie movies. Irene was in the middle of braiding Y/Ns hair when I saw her eyes go wide.

"GUYS!" she called to the girls, nerves evident in her voice.

"What's wrong Unnie?" Joy asked their leader, wondering what had scared her.

"Is that a camera?" She said, pointing directly at us. Of course she was pointing at the camera we were watching from but we all got a little nervous under the motherly glare she had on her face right now.

The girls all looked shocked as they immediately recognized the small recording device. Seulgi immediately called the company, alerting them that someone had snuck into their dorm.

Right when the staff had finished explaining the situation to her our vision was blocked by Y/N's face, very close to the camera. I knew she had to be standing on a chair since it was in the top corner of the room. We were confused until we heard Seulgi yell.


I knew they were going to lie about it, they left out the fact that we were watching them. I guess I see where they were coming from, they wanted the girls to keep acting normal.

We saw Y/N make a face before her head left our vision, as she dropped off of the chair she was standing on and moved it back to the kitchen.

"Where did you even get a hammer?" Joy asked suddenly realizing the ridiculousness of there being a hammer in their dorm.

"I was gonna use it on your head tonight" she said shrugging her shoulders with an evil smile on her face.

The girls laughed again before heading to their rooms to shower and change into bed clothes. They then all came back and sat on the middle of the floor. It seemed like they didn't want to leave each other, even just to sleep.

"So sleepover in the living room?"

They all agreed before expertly constructing a pillow fort in the middle of the large room. They let the TV go, playing some random show that none of them were paying attention to. They had started talking about a new comeback already, trying to decide what they thought it would be.

"I want to do a darker concept Unnies. I know it must suck for you guys to still act so young and I'm totally okay with heading in a different direction." Y/N said, making all of the girls look at her. She really meant it and they were relieved, they felt a little silly with how they had to act. They agreed to talk to management about trying something new before snuggling up and going to bed.

Now that they were asleep we were allowed to go. It wasn't the most eventful day, but it didn't feel wasted. It was nice to see what the girls were like when nobody was watching, and I felt oddly proud of how close they were. We went back home and relaxed ourselves. We had a day of rest before we were flying out to Hawaii to officially start the show we would be recording.

We all head to our separate rooms for the night and I lay there thinking about today. Jungri is real videos? Before I register what I'm doing I've already typed it into the search bar. I'm met with tons of videos. "Jungri Moments 2018", "Jungri is Real", "Jungri Moments That Make Me Believe In Love", "Jungri Proof". There's so many videos, I didn't know our fans shipped us so hard. I clicked on one of the videos and watched it. Most of it was just us looking at each other. A lot of the times it showed me staring were accurate, for some reason I could never keep my eyes off of her. Every award show we'd go to I'd look at her. She always looked so gorgeous, and she looked so happy when she was interacting with her friends.

What I didn't expect to see was all the clips of her looking at me. During performances, behind the scenes, at encore stages. I never noticed her eyes. Is it possible that she felt the same about me? I knew that looks didn't mean anything, that's why people always joke about crazy shippers. Eye contact doesn't equal love. But when you're an idol, anything you do is under scrutiny.

Especially for female idols, if Y/N was to even smile in the direction of a male idol for too long the internet would blow up. Sometimes even a little bit of eye contact is all you could get, and sometimes it really did show your feelings. Showing them you are there is all you can do sometimes.

It broke my heart to see some comments from anti's. I hate that she has to think of any scandals she might cause instead of just doing things that she likes. I hate that she has to prioritize her image before her happiness.

I want to help her. I want her to be happy without thinking of the haters. I want to make her happy. I don't care how much hate I will get. I will take all of it if it means I can shield her from it. I just want her.

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