The Walk

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We finished dinner and then just lazed around the house for a little. I'm scrolling through Twitter when I feel a tap on my shoulder. Turning my head, I'm face to face with Jungkook.

"Do you want to go for a walk?"

I mean I don't have anything else to do and time with him away from cameras and members sounds perfect.

"Yeah totally"

"The sun is going to set soon so you might want to change into I don't know like shorts and a light hoodie?"

I raise my eyebrow at his specific outfit suggestion but agree and head up to our room.

I pass my bed on my way to the wardrobe and there's something there that wasn't before. (A/N: definitely sang that in my head like beauty and the beast)

A pair of my shorts are laying on top of a light hoodie that i don't recognize.

Thats why he was so specific.. He picked the outfit out. He's so extra, I smile at how well he planned this just for a walk.

I change into the shorts and slide the hoodie over my head. A familiar scent fills my nostrils and I know why I didn't recognize the jacket.

It's Jungkook's.

I squeal quietly, hoping nobody will hear my little freak out.

I look in the mirror and smile at the outfit.

The shorts barely peek out from the hoodie because its so big, it reaches about my mid thigh.

I head out the room to find Jungkook, the annoyingly lovesick smile still on my face.

Walking down the stairs I see him waiting at the bottom and he smiles back at me when he sees my outfit.

"You thought you were slick huh?" I giggle at him.

"I mean it worked, you are wearing it"

I reach the bottom of the stairs and he grabs my sweater paw before calling out to the rest if the members.

"We're going for a walk, im not sure when we'll be back"

"Be safe" Jimin calls out, a sleeping Seulgi on his lap.

"Don't forget masks" this one from Wendy in the other room.

We pull our masks over our lower face and walk out into the streets of Hawaii.

He rolls up the sleeve of my, well his, hoodie so that he can reach my hand before interlacing our fingers and dragging me down the sidewalk.

"Are we going somewhere specific?" I ask him, I thought we were just going for a walk around but he seems to have a destination in mind.

"Its a surprise"

"That's so cheesy!!" I yell and act like I'm going to run away but he just grabs me and pulls me back to him.

I realise where we're going and we make it to the beach right as the sun starts to set.

"It's beautiful" I breathe out, absolutely in awe of the sight in front of me.

He had taken me up a cluster of rocks and now we had a perfect view of the sunset, the various colors reflecting off the huge body of water in front of us and every once in a while I'd catch a glimpse of an animal coming up to breathe. We were sitting at the top just enjoying the view.

The colors start getting darker and Jungkook clears his throat, making me turn towards him.

"What's up?" I ask, he seems a little nervous but I'm not sure why.

"So um I know that I kinda kissed you a bunch earlier..."

"I mean it was a team effort but continue" he laughs at my remark before starting again.

"I never really clarified what I wanted out of this.."

Oh my gosh did I totally misunderstand this whole thing? Does he only want like a friends with benefits relationship or something?

"Hey!! Y/N?"

"Hm" I turn back to look at him, a slight frown on myself as I realize we don't want the same things.

"Is that a no?" He looks sad.

"Is what a no?"

"Well you don't look happy so I'll take that as a no."

"No to what?" Was he talking when I had my mini freak out?

"Oh my gosh you weren't paying attention were you?" At first I think he's mad, but he laughs when he says it and I can't help but giggle a little myself.

"Sorry... Did you say something?"

"Oh nothing much, just asking you to be my girlfriend or whatever"

"Oh cool... WAIT WHAT?"

He laughs again, louder this time and then repeats.

"Do you want to be my girlfriend"

"Um yeah duh" I laugh and tackle him into a hug, landing with him on his back and me on his chest.

This time when his lips connect to mine it isn't as soft. Our lips press hard onto each other's and it lasts quite a while. I realize that were definitely making out in public right now but it's dark so nobody will see us.

We finally pull away and I roll off of him, laying next to him now instead of on top of him.

And we stay like that for hours, just talking about anything that comes to mind until we realize what time it is.

"Oh my gosh its already past 11 o'clock!! You have to be up in like 6 hours we need to go home now!" He yells, ruining the peaceful bubble we were in for a while.

We stand up and jog back towards the house.

We finally make it and try our best to be quiet opening the door and getting ready for bed.

We change and brush our teeth before he climbs into bed. I try to walk past him to get to mine after my shower, but he grabs my arm and pulls me into bed with him.


A/N: This was a shorter chapter I know but I hope the next chapter will make up for it... Very fluffy coming up :)

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