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August 31

I read the calendar. I can't believe it's been so long since our trip with Bangtan. The song we had been released and did really well, Umpah Umpah was played all summer just like we wanted.

The fans loved the song Jungkook and I put out, it only got us more supporters and a whole lot more speculation on our relationship. But we have kept it secret and I fall in love a little bit more with every sweet moment we get to keep to ourselves. There is now no doubt in my mind that this is love, I love him with every fiber of my being, and will until the day I die.

I smile as the doorbell rings, he's here.

Running as fast as my feet can carry me, I throw open my front door and am immediately greeted by my boyfriend's chest, his arms having pulled me into a hug so quickly I couldn't even see him.

Turning my head up, I rest my chin on his chest and look up at him with a goofy smile.

"Have I ever told you how much I love you?"

He looks down and pretends to think.

"Hmmmm. Only like ten times a day... Why?

" because I really love you"

He lets out a cute giggle and leans down to peck my lips.

"I love you even more"

I laugh as I grab his hand and take him into the dorm. The girls had "plans" today and conveniently wouldn't be home until tomorrow. So using the empty dorm, I invited Kook over to have a movie night to celebrate his birthday a little early.

I pull him down with me and we topple onto the couch before adjusting to get comfortable.

"Alright what do you want to watch first? I got all your favourites!" He gives me a huge grin as he scrolls through the movies, finally settling on the horror movie we watched on vacation.

I give a 'are you serious' look and he just giggles again.

"If you feel the need to you know hide in my lap and stuff like the first time I guess I could be okay with that"

I roll my eyes but do it anyway, I know I'm not going to be able to watch the movie. I climb onto his lap and curl up against his chest, grabbing hands to play with his fingers.

"You know if you wanted to cuddle you could have just asked, you didn't need to pick the scary movie"

"Why didn't I think of that?" He shakes his head and wraps his arms around my body. " I just really like holding you"

I feel the butterflies in my stomach just like when he first started saying things like that and my heart feels happy inside as I look into his eyes.

"I like being held by you" I giggle a little bit at how cheesy we're being right now but he kisses me anyway and we lay down so that we're more comfortable on the couch. We always try to do lots of fun, exciting things when we have dates but today it feels nice to just hold each other.

I don't even notice the terror happening in the screen, I'm way too invested in listening to Jungkook's voice as he talks about random things.

"I can't wait to marry you"

His words shock me and apparently him too because his eyes go wide and he covers his mouth.

"I'm so sorry it just slipped out I didn't mean to like freak you out or anything gosh I feel so dumb" he laughs awkwardly and scratches the back of his neck.

"You ask the question and I'll say yes" I say softly, trying to reassure him.

A huge smile appears on his face and he laughs excitedly.

"I'll take you up on that one day"

His words give me so many feelings that I can't help but smile, my face working on its own.

"God I love you so much" he leans in for a kiss and my lips happily meet him half way.

When we break apart I can't help but replay his words in my head.

"I can't believe I got lucky enough to love you. I must have saved the world in my past life" I smile at the love radiating from his eyes before continuing "you're perfect in my book. Except for when you don't take care of yourself. Then I want to punch you, but most of the time I just want to smother you with love. " he giggles and my heart does flips. "And that. Every time you do that cute ass giggle I feel like a teenage girl who's got this inane crush. Except it's not a crush, you're really mine. And I'm yours. And I'm gonna be yours forever"

"You know you're making it hard not to propose right here and now."

I laugh and he leans in for another kiss, our lips meeting right as the clock strikes midnight.

"Happy birthday baby" I whisper into his lips as he pulls me closer.

A/N : yo yo yo what's up its me. I wanted to update bc it's kooks birthday!! He means so much to so many people and I'm sad that I can't portray him right but I love him and hope he's happy this year. Happy Kookie day every one!! ✨

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