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I don't know what I was expecting, maybe a steamy fast kiss like in the dramas, but this wasn't it.

He stood there looking at me for a minute before bringing his hands up to gently cup my jaw.

"Do you really want this?"

I shook my head like a little kid before asking "do you?"

I didn't want him to feel pressured or obligated to do anything just because I wanted him to.

"So much"

I felt him breathe the words out, his exhale tickling my lips and sending shockwaves through my body. That's how close his lips were.

They finally meet mine and it's a soft kiss, he barely put any pressure on my lips. It was like everything disappeared, I was sucked into a little world with only me and Jungkook. My entire body reacted. I was almost dizzy with this new feeling. I didn't know what it was but I loved it and I wanted more.

He pulled away after a moment and his eyes decided on the same thing as before, staring into mine.

And I finally realized what Joy meant, I'm not the brightest or most experienced person, but even I could see the adoration in his eyes when he looked at me.

He smiled and immediately I did too, he just had that effect on me.

"Thank you"

Huh? I didn't even do anything.

"For what?"

"Finally realizing how much I care about you"

I felt an even bigger smile than before make its way to my face and I can't help but to just look at him. How did I get so lucky? He's the perfect guy but he has feelings for me? Me?

"Thank you for caring" I place a soft peck on him and he scrunches his nose up, giggling like a toddler.

It's easily the cutest thing I've ever seen.

"We got dinner!" Hoseok's screaming echoes through the house and we laugh at his excitement. All hints of jealousy over Hoseok seem to have disappeared and Jungkook smiles at me, kissing me softly again.

We've literally kissed three times in the past like minute and I'm still losing my mind every time. 

"Race you to the kitchen!" I yell as I run out of the room, suddenly needing to leave in order to hide the slight blush on my cheeks.

"No fair" I hear him call out as footsteps chase me down the stairs.

I land at the bottom of the stairs to see a few questioning glances.

"I win!" I yelled in victory and they all laugh, suddenly understanding what's going on.

"You said to the kitchen" I barely hear the words as I'm lifted up by my waist and thrown over a shoulder.


"Ahh you oversized bunny put me down" I yell out through my giggles, barely getting the words out as everyone just watches us, amusement etched on their faces.

He keeps me on his shoulder as he makes his way to the table, after making a quick detour to the kitchen of course.

He finally sets me down in front of the table and we take a seat at our normal spots next to each other.

I see that they ordered dinner, which probably means we got salads.

I scream internally when the familiar lettuce dish is handed to me, along with my giant water bottle. Can't bloat the day before a photoshoot.

Jungkook shoots a distasteful look at the salad but doesn't say anything.

"So tomorrow is the shooting for the concept photos, we have to be at the first location by six am so we'll probably have to wake up at about five fifteenish"

Irene explains about tomorrow and everyone breaks off into conversation.

I'm talking with Jimin about what we think the photos will look like when I feel something touching my hand. A moment later I realize that it's Jungkook's hand. He's trying to hold my hand under the table.

Something about that thought makes me feel like a lovesick schoolgirl and I have to bite my lip to stop from giggling.

His hand finally reaches it's destination, his large fingers intertwining with my much smaller ones. The small strokes of his thumb make my brain malfunction and I have to ask Jimin to repeat what he was saying a few times.

I stab another forkful of lettuce and bring it to my mouth, listening to something Wendy was complaining about on the other end of the table.

Except it wasn't lettuce.

Looking down at my bowl I see a pair of chopsticks dropping chicken in my salad. Following the hand up to the person I'm greeted with Jungkook, listening intently to the conversation, not giving any sign of sneaking food to me.

I giggle quietly and his attention turns to me. He laughs too as he realizes he's been caught, but he doesn't let me put the food back. Everytime I place the chicken back in his bowl he moves it right back to mine.

"Hey Kook?"


When his mouth opens wider to form the "ah" syllable I take my chance, and shove one of the pieces of chicken into his mouth.

"Woah that's not fair!" He pouts

"Haven't you ever heard it's rude to speak with food in your mouth?"

I smirk as he sighs, chewing the food and squeezing my hand.

He swallows the food and turns to me once again.

"That was rude"


Bam chicken in the mouth.

Now its my turn to be offended. I put my free hand up to my chest, widening my eyes in mock surprise.

And so we go on, distracting each other with words and then throwing food in the general direction of a mouth.

I do believe I won this battle, as I had gotten him to eat most of the pieces he tried to give me.

Shooting him a smile and a wink I turn back to my salad and the rest of the members, only now realising that most of them were watching us.

"Gosh that's like the third time today. Why are you always staring at us, creeps" I pretend to be disgusted by their watchful eyes, as Jungkook does the same.

"I know we're hot but come on!"

They roll their eyes at his statement and throw out a few mumbled comments, but go back to their conversations and food.

"You guys really are the opposite of subtle"

"Shut up, Park Sooyoung I didn't ask"

I block her out and turn back to my loving...

Wait what are we?

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