The song

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As soon as he agreed to do the song with me I got to fixing it. As proud of our relationship as I am, we still haven't gone public and if we dropped this song as I wrote it we would be screwed. People were already suspicious enough.

"You literally changed the whole meaning of the song with just a few lyric changes that's impressive as hell" my boyfriend looked at me in awe.

I giggled at his state of surprise.

"I do this a lot"

We headed out to the studio immediately, too excited to wait. Yelling a quick explanation to our members as we rush out and  get right to work.

~~Why can't I hold you in the street, why can't I kiss you on the dance floor? I wish that we could be like that why can't we be like that cause I'm yours~~

I sang the last bit we still needed. To keep fans from getting suspicious I changed it so the song was about a mistress, an affair where both people want to be only with each other but are too scared to say it.

I finished my part and took the headphones off before exiting the booth to join Jungkook. He was looking at me like he was earlier, like I was a magical creature or something.

"Stop looking at me like that" I laughed at him and sat down on the chair next to him.

"No" was all he said before he grabbed the arms of my chair and turned it to face him.

"I have been admiring you for years but I could never imagine how amazing you actually are up close. I've seen how hard you work and how much you care about not only your members but also your fans. Y/N you're the most incredible person I've ever met and I used to be scared to tell you this but seeing you write that amazing song after reading hate comments, even asking me to be in it which you know will get you more. You are such an artist it feels like you're asking the song how it wants to be sung. I am so so proud of you and everything you've done, even the things I wasn't here for. And I promise to be here for all the rest of them. Because every time I picture my future it has you in it."

By this point I'm practically sobbing and he pulls me into a hug, tugging me on to his lap where I squeeze the life out of him.

His lips meet their favorite spot on my forehead and we stay like that for a while before he whispers into my hair.

"I love you"

I pull away out of shock and stare into his eyes. Did he just????

"What does it feel like?"

He looks taken aback from the question before he smiles a little bit and answers.

"It just kinda feels how we always have, like I want to tease you and mess around and I want to cuddle and kiss you at the same time. Straight up if I could kiss you as a job I would do it. I feel the same way about you as I have except now I never want to let you go. I want to be with you for the rest of my life, and yet if you said you wanted someone else I would help you as much as I could because as long as you're happy everything is okay."

"I'm never going to want anyone else" I press a soft kiss on his lips and whisper into them "I love you too"

And for the first time I really did mean the words. The words I never thought I would get to say. But I did. And I knew I loved Jungkook. Despite everything. I loved him. And it's like everything was right with the world.

Our lips stayed attached for the next ten minutes before we broke away panting.

"I want to tell everyone"

At first I was surprised, and definitely skeptical. But I love him. Now that I know exactly how I feel I want everyone else to.

Maybe we wouldn't tell the fans yet, but both companies need to be informed. We need to pull out all the stops to assure that we could be together for a very long time. And maybe one day I could do exactly what I wanted to do right now, to scream to everyone that I was in love.

A/N : I feel like my writing is getting worse as time goes on, probably because I'm just losing interest ya know? Like I want to read the ending but I don't want to write it lmao. I also feel like this book has had no plot but um 🤷 too late now

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