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I wake up to Jungkook's sleepy voice.

"Y/N wake up angel," he shakes me lightly, when he sees my eyes open he goes on, "the girls said you guys have a surprise meeting with your staff today"

My eyes widen. A suprise meeting? Are we in trouble? Did we do something wrong?

Jungkook notices my panic and runs his hand up and down my arm. "Hey, I'm sure it's okay. Probably just about a comeback or something. Bighit does that all the time." He reassures.

Yeah he's right, I can't think of anything we've done wrong so it's probably just work. I nod at him.

"Thank you" I smile before getting out of my bed and heading to the bathroom.

Wait my bed? Wasn't I in his bed? Did I sleep walk? Oh no what if I was annoying and he moved me because he couldn't take it. What if I bit him in my sleep, thinking it was a killer or something.

I wouldn't have, I didn't have any nightmares last night. I always have nightmares after a scary movie. I mean not that I was mad but definitely confused.

I finish up getting ready and head downstairs. I see that all the other girls are ready to go, but I don't see any of the other boys.

"Where are all the boys?" I ask Seung-Wan.

"They're all still asleep, it's only 7 am. Jungkook is only up because we accidentally woke him up trying to wake you."

Why didn't he go back to sleep then? I just nod at her response and start heading out with the rest of the girls.

"You better go back to sleep while we're gone Junglebook!" I yell at him before I leave.

We all climb in the van that's waiting for us and start trying to figure out what the surprise meeting is about.

"I can't think of anything we've done wrong?" Sooyoung states, although it came out like a question.

We all nod along and then I try to offer some hope. "Junglebook said that Bighit does this sometimes and that it's probably just about a comeback or song they want us to work on. Something work-related you know?" I relay the reassurance Jungkook had given me onto my members and they take it much like I did. They look obviously relieved and we complete the car ride in calm, slightly tired, silence.

We enter the conference room at a local hotel that our company had rented out for the meeting. It looks like everyone else is here, all our managers and a few other staff. We all bow as we make our way to the 5 empty seats at the end of the table.

"Alright now that everyone's here lets get started," one of the high ups leads the meeting. "Basically today is talk about a comeback we'd like to have for the summer and a progress report of types on the show."

All of us look at each other, we were right it's okay. We didn't do anything wrong. We relax and tune in, ready to discuss a new comeback.

"I know you guys said you wanted to try a more mature comeback, and I definitely think that will go over well. However I think with your popularity and all the publicity from the show we should take advantage of right now. We're also in Hawaii, which is the perfect place to film a summery video."

We nod along, it's true. Right now it's smart to do a summer concept, it would be stupid of us not to. Plus right around now is when summer songs start coming out and so far none of them had been hits, so the summer anthem spot was still open.
All of us express our understanding and agreement with the idea so he goes on.

"You guys have a summer song from about a year back that you never released and we touched it up a little. We also brought in a choreographer and the dance is very catchy, as well as pretty easy. This will make it easier for you to learn and easier for your fans to copy. We can do photo shoots, teasers and everything this week. You'll also start learning choreography this week. Then in about two weeks it can be released."

I was a little surprised, this was VERY fast. Normally our comebacks were planned out over months and took even more to prepare. It makes sense though, we want to use the momentum we have right now and take advantage of our location. We also would have to release it before the middle of the month if we wanted it to be played all summer.

The stylists explain how hard it would be, but eventually they decide that they can make it happen. We agree too, if they believe in us enough to think we can pull it off, we'll make sure we pull it off. We iron out some details, and they send some notes back to Korea for the company to know what was decided and to know to send the extra staff that was needed.

Then we transition into our talk about the show.

"The first episode has been released, it was just you guys arriving and getting settled really, as well as a bit the boys filmed before you left. The fans loved it, they really liked seeing you guys be so free and interacting naturally. Today the challenge episode is being released and we know that one will be even better. The fans love the friendship between both the group itself and the group's together so todays episode will be a real treat."

He then goes on to what each member is doing well and if there was anything they could fix. It went really well actually, the fixes were mostly little things like "try not to sound as much like an old woman" or "PLEASE stop making dick jokes".

"And lastly our little maknae, our little Yeri. You're doing great, the fans loved seeing you defend yourself in the first episode, as well as your personality when you're tired. You're doing a really good job showcasing your cute but also mischievous side. The fans love the teasing and joking that you and the other members are constantly doing. However one big thing that has fans freaking out is you and Jungkook, coined so lovingly as Jungri."

As soon as he says it I hear laughs come from the girls and some of their managers, including my own. Traitor. I'm a little scared that they'll tell me to back off to avoid a dating scandal, but at least the fans know we're friends.

"Jungri is very well received, many speculating and hoping that you are a couple. Now I like the interactions you have but I want you to hide it a little more"

Hide it? What?

"The fans love Jungri, they're trying to get all the Jungri content they can. We want to slow it down, make them work hard for it. So the teasing and friendly stuff can stay but the cutesy relationship like things should be hidden a little bit. Although hidden poorly I'd say. Make it look like you don't want people to see, but make sure that they can. We're doing some of this with editing but just as a heads up." He finishes.

I have to take a minute to process that. Hide it? But hide it badly? We want them to know but we want them to think we don't want them to know? Once I'm all caught up and I think I know what he means I nod.

This seems to satisfy the team and they tell us to go home and change, eat something maybe because we'll have to get our hair done for the new comeback today. The stylists were going to decide on a color while we were at home and then we'd get it done.

We bow to everyone and head out, thanking them for working so hard for us. We climb in the van and take a deep breath. This was going to be a long month or so, with filming the show with the boys, getting ready for a surprise comeback, and taking care of ourselves.

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