Years Later

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You and the boys Age:31-32Kids Age: 6Cho age: 19 Ocs: 20

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You and the boys Age:31-32
Kids Age: 6
Cho age: 19
Ocs: 20

"Mama!Mom!Mom!Dads wake up!"

I slowly opened my eyes seeing my three kids jumping on our bed I laid back down.

"Boys your children are awake."I sighed closing my eyes again.

"Morning kids..."Midoriya smiled still half asleep.

"Morning dad!"The Himi shouted.

"What will you three like for Breakfast?"Bakugou asked getting as well yawning.

"P-Pancakes!"Himi shouted.

"Waffles!"Kai shouted.

"Oatmeal, "Haru said.

Midoriya and Bakugou froze.

"Okay..."Midoriya smiled sweating a little.

They left with the kids as Todoroki and I was still sleeping.

Todoroki sighed."We should really get up love" He said kissing my cheek.

"Five more minutes" I frowned.

"No."He smirked as he turned me over so I was on my back."The boys might need help."He said kissing my forehead going down to my neck.

I moaned a little."F-Fine lets go..."

"EW MOM!PAPA!"Kai shouted covering his eyes before running out of the room."EWW MOM AND PAPA WERE KISSING!"

We dropped a sweat before getting up.

Kai mostly acts like his father Bakugou. He has his spiky hair that has blonde hair with red highlights. His eyes one green and one e/c.

Himi is mostly acts like Midoriya. She has her natural hair color of h/c with one side of her hair with green highlights with the other with white and has red eyes.

Haru mostly acts like Todoroki. He has green hair with red and white highlights and one of his eyes is red and the other e/c

"Good morning mom, "Haru said with a small smile.

"Good morning sweetie" I smiled kissing his forehead.

Once we got in the kitchen we saw them already sitting down.

Himi was smiling eating her pancakes and Kai glaring at the Waffle as he was trying to cut it in half.

"Go eat Haru," Todoroki said.

Todobakudeku x reader Fantasy AU {Relationship scenarios}Where stories live. Discover now