Chapter 4

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They walk determined steps, Michael and Elizabeth kept arguing over Papyrus is Iron Man. Daniel was having a hard time, trying to ignore the argument, but it sounds awfully bad but funny. Daniel carried Fredbear and Flowey to keep him away from the argument. "Ugh, why does Elizabeth have to think that skele-idiot is Iron Man?" Flowey complained. "S-She's probably thought h-he is. S-She always w-wanted t-t-to see the a-actor of Iron Man" Daniel replied. "Why would anyone wanted to meet a famous actor!? Jesus Christ" Flowey complained. Then, Daniel notices an ice cream sale up ahead, with a blue rabbit. "Guys! Look!" Daniel called, as they saw what it is. "Ice cream!~" Elizabeth cheered. "Healing Item!~" Flowey cheered. "Isn't this too cold for ice cream?" Michael asked. "It's never too cold for ice cream!" Elizabeth replied, begging to have some. She tug the clothing of the blue rabbit, which attended him. "What. Costumers?" The Rabbit asked, looked down, seeing three children. The rabbit sighs, then smiles with a cheerful voice. "Hey kids! Would you like to buy some ice screams? It's the perfect treat for a frozen day like this one! Only 15g's" The rabbit cheered. Luckily, it's a good thing that Michael able to find pieces of Gs in hidden spaces and spots, only find 50s, makes him wonder how to get money, possibly get a job. After they each get one, except Flowey since he hates cold food. "Damn, now we have now is 5g, I got to get a job to get more" Michael replied, as Daniel ate his ice scream, which max out his HP.

They walk forward, stopped when they saw a big snowy ball. "Oh! Flowey, what is that?" Elizabeth asked, pointed at the snowy ball. "Just part of a local game. You have to push it to the hole that's on the other side. But it's very difficult. The ball melts too soon. You won't make it. Your score is categorized by colours...But you won't get any money unless you get a really high score." Flowey explained. What Michael heard to get money from this game, he knew he has to get some, he begins rolling the ball. "Michael...noo..." Flowey whined.

2 hours later...

Michael manage to get the red flag and got 34Gs more. "I...told you...I get...the red flag" Michael replied, puffed out and sitting against the tree. "I'd give you a medal, but...I don't care" Flowey groaned, tired of been around here. After a while of rest, they move to walk through the forest. "And speaking of the devil..." Flowey replied, as they came over to the next puzzle, but it seems a paper in the middle of the ground. "AH!! FINALLY!!" Papyrus shouted with Sans next to him. "HUMANS! I HOPE YOU'RE READY FOR...SANS? WHERE WAS THE PUZZLE EXACTLY?" Papyrus asked, not finding the puzzle of a paper on the snowy ground. "Right there on the ground, trust me. There's no way for them to get pass this one" Sans replied, smiling. They watch as Elizabeth went over to check it out. "This is stupid. Let's just skip it." Flowey replied, looking at the paper on the ground. Elizabeth stared at it, then looked at Papyrus, imagining that Iron Man thinks she is so perseverance and smart. She picked up the paper, having a look of the puzzle. "Wait, really??" Flowey asked, really finding this incredibly foolish. "...Wow. A word search? Someone did not even try. How sad" Flowey replied. Elizabeth checks for words, but it isn't human language. "You can't even read it, right? You're not really..." Flowey replied, incredibly hating this. "Can you give me a pen, please?" Elizabeth asked, looked at the skeletons. "WAIT WHAT" Flowey shouted. "WELL, AT LEAST THAT WORKED" Papyrus replied, waiting for Elizabeth to finish.

After 30 minutes, Elizabeth complete the puzzle, gives it to Papyrus with a sweet smile. Papyrus check the puzzle, seeing everything correct. "I MUST SAY. I'M IMPRESSED BY YOUR INTELLIGENCE, HUMAN" Papyrus replied, which brought a smile to Elizabeth. "COME ALONG, SANS! WE HAVE WORK TO DO" Papyrus demanded, walking away. Sans smiled as he looked at Elizabeth, walking over to her. "Well done, seems my brother is having lots of fun" Sans replied. "Can you ask him something?" Elizabeth asked. "Oh? What is it?" Sans asked, confused. "Ask him if I am adorable or if we up more!" Elizabeth asked, nervously. "What." Michael responded, blind by confusion. "What? Y-You want to him?" Sans asked, sweating a bit. "Yes!" Elizabeth cheered as the others stood there in stressed. "Uh...Heh, alright. Catch ya later" Sans replied, as he teleported away. Elizabeth squeal of excitement, smiling widely. "Okay! Elizabeth! Very nice work, but we got to go!" Michael complained as he drag Elizabeth as he carried Flowey. Daniel walks forward, having sense that something is lurking in his nightmares, something wants to come out and play with Daniel's fears.

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