Chapter 5

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Michael gasped as soon he open his eyes, sweating a lot. Then, saw Daniel in front of him, for a second there, he was about to attack, but no ripped face. He sighs of relief that it was only Daniel he knows. Daniel hug his teddy bear. "A-Are you o-okay?" Daniel asked, worried. "I have a huge cut at my guts! Of course I'm not!—" No pain was earned, he place his hands on his stomach, there was no cut or blood. "" Michael asked, questioned. "Papyrus healed you. And we're in the shed, as prisoners " Flowey responded, still in a boot. "H-He did? Wait...Where's Elizabeth!?" Michael asked, worried. "She said she's going to face Papyrus!" Flowey complained. "By herself!?" Michael asked. "Look, I tried to stop her, but she stole your Bisicle and a Cinnamon roll" Daniel explained. "How the heck did she get out of here!?" Michael shouted, running up to the cells, trying to break it to unlock, but it's too strong. "She's small enough to get through the cells." Daniel replied, helping Michael to get out of the cells. Michael fear of losing Elizabeth, reminding him a nightmare he had, which made him curious, why did he get a nightmare about Daniel has a glitchy beast? Is it something he is afraid of, he's not afraid of Daniel...or is he?

Elizabeth stomp towards the East Path, ready to have Round 2 with Papyrus, seeing him practice his speech. "OF COURSE, YOUR HIGHNESS! I'LL SHALL TAKEOVER THE HEAD OF THE ROYAL GUARD! AS FOR UNDYNE, SHE'LL BE PLACED TO BE—" As soon he turn, seeing Elizabeth standing there, filled with Kindness. "INCONCEIVABLE!!! WH-WHAT ARE YOU DOING OUTSIDE OF YOUR CELL??" Papyrus shouted. "I walked out" Elizabeth respond with a cute smile, waiting for Papyrus's response. "YOU SLIPPERY SNAIL! YOU ESCAPED SO EASILY...TRULY FRIGHTENING!!! AND OF COURSE, YOU CAME BACK HERE TO SEEK REVENGE! RIGHT??" Papyrus asked. Elizabeth physically shook her head, answered his question. "...NO? THEN, WHY? WHAT ARE YOU SCHEMING? UH...WELL...MAYBE...THINKING BACK TO YOUR PREVIOUS FLIRTS...PERHAPS...YOU...CAME TO...SEE ME?" Papyrus asked, with such confusion. "Yeah!" Elizabeth cheered, nodding with honesty. "WHAT?? S-SUCH HONESTY...THIS HUMAN'S FEELINGS ARE SO POWERFUL!! MAYBE...N-NO!! I MUST NOT GLANCE AWAY FROM MY TRUE GOAL!! I MUST CAPYTURE YOU, HUMAN!! THEN I'LL HAVE EVERYTHING I'VE EVER DREAMT OF" Papyrus shouted, quickly started the battle. He summons sharp bones and blue attacks at Elizabeth, then Elizabeth lift her hand up. "Wait." Elizabeth respond, after dodging the attacks. She ate a half Bisicle, her health increase to max again. "I'm ready!" Elizabeth shouted, ready as she'll ever be. "...VERY WELL. YOU MIGHT AS WELL SURRENDER!! I'VE OWN ONCE AND I WILL AGAIN!" Papyrus shouted. Elizabeth pressed Mercy to spare Papyrus, knowing it'll be harder than she thought. "...? STOP WITH THAT USELESS STRATEGY! YOUR MERCY CAN'T COMPARE WITH WHAT I'LL GET!! ALL THE FAME!!" Papyrus shouted, bringing out the attacks on Elizabeth while her soul is blue. "THE POWER!!" Papyrus cheered, as he make things more harder for Elizabeth. "AND THE POPULARITY..." Papyrus shouted. After Elizabeth dodge his attacks, has 16HP now but still pressing Mercy. "STOP SPARING ME, HUMAN!!" Papyrus shouted, as Elizabeth's expression were sadness. "YOU ARE NOT EVEN TRYING TO DEFEND YOURSELF!! AND WITH SUCH LOW HP IN THE FIRST PLACE!! IT FEELS...IT FEELS SO...SO UNFAIR...I UNDERSTAND THAT YOUR FEELINGS WON'T LET YOU ATTACK ME, BUT...YOU SHOULD!!" Papyrus shouted. Elizabeth stood there, with sad eyes. "HM...BUT NOW THAT I THINK ABOUT IT...I'VE NEVER SEEN YOU ATTACK...AT ALL. MAYBE YOU DON'T KNOW HOW TO DO SO? KNOWING YOUR TRUE POTENTIAL, IT'S A SHAME." Papyrus replied, turning away from Elizabeth. Elizabeth tilt her head, waiting for Papyrus's answers. "WAIT! IDEA!! HUMAN!! REJOICE!! FOR I SHALL ACCEPT YOUR MERCY!!" Papyrus shouted, which brought excitement to Elizabeth, made her jump a lot. "HOWEVER!! THERE'S ONE CONDITION!" Papyrus shouted, now shaken Elizabeth, prepared for it. "FIRST...SURVIVE THIS TURN." Papyrus responded, spreading out a big ass turn, could be deadly, but Elizabeth stood there, not ready to give up.

Michael shouted in anger. "ELIZABETH!!! PLEASE!! ANYONE OUT THERE!!" It was pure anger, like, he never been angry for that long. Then, the door burst open, revealing to be Sans. "Kids!? Jesus Christ! How did you get down here!? Where's the girl?" Sans asked, unlocking the cells, opening it. "Elizabeth went out to fight Papyrus!" Michael replied, running out of the shed. "Jesus! I should knew!" Sans replied, panicking for Elizabeth and Papyrus battle.

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