Chapter 7

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Elizabeth keeps rowing, getting tired by her strength of rows, she stops to let the river take them. "We might get closer; we can't be far from Undyne's house. That's where we might be able to find your brothers." MK explained, keep looking around. "So, this way?" Elizabeth asked, looked at the only pathway. "Yeah, we can rest now." MK replied, as soon he said it, another path grown a hole, sucking the water and the boat inside. "Huh!? That wasn't there!" MK panicked while Elizabeth starts rowing to avoid the new cave, but the current is too strong. They scream while sunk down into the grown cave, in the cave: It was all quiet, purple glowing flowers blooms in the corner, whispering nice compliments. The vines hang the ceiling, with tiny white flowers on it. "Where the heck are we?" MK asked, looking around. "It's beautiful" Elizabeth replied, admired by the view of a new area. "Yeah, I know, it's dark and colourful! But is there a sign here!" MK replied, looking for any sign. In the background, two flowers as violent Aconite and red Amaryllis, stand a sign, then sink into the ground. Soon, MK saw the sign. "The Love Tunnel?! W-What the heck i-is this doing here?!" MK asked, blushing a bit. "Is there an actual ride?" Elizabeth asked, confused. "W-Well...There used to be. But abandon it since it doesn't have much money." MK explained. "Then, why is this here?" Elizabeth asked. "U-Um..." Then, lights glowed, from red hearted lanterns at the sides of the higher grounds. "Well, this can't be that bad, as long we don't run into trouble!"

"Every time we say that! There's always something happen!" MK complained while the talking flowers begin the instrument with the flower of Christina Perri. MK and Elizabeth blinked once they hear music, wonderment spreads with surprises. The river guides them to a colourful cave, with vines hanging with tiny white flowers while glowing. "Um...Is there any options whatever there's free time?" MK asked, sweating at the forehead. "Always options in free time. Why did you ask?" Elizabeth questioned while the talking flowers let out golden butterflies, flew past them. "Wow! Where did they come from?" Elizabeth watches the butterflies flew away. "I don't...know," MK responded as he sat next to Elizabeth. "Heartbeat fast~ Colours and promise~ How to be brave~ How can I love when I'm afraid to fall~ But watching you stand alone~ All of my doubt~ Suddenly goes away somehow~ One step closer~." Christina sings in the background, which caught their curiosity. "I have died every day waiting for you~ Darling, don't be afraid~ I loved you for a thousand years~ For a thousand more~" MK looks around to find who was singing. "Can you hear that?" MK asked. "Yep! Loud and clear!" Elizabeth cheered, as she rests her head on MK's shoulder, forces him to blush. "Time stands still~ Beauty in all she is~ I will be brave~ I will not let anything take away~ What's standing in front of me~ Every breath~ Every hour has come to this~ One step closer~." MK and Elizabeth watch flowers glowed, like a heartbeat. "I have died every day waiting for you~ Darling, don't be afraid~ I have loved you for a thousand years~ I loved you for a thousand more~ And all along I believed I would find you~ Time has brought your heart to me~ I have loved you for a thousand years~ I love for a thousand more~" Once they got on land, they walk along with the butterflies, glowing mushrooms and heartbeat heart. Then, Elizabeth begins to dance with the song which brought discourage for MK since he barely knew how to dance. But, thanks to Elizabeth, she teaches him how to dance by using the legs. It was tricky, but MK starts to hang of it. It was a beautiful experience as youngsters, may remember for a thousand years. They look at each other in the eyes. "Once step closer~" They blinked, getting a bit closer, hardly rush their cheeks flush of redness. "One step closer!~" They hesitate, walks together. "I have died every day waiting for you~ Darling, don't be afraid~ I have loved you for a thousand years~ I love you for a thousand more~" Then, a rush of butterflies flew in, making them fly. "And all along I believed I would find you~ Time has brought your heart to me~ I have loved you for a thousand years~ I love you for a thousand more~" The last note sings, butterflies brought MK and Elizabeth comes together, creating a heart around them, making MK blushed, shrugging his shoulders. "Hehe, well, wasn't that a romantic tunnel?" Elizabeth asked, flushed by the moment. "W-Well, um...I know we never actually know much with each other, like an hour ago, but...I like you already, 'Lizabeth" MK replied, blushing. "Aww!~ I like you too!" Elizabeth cheered, blushing. "Y-You do?" MK asked, blinked. "Y-Yeah, I do like you, MK," Elizabeth answered. MK giggled a little bit, getting nerve-racking of feelings. "S-So, if y-you know m-much, how powerful is L-Love is?" MK asked. "I would say...Powerful than you thought." Elizabeth responded to warmth MK's heart into heat. MK leans over while Elizabeth closes her eyes before they become one: Elizabeth's older brother comes to disaster. "ELIZABETH!?"

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