Chapter 13

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They walk into the entrance of the core, seeing blue walls with technology works on it. Daniel sees no sign of Fredbear, she must've gone further. Then, they saw an elevator in front of them. Michael gets a call from Alphys. "Alright, that elevator should take you to the top of the core." Alphys replied. They walk up to the elevator. Michael click on the buttons, but the elevator isn't working. "Uh, Alphys? The elevator isn't working." Michael replied. "What!? It was just fixed yesterday! N-No matter! Go to the East path, that should lead to the top of the core." Alphys replied as they begin to run. When they walk into the right path, but it's a dead end, there's only flames in their path. "It's dead end, Alphys." Michael replied. "You've got to be kidding me! Alright, go to the west road!" Alphys complained, wondering what was going on. They ran to the west path, heading north and saw a continuing path. "Alright, this should lead you guys to the top of the core—Watch out!" Alphys shouted as Elizabeth's green soul appeared. Madjick pops out of its hat! Elizabeth gasp as she thought of an idea. She pressed Talk. "Hi there—" Elizabeth cheered. Madjick interrupts her by chattering to itself. Its gibberish dizzies her...Her defense drop by 1. "Tinkle tinkle hoy." Madjick responded, attacking Elizabeth with its magic. Elizabeth did not move at all, confused by the magic in her. She sees Madjick name is yellow, she spared Madjick, having 60Gs, now they have 369Gs. "Jesus Christ! Are you alright!?" Alphys asked, sounded worried. "Y-Yeah, she's not hurt. What's happening, Alphys?" Michael asked, checking on Elizabeth. "I don't know! There's so many monsters here! Okay, we just had to avoid them!" Alphys replied, getting annoyed that she's messing things up. They moved north, finding a blocked path to east. It was blocked by a blue lightning-like across the wall, but there is a switch to discourage the power. "Looks like you can't proceed without switching that damn thing off. But that will activate the lasers, be careful. It's orange, orange and blue." Alphys explained. Michael nodded as he flip the switch. But the patterns changed! It was blue, blue, and orange. They quickly froze for the blues to pass than begins walking towards the other side. "Crap! Are you alright?!" Alphys asked, sounding nervous. "We're fine, uh...Are you sure things are getting in control?" Michael asked, suspicious. "U-Uh...I don't know, but keep going east, I'm on your back!" Alphys replied. They stroll down to the east, seeing two direction, North and East. "Alright, East again!" Alphys replied. Michael begins to sweat as he look at Flowey. "She's gonna mess that up again. North could be safe!" Flowey replied, pointing at northern pathway. They walk north, suddenly encountered by another monster. Daniel's red soul appeared, knowing he must fight someone. Knight knight blocks the way! Daniel makes distressful noises as he looked at his options of ACT. He spot Sing, he remember singing Shyren at Waterfalls. He sings Shyren's song. Knight knight starts to look sleepy... "Farewell." She spoken as she attack Daniel. Luckily, he skips them all. Knight knight smashes her morningstar. He kept singing. Knight knight falls asleep. Knight knight is snoring. Daniel giggled as he spared her, getting 70Gs, now they have 439Gs. Suddenly, Michael's phone ring again. "What the hell are you doing!? I told you to take East!" Alphys complained. "S-Sorry, Dr. Alphys. We thought east was dangerous." Michael explained. "Wha-Y-you don't trust me...?" Alphys asked, sounding so scared. "Uh-Well, uh...It's too hard to explain, we'll continue down to east." Michael replied. They walk out of the northern room since it's dead end. They walk east, seeing another path full of lasers. "Crap! More lasers, hold on, I'm hacking into the light system...What!? It's not turning off!" Alphys shouted, pressing hard on herself. "A-Alphys! Is there a better way than hacking into the system?!" Michael asked, trying his best not to complain. "Uh, I can turn off the core light system. There! Go! Now!" Alphys complained. As soon the lasers were turned off, they had a head start. "Ah! Careful!" Flowey shouted, nearly dropped by Elizabeth. "Sorry Flowey!" Elizabeth replied. Then, Alphys called. "W-WAIT! STOP!" Alphys shouted. They stop after seeing light flashing, then they froze once the blue lasers were on them. "Alphys..." Michael growled. "It turn itself back on! I don't know how it happen! O-Okay! Uh...okay! I'm gonna shut it down again, move a little then stop!" Alphys explained, before hanging up. The laser switch off as they move little, repeating it until they across the laser bridge. "See? I've got everything under control!" Alphys replied, panicking. She hang up without letting Michael speak to her, he has concerns. "Damn it, Alphys!" Michael growled as they walk up to the northern pathway. Then, Daniel saw a Save Point in the centre of all direction. "O-okay! You should should...uh, I-I'm sorry! I had to go!" Alphys cried as she left them. "wha-Alphys! ALPHYS! WE HAD A DEAL! GOD DAMNIT!!!" Michael shouted, slam his phone against the wall, good thing it didn't break. Daniel whined a bit, then he walks up to the Save Point. "The air is filled with the smell of ozone...It fills you with Determination." Daniel sighs as he look at Michael. "What are we going to do now?" Daniel asked, worried. "I...ugh! Let's just look around!" Michael complained. "Let's split up!" Elizabeth replied. "Wha-No! Elizabeth!" Michael complained. "It'll be faster! Come on! Michael!" Daniel complained, dragging Michael to West pathway while Elizabeth and Flowey figure out their own way.

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