Chapter 11

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They step outside into the heat, seeing Flowey there. "There you guys are! You got me worried! Did you see the Mad Scientist!? Did she spot you!? Did she attack you!?" Flowey asked, lots of questions. "Relax, she didn't attack us—" Then, a phone app sounded from three phones in their pocket. They all picked it up. "Just realise I didn't watch Undyne fighting the three-human v.v" Flowey blinked. "Where the heck did you get your phones?" Flowey asked. "Dr Alphys gave us these phones, upgrade it for us. She's even going to guide us through Hotland—" "WHAT!? You shouldn't trust her! She's mad! She's going to hurt you!" Flowey complained. "I know, but we had a deal. She will guide us until we get to the king's castle, after that, we help her with a simple question. One problem is, Mettafell, some superstar on TV is now a hunt for humans." Michael explained. "Mettafell is Alphys' freakin' slave! Mettafell was once a ghost and now stuck in that robotic body as chains to Alphys!" Flowey complained, shocking them, including Fredbear. "...Another...Soul...?" They look at each other, then look at Flowey. "Thanks for the info, Flowey. We might even help Mettafell." Michael replied. "Will that make Alphys mad?" Elizabeth asked, nervously. "She's mad enough." Michael replied as Daniel pull out a shoe, picking Flowey up. "She said we have to go to the core, that's where the only elevator leads to the king's castle are. Right, Flowey?" Michael asked. "Well...She's not wrong, the core is the only place with the elevator to go to the king's castle." Flowey answered as they walk forward. Then, the phone app sounded again. Elizabeth check. "well, i know she's unbeatable i'll ask her abt it later ^.^" Elizabeth hummed, reading Alphys texting. "for now i gotta call up the three humans and guide them for a deal" Elizabeth roll her eyes, continue reading. Then, Michael stop her after seeing the two paths, it was travellator, left side is forward, right side is straight down. "Obviously, left." Michael replied as they walk on the left side, stood there, enjoying themselves as they travel. It was fine until Daniel ran into a fight. Vulkin strolls in. Daniel looks at the options, he pressed ACT and check Vulkin: Mistakenly believes its lava can heal people. "Thunder! Helpful speed up!!!" Vilkin spoken, using lightning on Daniel, but he's in speed mode, he tried to be slow, but the attacks was pressing on, he got hit, 19HP. Vulkin is making coffee in its crater. He pressed Encourage. "You're doing a great job, Vulkin!" Daniel replied, giving Vulkin a thumbs up. "Ahh! Ahh! Does my best!" Vulkin use his attack on Daniel, he got hit, 17HP. Vulkin parades around him proudly. He sees Vulkin's name was yellow, he pressed spare. He won and got 40Gs. After the battle, he gave the Gs to Michael, now has 64Gs. "Alright, this might be a good sign, sadly, we don't have Healing Items, I should bought some before we left Sans' and Papyrus' house." Michael replied, as they across the travellator. They pressed on, then another click of the phone. Elizabeth checks the next text. "i will call them after a minute!" Elizabeth put her phone away and they walk up another travellator, but with sides. They walk up to the left since it goes forward, the travellator, it twirl them around but got across it. "Jesus, why is that travellator swirly?" Flowey asked, bit dizzy by the travellator. Then, Daniel spot a Save Point. He pressed it. "The wooshing sound of steam and cogs...It fills you with Determination" He saved. He followed the others, until the click sounded again, he check his phone. "I HATE USING THE STUPID PHONE I DON'T WANT TO DO THIS" Daniel pull the phone back in. Michael was doing his own business by looking at the phone, checking out it's new brand, then Tsunderplane gets in the way! Not on purpose or anything. Michael think of the idea, he pressed ACT and Flirt. "I like your tastes in movies and books~" Michael replied, winking at Tsunderplane. "Huh!? Y-you sicko!" She replied, dropping attacks as bombs on him, he gets hit once, HP19. Tsunderplane "accidentally" bumps Michael with her wing. He pressed Approach, he gets close to Tsunderplane. But not too close. "Eeeeh? H-human...?" Tsunderplane asked, using attacks on him. He sees green shield around the planes, he thought it was healing, but it brighten Tsunderplane's cheeks, he thought of an idea. He gets close to the planes, grabbing the green shield, until it brighten Tsunderplane, making her blush all over. He sees her name is yellow but like to do this more. He pressed Flirt. "I like your cute winglets~" Michael flirted, winking. (Damn! He makes me blush!) "Ah...Is that true...?" Tsunderplane asked, not using anymore attacks. "Yep!~" Michael approached, face to face with Tsunderplane. Tsunderplane is looking away shyly. "Not just that~ You have a powerful rubber~ Makes me want to—" "MICHAEL! STOP FLIRTING WITH THAT PLANE!" Flowey complained, in the background. Tsunderplane hmphed, angrily. Michael giggled as he kiss Tsunderplane's nose, causing her to blush and scream in mouth. "Bye Tsunderplane! Have fun!~" Michael replied as she flew away, blushing a lot. Michael won and got 60Gs, now has 124Gs, he sighs as he knew he has flirting interactions. Daniel just stared at him, looking disappointed. "What?" Michael asked. "Why am I shy? I wanted to flirt." Daniel asked, walking pass him. Michael giggled, rolling his eyes. "At least some girls could flirt with you!" Michael replied. "Michael..." Daniel replied, shaking his head. "Sorry." Michael replied, scratching his back neck. They look at the vents, they decides to call Undyne, since they got her number. "Hey Undyne, we've found something, like, Steam Vents?" Michael asked, looking at them, seeing a red arrow that leads to the next land. "Steam vents? I think Alphys told me about those. The CORE cools off by releasing steam through those...And at the same time, it doubles as transport! Pretty cool, if you aren't wearing a dress!" Undyne explained, hanging up the call. Michael sighs as he step on the vent, then it flew him across the next land. "Oh...Nice, come on! Just step on the vent!" Michael called, waiting for them. Elizabeth held Flowey, keeping him safe from the lava from below. "Elizabeth! Please don't drop me!" Flowey complained as they were thrown in the air and land on the other side with Michael. Daniel whimpered, he step on the vent as they were lifted to the sky and crashes onto Michael. Michael groan of pain, getting Daniel off from him. "Glad I was held by you." Flowey replied, looking at Elizabeth. "Alright! Alright! Enough playtime! We're moving on!" Michael replied, as they saw two sides, north and south. They went to north since they wanted to move forward, on that way, they got a click from the phone. Michael read it in his phone. "fuk ive had my claw over the last digit for 5 minutes ugh! i'm just gonna go it i'm just gonna call!!!!!!" Michael hummed, putting his phone away. They step on the vent, transport them to another land. Suddenly, they got a phone ring, Michael went to pick it up, but it clicked. Whoever was calling hung up before Michael answered it. Others wonder what it was, Michael just shrug on them. They walk forward until they spot a path at east, but there's orange lasers in the way. Then, the phone ring again, Michael groan. He quickly pick it up and called. "Uhh! Orange lasers! I mean, Alphys here. You might know this: Blue lasers won't hurt you if you don't move. Orange ones! It's the opposite, you just must keep moving and never stop. Good luck!" Alphys explained, before hung up the phone. Michael hears Flowey whined, possibly terrified of Alphys so much. Michael sighs, thinking of regrets of being harsh on Flowey, but he knew Flowey possibly do know her so well meaning of afraid of her. Michael takes a deep breath, then look at the Orange Laser. He took a step forward, then a click from the phone happen. He checks. "OMFG I DID IT!!! claws haven't shook like that since undyne called me to ask about the weather... ^.^" Michael raise his eyebrow, still having trust issues with Alphys and Flowey, barely trust anyone anymore. He put his phone away as he charge through the two Orange Lasers, it didn't hurt him at all. He giggled as he was about to continue, then an update from Alphys again. He roll his eyes as he read it. "WAIT THERE'S NO WEATHER DOWN HERE WHY DID SHE CALL ME" Michael put his phone away, then walk forward to the Blue Laser, he stop moving to get pass the Blue Laser. He sees the Orange Laser in front of him, he ran through it. Then, he saw two Blue Lasers, one of them is farther than the other one, he gets ready as he runs in, stop to get pass the first Blue Laser, then the next Blue Laser. After that, he ran through the Orange Laser, he soon saw a switch next to him, connected to the pipe. He click it and as the laser were deactivated, he waited as the others walks over to him. They walk into another room, then Alphys update statues clicked. Daniel read it. "Oh My fuking God i Forgot to Tell THem Where To Go" Daniel hummed as he sees Alphys taking a photo. "UGlY Picture of THem now! ^.^" It shows a photo of Froggit in princess dresses and makeup. She blinked as Elizabeth texts back. "They're so adorable! :D" Flowey roll his eyes, not liking this. They continue as they put their phones away, enjoying the view of Hotland, they walk north, finding three paths, West, North and East. As soon they walk up to a stop, they got a call from Alphys, Michael answer it as others listen. "Alphys here! The Northern door in front of you will stay shut unless you've solved a puzzle on West and East. I can advise you to go East first, it has the tutorial of the puzzle." Alphys explained. "So, we go right?" Michael asked. "Yes, Right is East, Left is West, North is up, South is Down, did you ever learn Cardinal Direction?" Alphys asked, complaining. "I've been to school only for 2 weeks, lady! Don't we have a deal?" Michael complained. "Of course, we had a deal! I'm not backstabbing you!" Alphys complained, before Michael could responded, Alphys hung up the phone. Michael growled, putting his phone in his pocket, ignoring the anger fills in him. "Let's go." Michael replied, angrily. He sees a vent, it leads to both directions as it turns. He waited until it target to East, he step on it as he flew in the air. Others came over, following Michael through the next room, they spot two guys. They walk up to them, having a small chat. "The way to work is blocked, so I had time to catch Mettafell's show on my phone...Even though she's such a whore...The special effects were terrible! But the three humans looks so real." The green monster replied, who was wearing glasses. Elizabeth poke the other monster, a smokey black one. "Do you know anything about Mettafell?" Elizabeth asked. "Mettafell? The bitch? She's the most "Unpopular" star in the underground. Her fan club possibly has...One member. A ghost like, I think." He explained, makes thing more uncomfortable to them. They decides to stop talking to them and get to the puzzle, then Alphys update statues clicked. Michael pull it out and read what Alphys has said. "wonder if it would be unfun if i explained the puzzle..." Michael giggled, it would be totally unfun. They walk in, seeing the puzzle in front of them. Then, they see this fix-like monster on the right side of the puzzle. Daniel walk up to it. "Excuse me, sir. The door at northern is closed, did you try the puzzle?" Daniel asked. "The door leading through the is closed? So I tried the puzzle? But I kept running out of ammo, and it kept restarting? And my two co-workers won't help? It's like they don't even wanna go to work?" The fox-like monster questioned but finish his speech. They were confused but decides to go on with the puzzle. Daniel found a note at the left side of the puzzle, Flowey read it for them. "(Shoot the opposing ship!) (Move the boxes to complete your mission.)" Flowey responded, reading the tutorial. Elizabeth walks up to the controls, then she pressed a button. The puzzle begins, she soon remember this puzzle back at Sans' and Papyrus' house, she's quite a pro of this. She sees two bullets on the right side, she put out of the boxes from the way, she shot the box to get their way to the target. She complete the game after shooting the target. "Did you play this game before?" Flowey asked, being held by Michael. "I've play it 20 times on Papyrus' computer. Michael and Daniel believed she could be the perfect pro to complete the puzzle, of course, they do want a turn. They walk out of the puzzle room, walking to the vent leads to the centre of direction. They flew to the West, then stop once seeing a Blue Laser blocking their way. Luckily, Alphys call up. "Alphys here!" Alphys responded. "Hey, uh, there's this blue laser—" "I know, I can see it." Alphys replied. "You see it? From where?" Michael asked. "There's a camera in the room, but for now! That Blue Laser is impassable, but I'll hack into the Hotland laser database. Give me a few moments!" Alphys responded, hung up the phone. Then, after she hung up, the blue laser is out. "Ah! Great!" Michael cheered, as they walk pass the empty laser. Later, they saw two monsters, a roller-skating purple monster and green fire monster. They walk up to the purple one. "We were hanging out when suddenly, a buncha puzzles reactivated out of nowhere. This is a huge problem...It rules! They've GOTTA cancel school over this!" The purple monster replied, Michael can't complain, he hate school. They walk up to the girl with green fire, as for Michael, like a flirting type, has blush when seeing her. "Finally! Someone turned off that laser! Now that we're free we can...Well, uh, I guess we'll just keep standing here." The green fire monster replied, having a great view of Hotland. "Damn...She looks fine~" Michael flirted. Then, Daniel groan and start pushing him away from the green fire monster. "Would you stop it, Mike!" Daniel complained. Elizabeth walks in, getting her hands onto the controls of the puzzle. She has another two bullets, she moved five boxes out of the way while one box is in her way, she shoot the box and shoot the target. She complete the puzzle, feeling proud of herself. She walks out, finding her brothers standing there, waiting. They walk out of the West Room, then get their way to the northern door from the vents. After they flew across, the door open for them. They walk in, seeing a tall building made of rocks with vents on top of it on the East side. They took a step, then Alphys update statues clicked. Michael check it out. "W-whatever!!! i'll just explain it!!" Michael rise his eyebrow, as they get a call from Alphys. "Alphys here! I just remember that you might not read our language words! So, the tutorial of the puzzle—" "It's okay, we already solved them!" Elizabeth cheered. "S-Solved them!? Since when!?" Alphys asked, sounded shocked. "Since now. They're easy to solve! I play them on Papyrus' computer!" Elizabeth cheerfully explained. "Ah, and you know our language in books?" Alphys asked. "Yes, thanks to Tori—I mean, tutorial, and Flowey's reading skills as our translator!" Michael explained, nervously. "Okay???" Alphys questioned, before hung up. Michael slap himself, nearly blew Toriel's hideout. They sees a vent in front of them, Michael held Flowey in his arms as he jump on them, he flew over with other vents as others followed, seeing the vent flying so much. After they across it, the floor looks black with red spots. They were concerned, but belief risen of seeing Mettafell again. They were in a dark room, too dark to see except their eyes. Then, their phone rang, Daniel picked it up. "Alphys here! I can see you're in a dark room. No problem, I'm hacking into the light system now. And...There!" Alphys replied, lightening up the room. The room they were in was a blooded kitchen, it was awkward and scary, like from The Shinning. "Oh no." Alphys replied, before hung up. They soon saw Mettafell, rising with a chef's top hat. "OHHHH YES!!! WELCOME, BEAUTIES, TO THE UNDERGROUND'S PREMIER COOKING SHOW!!!" Mettafell cheered, as a sign of the title appeared. "Cooking with a Killer Robot" Michael giggled at that part, but knew they are at risk, 80%. "PRE-HEAT YOUR OVENS, BECAUSE WE'VE GOT A VERY SPECIAL RECIPE FOR YOU TODAY! WE'RE GOING TO BE MAKING...A CAKE! MY LOVELY ASSISTANTS HERE WILL GATHER THE INGREDIENTS. EVERYONE GIVE THEM A BIG HAND!!!" Mettafell cheered, clapping his hands as the sound of people cheering, confetti fallen from above, dropping on the Afton's Children. Flowey accidentally shallow one of the confetti, a green one, cough it out of his mouth. "WE'LL NEED SUGAR, MILK, AND EGGS. GO FOR IT, SWEETHEARTS!" Mettafell explained. "Kids, can't we just leave!?" Flowey whispered. "We're quite stuck into this show now." Michael replied, he placed Flowey on the table while he went over to get a bag of sugar, Daniel gets milk and Elizabeth grab a packet of eggs. While they were getting them, Fredbear who was next to Flowey, was staring at Mettafell, then spoken. "...Save...Him..." Flowey blinked, then look at Fredbear. He stared at him, then Fredbear stare back, causing him to gasp. "...We must...Save him..." Flowey begins flapping his leaves as Fredbear stare back at Mettafell. They put them on the table, completing Mettafell's quest. "PERFECT! GREAT JOB, BEAUTIFULS! WE'VE GOT ALL OF THE INGREDIENTS WE NEED TO BAKE THE CAKE! MILK...SUGAR...EGGS...OH MY! WAIT A MAGNIFICENT MOMENT! HOW COULD I FORGET!!! WE'RE MISSING THE MOST IMPORTANT INGREDIENT!" Then, Mettafell lift a chainsaw, which shocked the Afton Children. "THREE HUMAN SOUL'S!!!!" Mettafell shouted as he recharge the chainsaw, about to attack the Afton Children. They panicked as Michael was about to throw a bag of sugar at Mettafell. Before all the killing and fights, a phone ring in Mettafell's phone. "HELLO...? I'M KIND OF IN THE MIDDLE OF SOMETHING HERE." Mettafell responded, lowering his chainsaw. "H-Hold a moment! Why not-err...How about...Why not a substitution in the recipe?" Alphys asked, sounded nervously, like trying to figure out to get the children to safety. "...A SUBSTITUTION? YOU MEAN, USE A DIFFERENT, NON-HUMAN INGREDIENT? ...WHY?" Mettafell asked, tune in suspicion. "Well, just in case! Like...Um, what if someone is...Vegetarian?" Alphys asked, nervously. "...VEGETARIAN." Mettafell replied, thinking of that. "Well, it's just in case—" "THAT'S A BRILLIANT IDEA, DR ALPHYS!! ACTUALLY, I HAPPEN TO HAVE AN OPTION RIGHT HERE!!! MTF-BRAND ALWAYS-CONVENIENT HUMAN-SOUL-FLAVOUR-SUBSTITUTE! A CAN OF WHICH...IS JUST OVER ON THAT COUNTER!!!" Mettafell cheered, as a camera shows a counter with a can on it. "WELL, DARLING? WHY DON'T YOU GO GET IT?" Mettafell asked, pushes Elizabeth to go after it. She looks at Mettafell, bit scared of him. "WHAT'S A MATTER? NOT A CAN FAN? THAT'S TOO BAD! MTF-BRAND USES ONLY THE FRESHEST ARTIFICIAL INGREDIENTS AND CHEMICALS!" Mettafell replied, Elizabeth took a deep breath. She walks over to the counter on the east side, like out of the kitchen room. Once she went to go get it, then the counter lowers, started to rumble, then it towers up. Elizabeth stare up at the top until she fallen onto her butt, Mettafell rolls over. "BY THE WAY, OUR SHOW RUNS ON A STRICT SCHEDULE. IF YOU CAN'T GET THE CAN IN THE NEXT ONE MINUTE...WE'LL JUST HAVE TO GO BACK TO THE ORIGINAL PLAN!!! SO...BETTER START CLIMBING BEAUTIFUL!!!" Mettafell explained, as he shoots up to the sky. "Oh shit!" Michael shouted, panicking. Then, Elizabeth's phone ringed, she pick it up, hearing Alphys voice. "Crap! It's impossible to get up there in one minute! ...Well, there is a solution. When I was upgrading your phones, I've added some few features. There should be a button called "JETPACK" Find it and get up there!" Alphys responded. Elizabeth quickly look at her phone, then found Jetpack button. She pressed it suddenly her phone transform into a jetpack. She put it on as she learn the controls. She quickly speed it up and flew up to the sky to get the can. "Go sister!" Michael cheered. "You can do it!" Daniel cheered, holding Flowey and Fredbear. "Do it for Iron Man!" Flowey shouted. Elizabeth blinked after hearing what Flowey said, then thought of herself flying in a pink iron suit. She smiles with sparkling eyes, then suddenly an egg hit his face. She wipe it off than gasp, it was Mettafell, dropping eggs on her. She gasp, avoiding the eggs, trying her best to prevent the eggs. After the eggs, sugar attacked! She flies through the small areas around the sugar, it wasn't that hard since she played video games. Then, milk became splashing down, she get hit by one. She shake her head to get the milk off her hair, then she avoid one then another. Then, the eggs comes in again! But this time, a little more egg. She gets hit twice, but never gives up. Suddenly, she gets a puff of sugar on her, she knew it was sugar but more. She avoid it, but struggle to see by the sugar on her. She sees milk coming down, she swirl and avoid it most of it, filled with kindness but determination as well. She sees more eggs coming down, but like thousand, she twirl, using her hands to grab eggs and put them away from her way to success. "I aren't giving up by some ingredients!" Elizabeth spoken, using her strength to swirl through the sugar's little area to squeeze into to get pass the sugar. She soon saw the milk watering down. She hold her breath to squeeze through the milk, avoiding it very well. Then, she saw the can on top of the counter. She land on the counter, then snatch the can and risen up, the audience cheered of seeing Elizabeth's success! Then, Mettafell flew over. "MY, MY. IT SEEMS YOU'VE BESTED ME. BUT ONLY BECAUSE YOU HAD THE HELP OF THE BRILLIANT DOCTOR APLHYS! OH, I LOATHE TO THINK OF WHAT WOULD HAVE HAPPENED TO YOU WITHOUT HER!!! WELL, TOODLES!!" Mettafell left the scene, leaving Elizabeth speechless and confused. Then, Mettafell comes back to tell her. "OH YES! ABOUT THE SUBSTITUTION...HAVEN'T YOU EVER SEEN A COOKING SHOW BEFORE? I ALREADY BAKED THE CAKE AHEAD OF TIME!!!!! SO FORGET IT!!!" Mettafell explained before she goes away. Elizabeth blinked as she place the can down and flew down from the highest level. "You did it, sis!" Michael cheered, giving her a big hug. Daniel ran over, giving her a hug too, like a big happy family. Then, the phone ringed, it was from Alphys. Elizabeth picked it up. "Great work, Elizabeth! And for the weirdest part...Some of the shows viewers got higher!" Alphys replied. "Viewers?" Michael asked. "People watching TV. Before this, there's been a lot of haters against Mettafell than good comments. Now, with you on it, it just lift up the haters." Alphys explained, then Elizabeth gasp. "Am I a star?~" Elizabeth asked, smiling with sparkling eyes. "Maybe the next star of MTF." Flowey replied, rolling his eyes. "Who was that?" Alphys asked, hearing a familiar voice. "Oh! That was Flowey! Uh, we'll continue?" Michael asked. "Ye-yeah yeah! Sure." Alphys responded before she hung up. They walk pass the long counter and continue on, then Daniel spot a Save Point, he ran over to touch it then gasp by seeing the huge machine in the distance, he poke the Save Point. "An ominous structure looms in the distance...You're filled with Determination." He saved as he walks with the others, then a phone called again. Michael pick it up. "Alphys here. Uh, see that ginormous building at the centre of lava?" Alphys asked. "Yeah, I'm looking at it right now." Michael replied. "That's the CORE. It converts geothermal energy into magical electricity, but for now, that's the goal, it leads you to the elevator to Asgore's castle. May be tricky, but I know you all can do it." Alphys explained before she hung up. They walk forward, seeing an elevator in front of them. "This must be it." Michael replied, pressed the button on side of the elevator, then the elevator's door slide open. They walk in while Michael pressed the buttons to level 2 but on the right side of Hotland. The elevator's door closed, and other a moment, the elevator's door opened. They walked out than spotted a firey-little-monster, they walk up to it. "Heh. I'm Heats Flamesman. Remember my name!" Heats Flamesman replied, cheering. Elizabeth put that name into her phone to remember his name. They walk forwards to the left direction, then stopped when they saw a Hotdog stand with Sans in there, they look at each other, remembering that they've ran out of the house without them knowing. They took a deep breath and walk forward, then saw Vulkin and another monster having Hotdogs. They walk up to the monster who's wearing a pink shirt. "I love hot dogs! Hey...Isn't it weird there's SNOW on that guy's roof?...guess he's just too lazy to clean it off." The pink shirt monster replied. Then, they walk up to Vulkin. "Toasty bun!" Vulkin cheered with a hotdog is in their hole like a volcano. They finish and walks up to Sans, who was sleeping. Michael shake his arm, waking him up. "Hey Sans..." Michael responded, scaring Sans a bit. "Hey kids...Um...You might've heard my conversation with Papyrus...Look, I'm sorry for making this a big deal, but I can't let you kids stay down here and suffer." Sans replied. "It's alright, Sans. Sorry for running away—" "Nah uh, you had to go, the Royal Guards came to us and question about you kids. They believed you kids are humans, so, we burned almost everything you've created to hide the evidences." Sans explained. They sadden, for the memories they have created, including Flowey. Sans thought of a solution. "Well, I can't let you kids go on adventure alone. Here, have some Hotdogs, it'll boost your HP." Sans replied, giving three each 3 Hotdog. "Thank you, Sans." Michael replied, smiling. "Your welcome, buddy." Sans replied, rubbing Michael's head. They wave goodbye and continue pressing on, they walk into a long hall and looking around the surroundings, then Pyrope bounds towards Elizabeth. "Oh dear..." Elizabeth replied, thinking how to manage this. She pressed ACT and pressed Heat Up. She crank up the thermostat. Pyrope begins to get excited. "Hot!! HOT!! Hotter! HOTTER!!" Pyrope shouted as he throw the attacks at Elizabeth, throwing bombs at different direction and fallen in different gravity. She gets hits, HP10. She took a deep breath and pressed Heat Up again. It's super hot! Pyrope looks satisfied. He threw more bombs at Elizabeth, luckily, she didn't get hit. She spared Pyrope and got 45Gs, after the battle, she gave the Gs to Michael, now they have ate a Hotdog, boost her HP up. Michael sighs as they continue walking. Then, they saw two paths, south and west. They decides to check out south path once they got into a room. Suddenly, Elizabeth hears a clock from her phone, she check it out and found two friend request. NAPSTABLOOK22 and MKWithNoArms732 sent a friend request to Elizabeth, her account name was BallerinaSweetie223. She accept their friend request, getting MK's texting. It took a while but understood MK's struggle without arms. "Hey Elizabeth! I'm using my tail to text" Elizabeth giggled as she respond with an emoji, a blushing smile and a pink heart. The text respond with an emoji of a eyes widen blush, Elizabeth giggled. "Hey Elizabeth! Look what I found!" Michael replied, finding a cute Stained Apron. Elizabeth gasp, then grab it from Michael. "It's adorable! I'll shall wear it!" Elizabeth gasped, putting her cute tutu and shoes in her inventory. She put the Stained Apron on, looking adorable as well. "Now that's much better!" Flowey replied. Then, Elizabeth took a photo of herself on phone, then tweet it to the viewers, she gets 65 Likes, 79 Loves, and 234 viewers, and mostly loved comments of how adorable she is and some that recognise her on Mettafell's cooking show. "Sweet!~" Elizabeth cheered, jumping around. "Stop jumping otherwise you might slip and fall into lava, let's keep going!" Flowey complained, ready to leave the area. They walk out of the south path, heading west. Then, stopped when they saw another puzzle, they got a call from Alphys. Daniel pick it up. "Alphys here. This puzzle is like a time limit, you see those switches over there, you need to flip three within 3 seconds. Good luck! Also, I saw your little sister's post." Alphys explained, before hung up the phone. Daniel nodded as he give Elizabeth his teddy bear. "What did she said to do?" Flowey asked, worried. "She said we had to switch the buttons within 3 seconds. I guess that's easier." Daniel explained as he step onto the travellator, he switch the first, the second! Then he got distracted by his phone ring, he fallen over after getting off the travellator. "Now! Go get that third one..." Alphys replied, realising she distract him. Daniel rub his butt to comfort, then suddenly the path that was blocked by an electric wall shuts down. "I just forgot you only need to switch 2 levers. So, that might help you out." Alphys replied, hung up the phone. "Huh..." Daniel replied, getting up as others came over from the travellator. They continue walking west, then suddenly, face to face with another puzzle. Then, they got another Alphys update status. "that's the last time i try to help with a puzzle lmao" Elizabeth giggled as they suddenly get a phone call from Alphys. "Excuse me, this puzzle here is for free. I'll be going to the toilet, be back." Alphys replied before she hung up. "Great. Now we have to complete this puzzle here." Flowey complaint. Michael have a look, then decides to work it out.

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