Chapter 15

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Daniel wipe his tears while crossing the bridge to MTF's Resort. Flowey stays silent while carried, feeling too frightening to even talk to him. Fredbear was never scared of Daniel, knowing him that he was just mad, with new actions that was a bad idea, at least he stands up for himself, but in the wrong way. Then, the phone ringed in Daniel's pocket. Daniel picked it up as he hears Undyne's voice. "Hey Daniel! Just a quick favour, can you come over to my house? Thank you very much!" Undyne asked, before she hang up. Daniel hummed, wondering what she wants with him. Daniel took a deep breath, beginning to continue his way to Undyne's burning down house, well, mostly rebuild house.

Michael carried Elizabeth, traumatized what happen. Elizabeth was whimpering, scared, confused. She was too young to understand. Michael sadden by his sins, harming his little brother, over to make friends. Without realising he was friends with Toxic, no eyesight of realisation reducing Daniel's sanity down to the bottom of Earth. Then, they arrived Judgement Hall, hoping to find someone who can help Elizabeth. "Hello!? We need help!" Michael cried, seeing the large double door in front of him. He ran towards it, pushing his back on the door to open. He gasps after seeing a damage Throne Room, seems like a horror battle happen here, not too long ago. He lay Elizabeth on the Throne, keeping her there to rest. Michael took his shoes off, including his socks since it felt sweaty in them. "Mike...Why did you do it...?" Elizabeth asked, knowing that Michael has bullied Daniel as often in the surface. Michael was going to speak, but instead, taking a deep breath. "I just want friends." Michael replied, looking a bit sadden. Elizabeth tilt her head. "I thought you already have friends?" Elizabeth asked. "But they were planning to cut me off if we don't bully my little brother, I never even want to bully him. But those dickheads took the control of me, now, I felt like a real villain of the story..." Michael explained, sitting next to Elizabeth. She knew that Michael may be a bully, does not mean he is the villain of the story. "You are no villain, Mike. I know you, you two just had a fight. That can be fixed!" Elizabeth replied, smiling. "Elizabeth, didn't you hear what he said? A wound that never heals..." Michael replied, hugging his knees, feeling too devastated. "That doesn't mean we can't try!" Elizabeth hugged Michael, comforting him. Michael felt a bit better, however the pain he has overdosing were not. Michael pretend to smile, trying to cheer Elizabeth up.Daniel walks up to the rebuild house of Undyne's, hearing the piano inside plays, he knocked and was greeted by Undyne. "Hey Dan! How's your arm?" Undyne asked, smiling. "It's fine. Uh, so, what's something you need?" Daniel asked. "Oh...W-Well, will you take this letter to Alphys?" Undyne demanded, giving a white letter to Daniel. Daniel grab it and see it very tight to open by the multiple duct tapes. "Sure, why can't you do it yourself?" Daniel asked, tilt his head. "U-Uh...since you are a friend, I guess I can be honest...I want her to go out with me!" Undyne answered. Daniel blinked, turning into a fanboy. "Lucky you, it's a day off for you and Alphys, says from the king. I'll do it!" Daniel gladly accepted to email the letter to Alphys. "Wait...Asgore said we have a day off? That's...not common, it's impossible rare thing." Undyne replied. "Hang on, is this the first time of having a day off?" Flowey asked. " be honest, I'm glad I get a day off. I don't really like fighting; I just want to live my own life. I pretend to be someone else that likes to mess things up, destroying their houses and being a bully here." Undyne explained. "That might change, I feel like a lot of things will change by then. I'll be going now, I'll see ya at Alphys place!" Daniel cheered, waving at Undyne while traveling his way to Alphys place.Michael and Elizabeth were asleep in the Throne, having a big break of going through tough moments. Asgore in the other hand, he was watering the rotten flowers, he knew its dead but could not help to image of thinking kind of flowers in colours. He places the watering can down, heading to the Throne room, remembering a big mess here. "Oh dear..." Asgore replied, feeling unpleasant by the detriment decoration. He heads over to the Throne to move it back to the centre; he have a look of it and blinked after seeing Michael and Elizabeth in a slumber. He didn't think there be more humans than one, he carefully has a small look of the children, seeing a punch mark on Elizabeth's face. Asgore couldn't help but thought of options. Wake them up and tell them he has changed? Or giving them a packet of things, they might need? Or just simply leave them alone and let them rest? Then, Asgore's light bulb lit up after got a good solution. He ran off to get items for the children.

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