Chapter 16

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Daniel open his eyes, seeing the red-stoned walls and torches. He looks back and saw a broken elevator door, it was unsafe to go back. "Daniel! Thank god you're awake!" Flowey cheered, hugging Daniel's arm with his vines, Fredbear was seated on Daniel's lap. "What happen?" Daniel asked, carried Fredbear. "Mister Afton somehow taken us right up here!" Flowey complained. Daniel's memories were flashed, remembering his biologic father has call him on his cell phone. "Why does he even want me to be here?" Daniel asked, looking at Flowey. "I don't know! Do I look like some Dictionary to you!?" Flowey complained. "Nothing like a word book." Daniel replied, getting up and wiping his knees from greyish dust. He picked up Flowey, carried him. "What should we do now?" Daniel asked. Fredbear blinked and responded. "Destroy the barrier..." Daniel looked at her, was not sure if he was ready to leave the underground. He took a deep breath, walking to the view of Asgore's Kingdom. "That reminds me...Are you ready to face Michael...?" Flowey asked, tilt his head to see Daniel's expression. All there is guilt, fear, cowardice, he does not seem to be ready. Flowey regrets asking, lowering his head down with doubts. Daniel sighs and walks to the elevator, pressing the button and head his way to the top.

Michael and Elizabeth were checking out the souls, looking at them in the bottles. "Six of them...might be able to break the barrier when...they come back..." Michael replied while sins crawl on his back. Elizabeth pat on his shoulder as Asgore comes back with a black blanket. He lay the black blanket on them, keeping them warm. "Is there anything else you need?" Asgore asked, smiling. Michael did want to know one thing, a guide. "Uh...can you give me advise on relationship with my brother?" Michael asked, feeling nervous. "Well, I haven't got experience of having a sibling, so...Maybe, apologise and forget what happen?" Asgore replied, shrugging his shoulder. He feels butterflies in his stomach, feeling untrustworthy with himself. "I'm not so sure if I am ready to even talk to him..." Michael replied, having his back rub by Elizabeth. "No one is ever ready, Michael." Asgore replied. Michael blinked after hearing Asgore response, he was right, no one is ever ready. He whined a bit, lean against on Asgore's cape, feeling unsafe by Daniel's warmth. Daniel was standing at the entrance to the Barrier Room. He sees how scared Michael was, regrets were flowing in him after shouting at him. He looks at Flowey, seeing his expression with sadness. Fredbear was just staring at the barrier with patience. Daniel takes a deep breath and walks over, having flashes of them having best fun in the underground, chasing their way to escape or stay with their new family. He gulps as he places Flowey and Fredbear down, scratching his back head while walking up to them. He takes a deep breath, talking to himself in his mind. Breathe in, Daniel. Breathe in and can do this! Daniel was going to spoke until Michael has reply. "I shouldn't have done this to him..." Daniel froze after hearing his voice. "I could've just left my toxic friends behind and find other friends that cares for us...then maybe they could've done something to keep us safe...I was such an asshole..." Michael replied, sorrowed while being cuddled by Asgore and Elizabeth. "I thought I was doing what friends are good for. But I was too blind to see his miserable life, I am a horrible brother, I am the abuser, I am the destroyer of his life. I stab knives at his heart! I have put words in his mind! I've cut his skins like scissors!" Michael cried, admitting all his mistakes and choice through life. "and all of that is for nothing but cause chaos to his reality, I was his nightmare, I was his demon, I was his enemy. I was a monster..." Michael cried. "Mike, I know you have done these things, but it is in the past now-" Michael interrupted Asgore. "No! It does not just become the past! It becomes a memory to remember! A memory to regret! I am going to end up in hell for this! For making Daniel a lack of sympathy! I spread that disease like a coronavirus!" Michael cried. "What is a coronavirus?" Asgore asked. "It's a virus from a movie called "I Survive 2020" But anyway...I'm an asshole..." Michael replied, forgetting what happen there. Daniel blinked of surprise, feeling warmth in his chest. Flowey and Fredbear just stared with thoughtful thoughts. Daniel place them down and walks up to Michael's back. Asgore and Elizabeth saw Daniel and spoken. "Daniel?" Asgore asked, blink with surprise. Michael jump and look back and saw Daniel with emotional sad expression. "Daniel!?" Michael replied with unexpected expression, standing up while staring at him. "...Mike, do you actually think you're an asshole? Did you admit it?" Daniel asked, making things a bit harder for Michael to answer. Michael stays silent for a bit but spoken up. "Yes. I admit it...I'm really am a horrible asshole, I'm a huge bully to you and I'm never been a good brother to ya for years and years...and I regret it...I'm sorry, brother." Michael apologised, trying not to cry but Daniel failed, instead of crying, crying of joy. Daniel smiled with tears falling from his cheeks, he walks forward and hug Michael while crying in his shirt. Michael sobbed, hugging back while squeezing him tightly. "I love ya, brah!" Michael cried as Asgore and Elizabeth give them personal space, including Flowey ad Fredbear. Fredbear must push Flowey since Flowey is in a shoe. "I love you too, Mike!" Daniel cried, dripping tears on Michael's shirt and the ground. Elizabeth runs into the situation and hug them. Daniel and Michael giggled, hugging Elizabeth as they all reunited. Flowey wipe his tears and brush it on Fredbear's arm, Fredbear was distracted by watching the reunited family. Asgore smiled, knowing they have found their happy ending. Fredbear walks up to Asgore and responded. "Can we start breaking the barrier?" Fredbear asked, tilt her head. "Oh! Of course! But should we wait until they are finish?" Asgore asked, slightly pointing at the children. "We can start, we haven't seen the sun for almost a month now." Daniel replied, somehow appeared next to Asgore with Michael and Elizabeth. "A-Are you sure?" Asgore asked. "What? Do you want to get out of this underground?" Michael asked, smiling. Asgore stays silent, look at Fredbear and Flowey, seeing them smiling. Asgore smiled until a sudden fireball appeared! Asgore gasp as he gets hit by the fireball. "ASGORE!" Daniel yelled, rushes to the unconscious king. Michael look at the person and shaken straight to his heart. "Mum...?" Michael asked, eyes widen. Asgore grunt of bit of pain as he gets up. Daniel helps Asgore up and look at the person, turning out to be Toriel. Toriel blink of confusion after seeing Daniel helping Asgore up. "Have I miss something?" Toriel asked, disappearing her fireballs. "MUM!" Daniel cried as they all run over to Toriel. "Mum! We missed you!" Elizabeth cried, hugging Toriel's legs. Toriel hugs back to the Afton's Children, smiling with tears in her eyes. "I've missed you too, my children. It was selfish of me to leave you out without bigger guidance." Toriel responded, brushing Daniel's hair. "Tori? You came back!" Asgore cheered. "Do NOT "Tori" me, Asgore." Toriel furiously responded which silent Asgore, he saddens while getting comforted by Fredbear, patting his leg. Then, out of nowhere, a loud voice responded. "NGAAHHHH!!!!!!! HEY! IF ANYONE FIGHT MY BEST FRIENDS! THEN I WILL-" It was Undyne but stops after seeing Toriel and the situation. "Oh hello! I am Toriel. Are you their friends?" Toriel asked. "Uh, yeah...? Nice to meet ya!" Undyne cheered. She walks up to Asgore and said. "Asgore, is that your ex? Geez, that's rough." Undyne replied, seeing Asgore in tears, kinda. "H-Hey! No one fight each other!" Alphys shouted, running in from the entrance. Then, she stops after seeing the situation. "Hello! I'm Toriel, are you another friend?" Toriel asked, waving at Alphys. "Uh, h-h-hi!" Alphys replied, waving at Toriel. Then, she looks at Michael with shocking expression. "THERE'S TWO OF THEM???" Alphys asked, finding this a biggest twist as she stands next to Undyne. "NYEH! NOBODY IS FIGHTING NOBODY! OR I'LL..." Papyrus comes along, seeing the situation with confusion. "Hello!" Toriel cheered. "OH, HELLO, YOUR MAJESTY! HUMAN, DID ASGORE CLONE HIMSELF?" Papyrus whispered to Elizabeth; Elizabeth shook her head as an answer. "Hey kids, what's up?" Sans appeared behind the kids. They jump and saw Sans behind them. "SANS!" Daniel cheered, hugging Sans' belly. "Hey kid, I'm sorry for tellin' ya to leave the underground." Sans replied. "That that you, Sans?" Toriel asked, walking up to Sans who was blushing a bit. The Afton Children figures the relationship, obviously have feelings for each other. "Y-Yeah, wow, it's so weird to actually face to face with each other!" Sans replied, staring at Toriel while blushing. Toriel giggled as Asgore was crying a bit. "It's alright, Asgore. There's tons of fish in the sea." Flowey replied, managed to crawl over. Fredbear help Flowey up from crawling. "Y-Yeah! He is right! You j-just have t-to stop lo-looking for f-furry monsters and g-get to know a r-really cute fish...?" Alphys responded, confused what Flowey has said, blushing while looking at Undyne. "I'm saying there is other people for love, Alphys." Flowey replied. "Y-Yeah! I knew!" Alphys cheered. Undyne giggled while Napstablook and Mettafell as ghosts fly in and responded. "For heaven sake! Give the fish a smooch already! The readers are dying!" Mettafell complained. "Sh-Shut up! Stop making them go crazy!" Undyne shouted, embarrassed. Alphys flushed, then thought about it. It was time to be able to kiss Undyne for real. "A-Actually, to be honest...If it was okay to...y'know..." Alphys nervously replied, blushing a lot. "A-Alphys?" Undyne asked, blushing after figuring out what Alphys is talking about. Then, Alphys exhale for the courage. "C'mon! Let's do it!" Alphys responded. Undyne flushed, looking around with confusion. "I-If you say so..." Undyne replied, leaning over to kiss Alphys. The Afton children watch for their ship to sail, but Toriel has to interrupt. "W-Wait! Not in front of the children!" Toriel panicked, stopping their romance. The Afton children sighs with unsuccessful failure, Undyne and Alphys giggled after getting things settled. "S-Sorry, we nearly got away with it!" Alphys laughed. Elizabeth picked up Flowey while Daniel picked up Fredbear. The Afton children looks at their family, feeling bonded with them. "My children, there may not be another way to get you back to the surface. Surprising, you have made friends in this cruel world, I never thought there could be still be good in this world. At first, I thought it would be impossible for you to be happy and safe in a whole world full of dangerous people. I'll be happy here." Toriel replied, smiling. The Afton children smiled, hugging Flowey and Fredbear with glee. "Now I think about it. That got me thinking...Papyrus, you knew the way to Asgore castle, but how did you know the secret passageway?" Alphys asked, looking at Papyrus. "OH, LET'S JUST SAY...SOME PURPLE GUY HELPED ME!" Papyrus responded, proudly. The Afton children froze, including Fredbear mostly. Sans was sweating with empty eyes-sockets. "P-...Purple...g-guy?" Sans asked, looking nervous. Then, out of nowhere, a voice echoes the room, it was from the voicebox. "Hello everyone...This is Dr Gaster..." The person behind the voice box spoken.

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