28: Dinner Party

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"I have not been

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"I have not been... completely honest with all of you."

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You and Lisa rummage through your suitcases in your room, finding something suitable to wear for the dinner party this evening.

Lisa settled on a champagne-colored sparkly dress that touched the floor, and you dressed into a short, black satin dress dotted with white flowers.

The pair of you walked together to the dining room, where almost everyone was already congregated at. The only empty chair was at the head of the table, and after having a quick glance around, you noticed Rose was missing.

Jungkook and Taehyung waved the two of you over, who had two empty seats between them. You encouragingly nudged Lisa to sit next to Jungkook, and she slowly scooted into the chair next to him, blush already forming on her cheeks as you sat in the empty chair next to Taehyung.

"You look lovely tonight, m'lady." Taehyung said, tipping his imaginary fedora.

"Why thank you, good sir." you responded in an English accent, giggling.

Before any of you could continue your conversations, the room falls silent as the door opens again and Rose walks in, taking her place at the empty seat at the end of the table.

"Hello everyone. Don't stop on my account, go ahead and eat." she said.

You all decide to take her up on the invitation, looking at the plate of delicious food in front of all of you, eating and engaging in conversation with each other.

"Oh but actually... I do have something I'd like to bring up real quickly with you all." Rose spoke up again.

You all stopped talking again, and you looked back to her questioningly.

"I have not been... completely honest with all of you. There's something that I need to clear up if we want to continue on with this experiment."

You and Lisa exchanged a worried glance.

"When we all first met, I told you we met somewhere where an experiment was previously preformed fifteen years ago. That wasn't the truth. That failed experiment took place only three years ago."

You were all silent for a moment.

"...Is there a reason you're telling us this now?" Yoongi spoke up.


"I don't think we should be thinking about things like this right now." Jin interrupted. "Fifteen years ago or not, I feel like it's irrelevant to think about it. I think I speak for everyone when I say we need some good thoughts in our lives right now."

You all looked at each other, and knowingly agreed with Jin.

It's not like that matters anyway, right? Why would Rose bring up something so... random? Out of nowhere?

"Yes... you're right." Rose said. "I apologize for mentioning something unimportant, I was just making conversation. Let's eat."

"Awkward." Lisa whispered to you, as slowly the conversation was picking back up in the dining hall between everyone.

You nodded in agreement, and went back to your food, striking up a conversation with Taehyung as Lisa talked with Jungkook. You couldn't help but steal glances at Jimin from across the table at the other end, watching him talk with Rose.

Because for some reason, you loved torturing yourself with your thoughts.

You sighed, ignoring the feeling in your heart as the night went on.

- - - - -

"I think I'm going to tell everyone about Hoseok tomorrow morning." Jennie said quietly to Yoongi, and he raised his eyebrows.

"Tomorrow morning? You're sure you're okay with it being that soon?" he asked.

"Yeah... no point in putting it off. Besides... I think I want, um... I want them to know about me." she said, slightly blushing.

Yoongi grinned.

"Wow, I never took you as the 'making friends' type, you know?" he smirked.

She rolled her eyes. "I'm not. This doesn't mean I'm... making friends."

"Uh huh. Well, I'm proud of you." he smiled.

She blushed, and quickly averted her eyes from him.

"Y-yeah, whatever..." she said softly, and he chuckled, directing his attention back to his food, smiling for the rest of the night.

- - - - -

The dinner soon ended, with nothing else of note happening. Jimin made his way back to his room alone, excusing himself first from the table.

He flopped down onto his bed, looking up at the ceiling in thought.

He couldn't stop thinking about what Rose said earlier that night.

"That failed experiment took place only three years ago."

What did it mean?

He had a feeling she didn't just bring that up for the fun of it. So why?

What was the experiment from three years ago? And why did it fail?

Did it have anything to do with what they were going through right now?

And beyond that, he had another thought burning the back of his mind that terrified him to think about.

Did this have anything to do with his missing memories?

- - - - -

You were walking onto the front lawn, looking up at the stars.

You told Lisa it was okay to go back alone, and that you wanted some time to yourself to look at the night.

You took a deep breath in, appreciating the fresh mountain air and comfortable warm temperature.

You took it upon yourself to sit on the grass, decompressing from the day you had.

You almost felt yourself dozing off, but you snapped out of it when you heard the door behind you slide open.

You turned around, and squinted to see who it was in the dark. You soon raised your eyebrows in surprise.


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Author's Note

If you enjoyed this chapter, let me know by leaving a vote!!

Sorry this one was a short one guys! I hope it was still enjoyable!

We're coming up on some interesting revelations in this story. I hope you're all excited to find out what happens next :) I'm excited to share it with you all!

Also, thank you SO MUCH for over 9k reads! That's unbelievable! I can't believe my story is almost at 10k! I never thought this many people would be reading my story, honestly. Thank you all so, SO MUCH!! <3333

I hope to bring you the next chapter soon! Have an amazing day!

- alyyisa <3

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