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A/N Again, no reader here. She'll come in next chapter. Promise ;)

Katara shielded her eyes from the blinding light as the ice exploded into large chunks. She saw the boy on the ground, and ran over to check on him. She smiled seeing his face, and the arrow tattoo on his head. He opened his eyes and spoke softly to her.
"Can I ask you something?"
"Will you go penguin sledding with me?" He spoke enthusiastically and popped up seeing her confused and yet amused face.
"Uh... sure, I guess. But first you should come meet our village!" She beamed.
"Katara you saw that beam of light, he's probably signaled the fire nation! We can't trust him!" Sokka facepalmed and stood defensively.
"Oh please Sokka. He doesn't look dangerous. We should let gran gran decide." Katara looked back at the boy as he stood up.
"Right. Well how exactly do you plan to get there? Boat's crushed remember?" Sokka gave Katara a matter of fact look as he made this remark.
"Oh! I could give you a ride on Appa!" The boy said.
"Who's Appa?" Sokka asked as Katara nodded along.
"My flying bison! Here let me find him. APPA!!" He yelled for his friend.
"Right... Katara, are you sure we shouldn't just swim for our lives?" Sokka whispered to his sister who gave him a look of judgement.
"Oh give him a chance Sokka."
"Found you buddy!" The boy yelled as he snuggled up to his giant furry friend. Appa responded with a growl of happiness.
"W-W-What is that?!" Sokka screamed like a girl.
"I told you, he's a flying bison!" The boy chirped.
"What's your name anyways?" Katara kept her friendly tone, now intrigued by the boy.
"My name's ah—ah—ACHOO!" The boy sneezed in the middle of his sentence and flew ten feet into the air and onto his bison friend.
"What just happened?!" Sokka exclaimed.
"Uh I sneezed?" The boy, still unnamed, spoke.
"But you flew ten feet into the air!" Sokka yelled.
"I did? It felt higher than that..." the boy pondered.
"Your name?" Katara reminded the boy.
"Oh yeah! I'm Aang!" He smiled.
"Aang... well, hi Aang!" She smiled.
"Hiiii!" He said, stretching the "i" sound.
"Anyways, we can fly on Appa to get back to your village if you want." He smiled, patting Appa's saddle.
"That sounds lovely Aang." Katara smiles as her brothers eyes and mouth flew wide open.
"Seriously?!" He facepalmed as he followed his sister onto the animal's back. Aang grabbed their hands and pulled them up.
"Alright Appa, yip yip!" Aang said. Nothing happened.
"I thought you said he flew." Katara said, not sounding rude but simply confused.
"Yeah AANG, can't this thing fly?" Sokka sat with his arms crossed as he pouted.
"Sure he can, he's just tired, right Appa?" The bison responded with a genuine yawn.
"He can just swim instead then." Aang smiled before pulling Appa's reins towards the water. He growled in agreement and walked into the water, swimming the trio back to Katara and Sokka's village.

Some time passed, and Gran Gran has approved Aang's stay at the village. By now they were on top of a snowy hill sledding penguins, all but Sokka who stayed at the village. Katara had shown Aang that the penguins would come to you if you held a fish over their heads. That allowed the two to end up riding down to a crashed fire nation ship at the bottom of the hill. Aang convinced Katara not to fear anything as a tip for becoming a better bender. They had run into a trap however, forcing them to retreat when a signal from the ship alerted the village. Aang was an Airbender, but Katara and Sokka didn't know he was also the Avatar. Katara had explained to him the war that was going on, and how Aang was likely trapped in the ice for about a hundred years.
"We're Sorry Gran Gran.." Katara looked down in shame.
"No, it was my fault, I convinced her to go with me." Aang stood up for her.
"I knew you were trouble! You're hereby banished from this village!" Sokka yelled as Aangs face fell.
"Sokka you can't do that! It's Gran Gran who gets to decide!" As Katara looked to her grandmother, she felt betrayed to see her agreeing with her rotten brained brother.
"It seems it would be best to have the boy leave Katara." She said.
"Then I'm banished too!" Katara yelled as she grabbed  Aang's arm and started walking away.
"Katara you can't just leave!" Sokka yelled after her.
"Yes I can. Aang is taking me to the Northern water tribe so I can learn to water bend!" She continued.
"I am?" Aang was just as confused as the village people.
"Yes!" She grew angrier.
"Katara stop, you can't leave." Her grandmother stopped her. Katara sadly knew this as she let go of Aang and walked back towards her people.
"Then this is goodbye.." she looked at Aang sadly.
"I'm sorry Katara." He said as he walked away. Only a little while after he left, black snow began to fall.
"It's the fire nation!" Sokka yelled. "Everyone in position!" At this the village children grabbed weapons and Sokka his stick and boomerang. The ships crashed into the shore. Aang, who hadn't gone very far, saw this and immediately knew he had to help. He knew they were looking for him. So, he took his staff and jumped onto the back of a penguin and sled into the village, knocking over the leader of the fleet, Zuko, head first into the snow behind him.
"Hi Katara! Hi Sokka!" He chirped.
"Hey Aang. Thanks for showing up." Sokka remarked sarcastically.
The fire soldiers readied an attack and Aang strategically blocked the hits with his air bending.
"Looking for me?" Aang asked.
"You're the air bender?" Zuko asked after pausing for dramatic affect. "You're the Avatar?!" He finished.
Katara's expression shifted to that of shock as did Sokka's.
"Aang?" She breathed.
"No way." Her brother followed.
Aang stood and blocked as many of Zuko's attacks as he could.
"All my life I trained for this, but you're just a kid!" Zuko pointes out.
"You're just a teenager.." Aang retorted. As he continued blocking attacks however, he ran into the issue of seeing the people of the Southern water tribe cowering in fear.
"If I go with you, will you promise to leave these people alone?" He asked. Zuko only nodded as Aang was bound by his hands and had his staff confiscated.
Aang was a prisoner.
"Aang no!" Katara yelled reaching out.
"I'm sorry Katara. It'll be okay, don't worry. Watch Appa while I'm gone." And with that, Aang was on the fire ship and was sailing out of sight. Katara knew she had to help. That's when an idea popped into her head: Appa.

Various A;tLA characters x  Female Airbender ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now