Kyoshi Island

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A/N does anyone even read this? Oh well.


Appa landed on the coast of a place Aang referred to as Kyoshi island.
"What're we doing here again Aang?" Katara asked.
"See those giant fish? I'm gonna ride one!" He smiled and started to strip until he was in just his shorts.
"Aang are you sure about this? Is it.. safe?" I asked placing a hand into the crystal blue tides.
"Sure it is! Watch!" Sokka walked and sat by a tree and Katara did some scheduling while I watched Aang. He did hitch a ride on the fish, but I could see something else's watery silhouette under the deep waves. It was something big.
"Aang! Come back here! There's something else in the water!" I yelled for him, but he must not have heard me as he simply waved and smiled. The thing continued circling him before huge sharp fins started slicing through the water. I saw Aang panic and jump off the fish and he tried to swim over. Katara attempted to use her Waterbending but it was clear that she was inexperienced. I had to help.
"Hey Katara?" I asked her.
"Y-Yeah?" She struggled to create a wave over the beast's face.
"You ever wonder why we were called the Airbending Angels?" I smirked.
"Why?" She asked, beads of sweat running down her forehead. I grabbed my staff and allowed it to click open into a glider. But instead of simple wood and fabric wings, mine was decorated with solid white, massive Snow Parrot feathers. Katara's eyes widened in awe as I took off over the sea. I was able to control the movement of the wings so I brought them inward for a dive towards Aang. I grabbed him by his wrist and took off straight up and turning an upside down loop before flipping over and gliding to the shore. We landed safely. I dropped Aang on the ground and stood up, stretching my legs and arms.
"Ah, I forgot how good that felt. It's been so long." I smiled as Sokka, Katara, and Aang all looked at me smiling like fan girls.
"G-Guys cmon it wasn't that cool.." I blushed and rubbed my arm.
"What?! That was AWESOME!" Aang got to his feet before putting on some clothes.
"Yeah (y/n), that was pretty cool." Katara smiled.
Aang finished pulling his boots on before reaching out.
"Mind if I take a look at your glider?" He asked. I gently laid it in his hands, knowing full well he'd be careful.
"Sure." I watched as he examined it's fine detailing and white gloss. I reached towards it and pressed my finger into a slot that caused the massive feathery wings to shoot outwards so he could look.
"I've never seen anything like it! How did they make this?" He asked.
"Snow Parrot feathers and some fun controls." I smiled as he handed it back to me so I could demonstrate some of the controls.
"See, the bars I hold on to are also levers." I pulled the left bar down and the left wing folded inward. The same thing happened to the right when I pulled that bar down.
"That's so cool! You have so much control in the air that way huh?" He marveled.
"Yeah, if I pull both sides down both wings fold in so I can do quick dives, then pull them back up and out for a quick swoop upwards." I smiled, showing off the motions.
"That's literally the coolest thing ever.." he pulled his staff out.
"Mine works but.. it's not that advanced." He chuckled embarrassedly.
"That's okay, because you're a good enough bender to make it amazing!" I smiled kindly.
"Aw.. thanks.." he scratched his neck.
"Okay lovebirds, shouldn't we go into the city for some supplies or something?" Sokka came in between our conversation and brought up a fair point.
"Hey, we aren't 'lovebirds'. You're just jealous." Aang stuck his tongue out at his friend.
"Am not!" Sokka yelled and crossed his arms. Katara facepalmed.
"Boys shut your mouths and let's just get moving." She took on an annoyed face as we headed towards a sandy path into the city. That's when we were ambushed. A group of men in green dresses and makeup tied us up and took us somewhere.
"Untie ya and show your face cowards!" Sokka yelled. I mentally facepalmed at his ridiculous request. However, our kidnappers lifted the blindfolds from our eyes and revealed themselves to be a group of women. Specifically, Kyoshi Warriors. As an Airbending Angel I was familiar with the ladies as we were close to one another. That was a long time ago though, so I didn't expect any of the current members to recognize me. I guess that's only fair. Sokka of course made some sexist comments before we were united and thrown a feast and he sulked in the corner rather than eating because he was so crushed a group of girls took him down. Classic Sokka.
"Lighten up Sokka. The Kyoshi warriors are legendary. They're some of the strongest non-benders in the world. It makes sense that they managed to overpower us. I mean, come on." I tried to improve his mood by telling him that those women were nearly impossible to outmatch physically. And during a surprise attack, even my fairly advanced Airbending wouldn't have helped. Sokka only let out an audible sound of annoyance in his corner of sexism. He ended up apologizing to the women and training as a Kyoshi warrior himself. The funny part was the dress and makeup of course, but he was doing well in his training so Kudos I guess. Then suddenly, just as we were on our way to leave, of course, a fire nation army showed up with dozens of Komodo Rhinos. Sokka among with the KWs helped us out, I attempted to use my Airbending but since the rhinos are so heavy I only knocked the soldiers off the animals. Although, in all seriousness, Komodo Rhinos are pretty friendly when they aren't covered in heavy armor and a stupid rider. They kinda scattered once their riders were on the ground. And of course, along came the man himself. As he announced it, "Prince Zuko of the Fire Nation, son of Ozai and heir to the throne!"... wow. We didn't need a whole story buddy. Anyways, we fought him off and I noticed from the corner of my eye Sokka sitting with the eldest KW, Suki, and apologizing for everything that he said. He said he shouldn't have treated her as a girl, but a warrior. Now of course Suki is amazing and she corrected him that she is a warrior, but a girl too. She planted a kiss on the boys cheek and he blushed so hard it showed through his Kyoshi makeup. As he caught up I let out an audible whistle.
"Someone's in loooove!" I clasped my hands together and smirked cheekily.
"AM NOT!" He blushed and crossed his arms.
"Haha, okay lover boy." I laughed as we all hopped onto Appa.
"D-DONT CALL ME THAT!" He was still yelling as he sat on the opposite side of me all pouty-like. Aang used the huge Serpent from earlier to extinguish the awful fires that the fire nation brought onto the once beautiful Kyoshi Island as we set off for our next location: Omashu.

IMPORTANT AN: I'm going to summarize a LOT of stuff, because I want to get to more important things like Azula, Zuko joining team Avatar, and defeating Ozai without a ridiculously long book. I'll try to summarize it fully though, I guess. Also, I think I've decided the reader will end up with Zuko, since (if you follow the comics [SPOILERS BTW], Mai breaks up with him while Aang and Katara remain an adorable couple. So yeah, let me know what you think in the comments :3 hope you're enjoying this!

Various A;tLA characters x  Female Airbender ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now