Forgotten People

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A/N: I read the atla comics so I may incorporate aspects from those into this story. I would say spoilers but I mean, how many of you are going to read hundreds of pages of comics just for this story if you haven't already lol


"So (y/n), I've never heard of the 'Airbending Angels'. Were you kept secret on purpose?" Aang questioned me.
"Well.. not originally. We were once worshipped actually. I don't know what actually happened, but one day the nomads started treating us as if we were aliens. Like if they didn't keep us locked away and hidden that something awful would happen. Even Avatar Roku would visit us and meditate with us about how we had to forget everything and everyone we loved for our own safety." I looked down as my eyes squeezed shut and a tear gently slid down my cheek. Katara pulled me into her shoulder and hugged me tightly.
"I'm so sorry... that sounds awful. Do you know if there are any more Angels left?" He asked, trying to lighten the mood a bit.
"I don't know. I was only close with one other girl. Her name was (b/f/n bffs name). We loved to sneak away from the order of the group and play around with our bending. We even created new forms. We were never allowed to freestyle back at the temples. It was like..." I sighed. "It was like heaven when we could escape like that."
"It sounds amazing. Usually I'd be really angry if someone made up new bending forms but since you're one of my people I guess that makes you an ancient artifact yourself." Aang smiled and blushed lightly as I sat with Katara's hand in mine.
"(y/n), I know I can be kind of... how do I put this.." Sokka began a sentence as Katara completed it.
"Stupid?" We laughed.
"N-No-! Ugh! I was going to say I can be kind of stand off ish... but uh... I wanted to say that I really like having you around..." the water tribe boy's face flushed pink as he rubbed his neck shyly.
"Thanks Sokka. I'm glad to be here. I can't wait to show you guys what I know!" I smiled widely, glancing at Aang.
"I know you're a great Airbender Aang but... if you don't mind, when we find a place to stop... there's some stuff I could show you.." I ran a hand over my leg as he replied.
"Sure! It'd be great to learn from someone who knows about Airbending like I do." He rubbed his neck. Why do both these idiots seem to have a crush on me? I mean last time I checked I was wearing PANTS. Not exactly.. attractive.. Katara's much prettier, her long silky hair and crystal blue eyes... maybe it's just because I'm new... I must've blushed in thought because Katara nudged my arm with her elbow.
"(y/n), what're you thinking about? Your face is reddd-," she giggled as I put a hand over her mouth.
"Shh... Katara... is it just me or do they both seem kinda into me?" I asked her quietly. Although with Sokka taking a nap and Aang "driving", neither one of them would hear anyways.
"I mean why wouldn't they? You're really pretty, funny, and nice.. and you're an incredible bender.." she smiled as she took some of my knotted hair in between her fingers and brushed it gently.
"Katara I'm wearing PANTS." We laughed together as Appa started lowering for a landing as the sun set.
"Okay guys, how about we stop for the night? Appa's getting sleepy right bud?" Appa responded to his friend with an exaggerated yawn. We all laughed as Sokka's head popped up.
"Huh? What'd I miss?" He asked, somewhat delirious from just waking.
"Not much, but you might wanna wipe the drool off your chin." Katara said as I snickered and she smirked. Sokka quickly swiped a hand across his mouth and crossed his arms like a child. We hopped down from Appa's back and got all the supplies ready for the night. I realized that since I joined late, there wasn't a sleeping bag for me. It must've shown on my face because Aang noticed the same problem.
"Oh, (y/n).. I guess you need a place to sleep.. you can use my bag, I'll just sleep on the ground." He smiled and offered his spot up to me. Before I could respond Katara jumped in to save my tail.
"It's alright Aang, she and I can share. We're both girls after all." She smiled and took my hand to lead me to her sleeping bag and she unfolded it so the both of us could lay on top.
"Thanks girl." I smiled.
"Of course, what are best friends for?" She patted the spot next to her as I sat.
"Best friends? Huh... I like that." I smiled and laid on my back, looking at the stars.
"Me too." She gave my hand a squeeze and rolled over, falling asleep. I let my eyes shut slowly as I slept normally for the first time in centuries.

Dreams will be in italics and first person:


I was walking through the forest holding (y/n)'s hand. We stopped at a clearing and she started Airbending with me. Suddenly though, she morphed and distorted into Avatar Roku.
"Roku? What're you doing in my dream?"  I asked him as he sat down, gaze low.
"Aang. I'm not sure how to tell you this. But your new friend is dangerous. She's done something that cannot be forgiven. She cannot be trusted."
"What? (y/n)'s way too nice to do something terrible like that!" I looked at Roku angrily. What does he know?!
"She said she knew you many years ago anyways."
"Yes. But that's besides the point. Just be careful Aang. The Airbending Angels were protectors of your people, but don't you wonder why we locked them away? It was HER." And with that Roku disintegrated and faded away. I started to think and decided to get up.

I went off to meditate for a bit to clear my mind, but not before I snuck a look at (y/n)'s innocent and beautiful face. Roku is wrong. She would never do something like that... would she?


My mother held me in her arms. I started to cry as she faded away and I fell into an abyss of darkness. When I landed, I looked down to see myself as transparent. Almost spirit like. I saw my father and mother holding me as a baby. I was happy but so sad. Then my mother turned into Katara and my father and myself disappeared. She looked right at me. She could see me, I knew it. But then she bent a ton of ice and snow over my face as everything faded away and turned into a dream about food. Much better.


That JERK Zuko attacked our tribe! It all replayed as a dream for me. So real, and yet at the same time something was different. He wasn't attacking us... he was.. a prisoner.. in the fire lords outfit and he looked much older. Is this the future? Then (y/n) appears and she does something unspeakable. She walked up to Zuko, who was chained to the ship that had arrived. She laid a hand on his chest and balled it into a fist. She then drew it upwards following his neck as Zuko began to choke and suffocate. She.. she took the air from his lungs! He would die.. I... this can't be real. I woke up in a cold sweat and decided to try to fall back asleep.


Nononononono. It's not true. It wasn't my fault. I didn't do it. There she sat. My best friend. Laying on the floor, lifeless. What happened? We were just playing around with new forms and she accidentally drew air from inside herself. She couldn't put it back. I tried so hard to help but I just had to suffer and watch as my best friend held her neck, turning purple until her eyes rolled and closed and her body lay limp. I didn't do it. She's not dead.. she can't be.. no no... it wasn't her.. it was... Katara? NO!

I awoke with a start. Thank goodness that was just a nightmare. I never did see what happened to (b/f/n). I noticed Aang was missing from his bag. I saw small footprints in the grass. Fairly fresh. I followed the damaged blades of grass to find him meditating in a clearing of the forest. I didn't want to disturb him but I decided to sit beside him and lay a hand on his shoulder. He jumped but I just looked into his eyes. He flinched away from me.
"(y/n)? What're you doing up? And out here?" He asked.
"I saw you were missing and I followed the footprints.." I blushed shyly and looked down, starting to tear up.
"What's wrong? Are you okay?" He asked as he touched my shoulders.
"I'm fine... I just had a nightmare.." I sniffled gently as he hesitantly pulled me into a hug.
"What was it about?" He asked.
"Well... I was with (b/f/n).. and we were playing around in the forest and then she accidentally took her own air from her lungs.. she choked to death.. but when I looked at her it wasn't her anymore... it was Katara.." I cried more as Aang held me close.
"I had a nightmare too." He sighed.
"About?" I choked out.
"Avatar Roku told me that... that you... that I couldn't trust you... he said you did something horrible... that caused them to lock all the Angels away... I didn't believe him... I won't.. he's gotta be missing something.." he hugged me even tighter.
"I hope so. Hey Aang?" I looked up at him as he let me go.
"Mhm?" He looked down at me. We blushed. I quickly sat up and kissed his cheek.
"Th-Thank you... for helping me.. and standing up for me... it means a lot.." I smiled as his cheeks flushed red.
"N-n-no problem... anything for a new friend." We stood up and walked back to the others and laid back down to get some rest before takeoff tomorrow.

Various A;tLA characters x  Female Airbender ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now