The Girl

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A/N alright babies reader comes in this chapter! However since I'm doing this from my phone late in the evening I might skip some parts or shorten them.. sorry :( author chan needs to live her life too Y'know :p

Katara grabbed Sokka's arm.
"We have to help him!" She started dragging him to a boat.
"Whoa whoa alright alright but we need supplies!" He said frantically.
Just then their grandmother showed up.
"Gran Gran we're sorry but you can't hold us back. We have to help Aang." Katara stood her ground expecting some kind of punishment.
"I know. But you're going to need these." She smiled and handed them sleeping bags and food for the trip.
"Okay but it's going to take like a century to catch up to a fire ship in this boat.." Sokka pointed out.
"You're right... but we have another way." Katara smiled mischievously.
"Oh no.. that look... what are you thinking?" Sokka facepalmed as his sister grabbed his shoulders and shook him.
"APPA!" She smiled as they took their supplies and Sokka once again was dragged by the arm to where Aang had left the flying bison when he left. Katara took the front spot, grabbing the reins.
"How do we get him to fly?" She asked out loud.
"Hmm... didn't he say something... hip hip.. yep yep... yip yip?" Sokka asked sarcastically but all of a sudden Appa took off into the skies.
"You did it Sokka! He's flying!" Katara smiled.
"Oh my god he's flying! He's actually-," Sokka started but cut himself off when he saw his sisters smirk.
"I mean uh, wow he's flying, bout time." As he mock rolled his eyes. After a while of flying, the siblings were above the fire nation ship that Aang had sailed away on. Little did they know he had already began an escape himself.

Aang's POV during all that:

I was thrown into a room as a prisoner with my hands tied up. What's funny is that they forget I can bend with my feet. I used air to bust the door open. I needed to find my staff first and foremost, so I went asking guards for it. When they fought I knocked them down with my bending, eventually using one of their spears to free my hands. I made it to an open room where I saw my staff on the wall.
"Bingo." I said, walking in and grabbing my staff. That's when Zuko came into the room, shutting the door and shooting fireballs at me. After a moment or two of fighting I made it out of the room only to find Katara, Sokka, and Appa landing on the ship right on time!

Back to normal:

Katara and Sokka started fighting off guards one by one, Katara attempting to water bend but ultimately messing it up. Aang's staff was thrown across the deck to where Zuko and Sokka fought for it. With a few bonks on the head, Zuko was in the water and Sokka gave Aang his staff back. Katara, just in time, was able to freeze some fire guards as the three made an escape on Appa.
"Whew, thanks for coming guys." Aang smiled at the two.
"Of course!" Katara smiled back.
"So, North Pole then?" Katara asked.
"Definitely, but first, we have to make a few stops." Aang started marking spots on the map for them to visit. Katara then remembered she had a question.
"Aang, why didn't you tell us you were the Avatar?" She asked. Aang's smile fades as he looked down.
"Because. I never wanted to be." He told them the tragic backstory of how Aang was out casted from the entire Temple of his people just because he was the Avatar, and how he'd run away because of it. Katara apologized as Sokka continued asking questions.
"Where are we headed anyways?" Sokka asked.
"Our first stop, the Southern Air Temple! It's been so long!" He gleamed.
"Oh Aang.. Y'know.. the fire nation attacked a lot of people... and air nomads..." Katara started.
"I'm sure they're fine." Aang seemed unfazed.
"No Aang.. the fire nation killed off the air people a long time ago.. no ones seen them in years.." she tried to put it lightly.
"Katara, just because no ones seen them doesn't mean they're dead." He said.
"But Aang-,"
"You don't understand, the only way into an Air Temple is on a flying bison. I doubt the fire nation had any of those." Katara's eyes widened a bit as they flew in and approached the beautiful temple. However, sadly, it was seemingly vacant. Empty. Dead.
"I don't understand... where'd everyone go? There used to be so many people.." Aang looked down a bit as they walked around.
"Hey look, that's where we used to play air ball!" His smile returned as he super jumped onto one of the many pillars in the ground. Sokka decided to try and lift the boys spirits by asking about the game.
"Air ball Huh? How do you play?" While Sokka and Aang played air ball, Katara wandered, and eventually stumbled upon a fire nation guards helmet.
"Hey Sokka, c'mere!" She said. Her brother made his way over and saw the helmet.
"Oh no.." he said.
"Hey Aang there's something you should see!" Sokka said loudly as Aang made his way over. Suddenly Katara bent snow off the ledge above the helmet, covering it up.
"You can't keep him in the dark forever." Sokka told her.
"I know but.." Katara couldn't finish her thought. She felt terrible for Aang.
"What is it?" He asked.
"Oh nothing.. Sokka just thought he saw something right Sokka?" She gave him a death glare.
"Y-yeah! Whoops! Silly me!" He scratched behind his head.
Eventually the group made their way up to the actual sanctuary of the air temple. Inside were statues of every past avatar. Even Roku. As they looked around though, a sound was heard from the entrance.
"Fire Nation! Everyone, quiet!" Sokka said as he and the others hid.
"You're the one talking!" Katara said.
"Shhhhhh!!!" Sokka said over exaggeratedly.
Katara crossed her arms. When Aang looked around the statue at the "threat", he saw that it was but a little lemur.
"LEMUR!" He cried happily. He started to chase the lemur when Sokka followed.
"Dinner!" He licked his lips as the two raced to catch the lemur. Sokka for food, Aang for a new pet. The lemur ran and ran until the boys were in a room full of fire soldier armor and skeletons, and in the very center, the skeleton of Aang's closest friend. Monk Geyatso. (sry bt spelling).
"They were here... they... killed Geyatso.." Aang's body began to rise into the air as his eyes and tattoos glowed white. At the same time, Katara, who was in the sanctuary, watched as each and every Avatar statue in the room's eyes lit as well. She knew something was wrong as she rushed out to find Aang in the Avatar state, practically unable to control himself as a massive blow of wind rushed through the temple.
"What happened?!" She yelled.
"Aang found out the fire nation killed Geyatso." Sokka said.
"I'm going to try to calm him down." She replied.
"Okay, and hurry, before he blows us off the mountain!"
"Aang, I know you're upset about Geyatso and your people, I felt the same about my mother. But the fire nation did this to everyone. I'm sorry, but you have to calm down!" She grabbed his arm and pulled him in for a hug as the glow died down and he began to cry.
"They're all gone... I really am the last Airbender.." he cried into Katara's shoulder as a small rumble was heard from the distance.

Various A;tLA characters x  Female Airbender ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now