The Earth Miners and some Vigilante Kids

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This is what I meant, I'm skipping a lot of stuff but I'll recap in the chapter, I just can't spend too much time here bc I have other books that need updating. Thanks guys 💞 oh and 470 READS! WOOHOOOOO! Y'all rock!

POV- First(Reader)

The trip to Omashu was pretty uneventful, other than the fact that Katara, Sokka, and I almost became rock candy. Oh, and Aang found out that the old crazy Earth King was actually his old friend Bumi. How he's still alive? No one really knows. But he is an incredible bender. He almost squashed Aang, THE AVATAR, into a freaking pancake! But anyways, enough about that.
Now we were in an Earth village where Katara met this boy, Haru, who she seemed to think was pretty cute. He was also a talented Earth bender, but only in secret, as bending in this town, specifically of Earth, is prohibited. The village is run by fire soldiers who force the people to mine all day. So here we were, Katara, Haru, and I just taking a walk and discussing the situation.
"Katara, look!" I spoke out as I spotted an older man buried in rocks that collapsed from a mine.
"Oh no!" She joined my panic.
"Help me!" He yelled. These were rocks that the man was stuck in. I don't know about you, but last time I checked, Katara's a water bender (inexperienced are that), and although I'm skilled, I'm only an Airbender.
"Haru, you're the only one who can help that man. I know you're scared, but it's the only way!" Katara spoke as if she'd read my mind.
"No!" Well, crap. The kids stubborn.
"(y/n), do you think there's anything you can try? You're good aren't you?" Katara frantically turned to me.
"Uh.. yeah, don't forget it, but I'm not sure I can do anything this t-," I started.
"JUST TRY!" She yelled at me.
"Okay okay!" I snapped back in annoyance. I slid my foot forward so I was in a sort of lunge and put my arms out with my hands touching at the front of each wrist. Immediately, a strong twist of air blew quickly towards the rocks, but they were wedged and heavy, so only a few smaller ones budged. The man was still very stuck.
"SHES AN AIRBENDER?!" Haru said shocked.
"I am indeed. Not the Avatar though. So uh Haru, mind helping the old man now?" I made an annoyed face as Haru gulped and nodded. Like nothing, he shifted the rocks off the old man, saving him as he crawled out.
"Thank you." The man got up and thanked us but without a smile. Something told me this was going to bite us in our bums.
The next day when we walked outside after waking up, Haru's mother was in tears.
"They took him! They took my baby!" Uh oh.. I knew this would happen. I facepalmed as Katara looked absolutely mortified.
"This is all my fault..." she covered her face and almost cried. I got down on my knees beside her and held a hand on her shoulder.
"Hey hey, it's not. We're team Avatar, we're gonna help him." I smiled. She did too.
"I have a plan." She said as she glanced at an air vent not far away.
"You usually do." I smiled and stood, holding out a hand for her to take. She did so gratefully. We got Aang and Sokka in on the plan. We would strategically place a medium sized boulder over an air vent, wait for some soldiers to walk by, then Aang and I would shoot a strong gust of air through another vent hidden by a rock, only for Katara to hold up her hands and make it seem like she was responsible for the floating rock as Sokka would announce that she was in fact Earthbending. The rest after that would be dependent upon Katara to get those benders off the fire ship. We waited for the opportunity. Soon, a group of soldiers walked by. Sokka said the code words.
"I sure hope no one is EARTH BENDING right now!" Could he be more obvious? Whatever. Aang was distracted so I nudged his side with my elbow and the two of us shot our strongest blow of air through the vent. Just like we'd planned, the Boulder rose into the air and Katara rose her arms with it. Momo was simply stretching as the rock floated in front of him.
"Whoa, that Lemur is earth bending!" A guard yelled. I facepalmed as Sokka corrected him.
"What?! No you idiot it's the girl!" Thanks Sokka.
"Oh. Arrest her!" The guards immediately ran over to Katara and grabbed her and took her away.
"I hope she succeeds." I looked down and Aang reassured me.
"Of course she will. She's Katara." He smiled and blushed lightly. I now had blackmail.
"Aww look who's in loooove!" I smirked.
"Who? Me? No way!" He crosses his arms and smiled a little with a bigger blush now. I chuckled. All we could do now was wait.


So as you can probably guess, Katara came back with Haru... and all the other benders. She told us what happened, she'd been able to get them their courage back and they fought with her to save each other. I gotta say, she did well. Especially on her first line mission. But I think it's time she learned some better bending. Air only goes so far, and that's all we've got going for us at the moment.


Alright so fast forward a bit,  we went to a town that was basically haunted, Aang went to a fire nation temple where he was assisted by Roku, and Katara almost turned us into parrot food by stealing a water bending scroll from a bunch of crazy pirates. You guessed it, she got it. At least we have a place to start with her bending and soon Aang's. Now we're walking the woods. All of us heard a rustling sound before we realized we'd walked right into a hostile fire nation camp.
"We're really good at finding trouble huh?" I sighed as I readied my stance.
"Yeah I guess so," Sokka sighed too as he pulled out his stick and boomerang. We couldn't fight all of the soldiers, but luckily we were saved by a group of vigilante kids.....

You guys wanted this update and this has gotten so much attention that I figured why not? Sorry so much is narration but at least it's going. Some parts I just couldn't remember so the next arc for this book will be Jet! Because everyone remembers him, because he sucks. But anyways! Hope you guys enjoy the very very very late update 😅

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2021 ⏰

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Various A;tLA characters x  Female Airbender ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now