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Chapter 20

After Zack moved back in, things were better but still incredibly busy for at least one of the siblings. Kris was glad to have Zack back, but she had been right to suspect that it wouldn't be the same. It often happened that he was gone for days at a time on missions. She hadn't wanted to bring him down with her growing restlessness, because every time he came back, he held more and more confidence in himself and where he was going. From what she garnered from his tales, he really was going somewhere too. She was sure that he would be the next First. That was nearly an unimaginable prospect for most Soldiers, so it made her incredibly proud that her brother had the potential to even have the chance. Still, it was growing harder for her each day not to have anything as an outlet for her own growing frustrations. Work barely counted as it was routine. It was tiring, but far from challenging. Plus, it was only three days a week.


It had been nearly two months since they had moved into Sector 5, and Zack had finally been sent on his first solo mission. He had called her the day before and told her he was on his way back, so she expected him sometime that evening. As a special treat for his first-ever solo mission, she was busy making fajitas. It was about the only thing she could do for him now, and she hoped he understood that she was still with him, even if her role in his day to day life had diminished.

She had barely started cutting up the meat before she was interrupted by a knock at the door. She frowned since she doubted Zack would have had to knock. Even if he had forgotten his key and needed to be let in, she doubted his knock would have sounded like that. She opened the door warily but was frozen in shock at the sight that greeted her. Apparently, her visitors weren't any less surprised to see her. She was the first one to recover, and she gave them each a nod. "Commander Hewley, Commander Rhapsodos, to what do I owe this pleasure?"

At her request, both men looked slightly uncomfortable, but it was Angeal that spoke. "I apologize, we must have gotten the wrong address."

Kris furrowed her brow and spoke before they could turn to leave. "If you are looking for Zack, he isn't back yet. Or if he is, then he probably stopped off at headquarters first. I am expecting him back any time now, though. I am sure he knows I'll have something cooked, and I doubt he would be late for a meal."

Both men looked even more shocked at that than they had when she first opened the door. It was Genesis that spoke up first. "I wasn't aware the Puppy was mature enough for this."

Angeal shot him a stern look, but Kris just looked confused. At least until understanding finally dawned on her and she gave him a strange look. "Zack's my brother. Surely, he told you that he was living with his sister, did he not?"

She watched as understanding lit in Angeal's eyes, but she didn't notice the look Genesis was giving her. Angeal gave her a chagrined look. "Yes, he did mention that he had a sibling here with him."

Kris' eyes narrowed as her heart gave a little lurch. From their surprise and what Commander Hewley just said, she had to assume that Zack had never mentioned her gender. It only took her a moment to push it back. She seriously doubted it was because he was ashamed. More than likely, he felt that he was protecting her somehow. She managed a smile before she spoke again. "Well, I apologize if this is a shock." She then took a step back and opened the door wider. "The two of you are more than welcome to come in and wait if you would like. We don't have much, but I can offer you a drink or something."

Angeal was getting ready to decline the offer, as he didn't want to get in the way, but before he could speak, Genesis did. "Thank you. Your hospitality is gracious and appreciated." Angeal shot his friend a hard look that he knew was noticed, but still utterly ignored as they followed the petite brunette into the small house.

Kris paused awkwardly in the tiny living room for a moment. She knew it would be polite to sit with them, but there just wasn't a lot of room. Plus, she had been in the middle of cooking. She finally decided what to do and turned to them both. "Would you mind joining me in the kitchen? I know the whole place is a little on the small side, but I'd be happy to keep you company while I finish cooking."

Genesis gave her a slight bow and his best charming smile. "Please do not feel the need to keep us entertained. I am aware that we did interrupt."

Kris suddenly felt slightly hot and realized her face probably showed it. She quickly turned to hide it and headed to the kitchen. "It's no problem. I have been known to multitask a time or two."

The two men followed her into the tiny kitchen/dining room and took seats at the small table. Angeal gave Genesis another pointed look, but his friend continued to ignore him. Angeal repressed a sigh as he realized he was going to have to have a talk with him when they left.

Kris hadn't waited for them to sit before she poked her head in the refrigerator. It was only partially to see what they had to offer. The rest was a hope that it would cool her heated cheeks. After a moment, she stood with a slight frown. She managed to control it when she turned to her guests. "Commanders, I'm afraid we don't have much selection. If you don't want water, I would be happy to make some tea or coffee."

Angeal spoke before Genesis could start again. "Water is fine."

She gave him a nod and turned to the cabinets. She poured them both a cup and set them on the table. When she caught sight of Genesis watching her again, she had to turn away. It was at that point that she remembered that she knew their names, but had completely forgotten to give her own. She stood and took a step back. "I apologize for my bad manners. I completely forgot that you don't even know my name. At least I assume that given your reactions when I answered the door."

Angeal frowned when Genesis gave her another of his charming smiles. "Think nothing of it. I am sure you were just as surprised as we were."

Kris bit the inside of her cheek as she gave him a nod. She had never been as affected by another person's smile as she was right now, and it was embarrassing. The man was a stranger, even if she did know who he was. It only took her a moment to find her voice, though. "Thank you. I'm Kris Fair. It's a pleasure to meet you both."

They both shook her hand when it was offered, but Genesis held it a touch longer than was necessary. She ended up pulling it back, just to keep from making a fool of herself. The man was far too attractive to be real, and his smile should be made illegal. She buried those thoughts when he raised a brow and spoke.

"Kris is an unusual name. I don't think I have ever heard it applied to a woman."

She laughed at his question. It wasn't the first time she had heard it, but she couldn't imagine using another. She still tried to explain. "It's actually short for Kristobel."

His smile widened again before he spoke. "That is a lovely name and far more suited to you."

She felt her cheeks heat again and tried to look at anything but the two men. She had barely met the man, and she already swore he was going to be the death of her. Sure, she had a few customers that had tried to ask her out, and when they were with the caravan, some of the hired hands had flirted with her occasionally, but she had never thought twice about it. She either politely declined or took it as a joke. This time was a whole other story, and she had no idea how to handle it.

As she was looking around, she spotted the meal she had been interrupted from and felt a profound sense of relief as she pointed towards the ingredients. "I hope you don't mind, but I do need to get this finished. I would be happy to help if you need anything else, though."

Again, Angeal could tell the girl was upset by Genesis being his usual overwhelming self, so he quickly spoke before his friend could push further. "Don't let us keep you from what you were doing. We're just fine waiting here."

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