A Hint to the Past

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Chapter 52

Kris froze, and her eyes grew wide. She looked up at Genesis and realized he must have heard it too. He was giving her a confused look as he mouthed the unfamiliar name. "Felicity?"

Kris clenched her jaw as she tried not to be overcome by memories of another lifetime. It took her several moments to get herself back under control, and the voice called again. Genesis looked around before he looked back at her. "Who is Felicity?"

Kris could barely manage to speak, and her voice was bitter. "Felicity Spence is dead. All that remains is Kristobel Fair."

His eyes widened as understanding hit him. He cupped her chin and looked into her eyes. "You remembered?"

She managed to nod. "Everything. And I am not talking about it."

He sighed and pulled her in tighter. When the voice spoke once more, he glanced down at her. "Who is calling us?"

Kris sighed and finally stepped back. Her eyes were tired when she looked at him. "If I had to guess, I would say Minerva."

Genesis froze. "Did you say Minerva? As in the Goddess?"

Kris nodded and finally noticed the rest of the people still in the room, giving her looks as if she had finally lost it. She shook her head and turned back to Genesis. "Why don't you lead the way?"

He frowned slightly. "Lead the way to the Goddess? And how, pray tell, am I to do that?"

Kris looked around, but everything was only barely recognizable. She had seen the room before, but standing in it was a completely different experience. Plus, it had been a very long time ago. She finally looked back at him. "Since we both heard her, then I would expect her to be here somewhere. My guess would be that she is using the Goddess materia to manifest on the planet. I don't know exactly how to get there, but you have been there before."

Genesis was staring at her like he didn't know her. Kris almost chuckled at the irony. There was a large part of her that he didn't know. She shoved the thought down. Now was not the time to bring that up.

Angeal had joined them and looked between the two lovers. He addressed Genesis. "I get the feeling that you did not tell her."

Genesis shook his head. "No." Despite the unsurety in his eyes, he still stepped forward and took Kris' hand before he turned back to Angeal. "But I did ask for a miracle. Perhaps I was given one without ever knowing."

Kris felt her heart clench. Part of it was the fact that she felt loved, despite Genesis hiding from her, but more of it was the fact that she didn't feel like a miracle. She felt like a shattered vase that someone had put back together but forgot to glue. It wouldn't take much for her to fall apart. Even so, she allowed him to lead her further into the caves and tried to ignore the pain ripping her to shreds as the rest of the group followed.

On the way to the room, Tseng came up to Kris' other side. He didn't say anything until she turned her head to raise a brow at him. "Yes?"

He looked like he was still contemplating what he had to say. "Is Felicity Spence your real name?"

She ground her teeth at the question. She wasn't surprised Tseng was the one to ask, but she had no plans on sharing yet. "I am Kristobel Fair, and that is all that matters. Anything else is from a lifetime long past and out of reach."

He raised a brow and looked like he was going to ask something else, but she held up a hand. "Not now, Tseng. I can't talk about it now."

Tseng's lips thinned, but when Genesis added his glare to hers, Tseng graciously stepped away. Zack was quick to fill the empty spot. He grabbed her other hand and gave her a grin before he squeezed her fingers. Kris gave him a grateful smile. With her brother on one side and her lover on the other, it was easier for her to hold herself together.

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