Crossing the Ocean

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Chapter 12

Despite the uncertainty that had accompanied the siblings when they started with the caravan, by the time they finally made it to Costa del Sol, they were as much a part of the group as any of the others. Mr. Anders insisted that they stay in the village for one night before they left on the boat to Junon the following day. Several ships made the crossing regularly, so even though it would take them several days to cross, they wouldn't have to wait longer for one of them.

When the two siblings and the two Anders set down for their meal at the cozy beach restaurant, the man gave them both an evaluating look. "Never thought I'd be saying this, but the two of you have surprised me. When I heard that the old coot in Gongaga had managed to convince my boss to let you travel with us, I figured you would slow us down. Now I find that I'm stuck in a tight spot."

The two exchanged confused looks before Kris spoke up. "Tight spot? Did a problem come up that we didn't notice?"

The older man grinned at her question and shook his head. "Not in that sense, no. But I do have something I'd like to ask you both." They gave each other another look before they nodded. The man was still smiling. "How dead set are you about making your living in Midgar?"

Neither of them spoke for a moment. Zack was the one to finally answer. "I've dreamt of joining Soldier for years. I don't plan on walking away unless I have to. Why?"

The older man's smile dimmed a little, but he chuckled before he answered. "I suppose that shouldn't surprise me." He looked to Kris at that point. "And you? Do you plan on following your brother no matter what?"

Kris wasn't sure what the man was getting at, but she nodded slowly. "Someone has to keep him focused."

They both ignored Zack's indignant cry at her verbal jab. Mr. Anders shook his head before he chuckled again, although the sound wasn't as full-bodied as they were used to. "Well, you can't blame a man for asking." At their curious looks, he shrugged. "This has been the most profitable run we've had in years, and a lot of the thanks goes to you two. I won't have to worry about anything during the two winter months I have to wait before we get back on the road."

They both gave him incredulous looks, but it was Kris that spoke up. "I appreciate the fact that you think so highly of us, but we didn't do much. At least not more than any of the other guards. I'm not certain that we deserve such praise."

The man did give one of his belly-laughs at that. He waved her off as he finally calmed. "It wasn't that. While the two of you are certainly good fighters, it was the other things you did. You've got a good head on your shoulders for business and the fact that you thought so far ahead as to make sure to allot time to keep building your savings while traveling shows it. Your hauls made me more money than I ever expected."

Neither sibling knew what to say at his praise. Zack was blushing slightly as Kris finally worked to find the words she was looking for. "I'm glad it helped you out too, but you know that wasn't our intention. I mean, not that we don't want that, but our main goal was to make sure we're in good shape before we get to Midgar."

The man waved away her concerns with a chuckle. "I already know that. Don't feel bad for wanting to look after your own. It'll be what keeps you alive." He paused and gave them a thoughtful look. "I may end up looking into having a few of the guards do the same when we head back out. You might have stumbled upon a new formation for our whole business."

Both siblings were shocked at his statement. It really didn't affect their lives much, but neither of them had expected the praise and didn't quite know how to handle it. Mr. Anders must have noticed their unease and finally changed the subject. The rest of the meal passed in companionable conversation. When it was done, the head merchant refused to allow them to pay their own bills.

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