Meeting the In-Laws

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Chapter 72

Kris barely made it into the door before she was wrapped in a tight hug. She didn't need to see who it was to know that it was Sarah. She returned the embrace with just as much fervor. For the first time in weeks, she felt herself relax and not think for once. Both women had tears in their eyes when they finally pulled back from each other.

Sarah was the first to speak. "Zack said you were here too. I am so glad to see you both. I can't tell you how worried I've been when your letters suddenly stopped a couple of months ago."

Kris cringed a little at the reminder of how distracted she had been since Genesis first disappeared. She wasn't given a chance to say anything about it when Sarah stepped back with widened eyes. She looked down and then back up nearly immediately and grabbed Kris' hands. Her voice was shocked, but Kris was relieved to hear a little excitement as well. "You're pregnant! Why have I not heard about this! I know you said you were dating one of the Soldier Firsts. Is it his?"

Kris tried not to grimace as all eyes in the room were suddenly on her. Not that the others didn't already know, but it was still disconcerting. It was at that point that she noticed just how small the room seemed. Even though Zack and the others had taken seats at the table, the room was too full. She wasn't given long to worry about it as Genesis stepped to her side, and her attention was back on Sarah.

Kris finally gave a nod as she pulled her fiancé a little closer. "Mom, I'd like you to meet Commander Genesis Rhapsodos. He is my fiancé, and yes, the father of my child."

The woman was barely taller than Kris, so she had to crane her neck back to look up at Genesis. She still managed a bright smile as she held out her hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm glad to see Kris has found someone she can be happy with. I just hope you're better than your prior reputation seemed to be. Not that I haven't seen all the news about the two of you posted in your fan clubs. I try to take all that with a grain of salt. I know half the stuff I've read since the two of you started dating had to be complete rubbish. Kris would never do most of that."

Kris grimaced when she heard the note of censure in Sarah's voice. Especially when she thought about everything that had been posted about her since she had been the first woman Genesis had dated more than a handful of months. She didn't read those things often, as they usually gave her headaches, but that didn't mean she never heard about it. There were many times that the speculations of his fans were often strange enough to warrant teasing from her students, or more often, Reno.

Kris wasn't allowed to say anything, however. Genesis somehow managed one of his charming bows in the small space before he gave her mother a bright smile. "There is no hate, only joy, for you are beloved by the Goddess. As much as I am disheartened to hear that you distrust me, I am glad to know that Kristobel has such a loving family to come back to. Especially now. Have no fear that I, too, want anything less than the best for her and our budding family."

Kris felt for her mom when the woman had to fight to keep her frown in place. She knew from experience how difficult it was to stay angry with the man when he decided to turn on his charm. It was both a blessing and a curse that his silver tongue often worked in his favor.

Before anything else could be said, everyone's attention was drawn to the door. Reno had been leaning in the doorway, but a male's voice piped up from behind him. "What is this? Who are you, and why are you in my doorway?"

Reno stepped back out of the way, and everyone saw a scowling Zeke. Though, he didn't stay scowling for long. As soon as his eyes landed on Kris and Zack, his face lit up. "So, it was true!"

He then immediately moved to pull Kris into a hug since she was the closest. He wasn't given a chance to let her go before Zack was up and had both of them in a bear hug. Zeke finally laughed as he tried to extricate himself from the bundle. He then looked around at the extremely full room and gave the two youngest Fairs an inquiring look. "What's all this about?"

Zack was still grinning, but Kris' smile had fallen. With both Zeke and Sarah there, now was the perfect time to go over everything. She spoke up before anyone else could. "Well, we were passing through the area and wanted to see you both."

Something in her voice must have tipped Zeke off that all was not well. She didn't miss the look he gave her but turned to the others before he could ask anything. "Guys, would you mind giving us a couple of hours?"

Sarah frowned at Kris' lack of hospitality but didn't reprimand her since she could tell there was something behind the request. Sephiroth stood followed quickly by Angeal. The General was the one to speak. "Of course. We can come back in the morning before we have to leave."

Kris' eyes got wide. She knew that would not be acceptable to her parents, so she shook her head. "No, if I didn't ask you to stay for dinner, I would catch hell. Don't worry about it. We just need a little bit of time to catch up."

Sarah joined her and gave the men a smile of her own. "Kris is right. I would love to have you over for dinner. I would never pass up the opportunity to get to know the people my children trust enough to call a friend."

Angeal gave her a grin of his own before he clapped Sephiroth on the shoulder. "We have heard so much about your cooking, that I can't wait to try it. We'll be back in a little while and let you guys catch up." He then followed Sephiroth out.

The General also gave Reno a glare on the way out that had the Turk rolling his eyes. He still followed them after he winked at Kris and gave the rest a wave. "See ya later."

Once they were gone, Zeke turned to Zack and Kris with a hard look. Though it changed slightly when he noticed Genesis was still there. He glared at the Commander for a moment before he spoke. "Since you didn't leave with the rest of them, I'm guessing you must be that Soldier I keep hearing about. The famous one that thinks your position makes it okay to lead my daughter on."

For the first time since Kris had known Genesis, he was speechless. She realized that was probably a good thing with the way his brow was drawing down and jumped into the conversation before he regained himself. "That's not quite true. We are actually engaged."

Zeke's eyes widened for a moment before his frown was back in full force. "I suppose that's something. At least he decided to do right by you since I guess that baby is his?"

Kris shot a glare over at Zack when she heard him snicker, but she was quick to answer. "We were engaged before I found out I was pregnant. We love each other."

Zeke still didn't look convinced. "Don't think half the village hasn't been following his fan clubs. Ever since they found out a local was in the news, it's been all anyone talks about."

This time it was Kris' turn to not know what to say. She hadn't considered her family and neighbors seeing all the stuff the two fan clubs posted. Her cheeks had heated to the point she could feel her ears burning.

Finally, Zack must have had mercy. He stood and called out. "Dad, as much as I hate to say it, Kris is right. When they first started dating, I wanted to kill him too, but since then, I have seen him go out of his way to make Kris happy. I may not like his past, but I know he'll do right by her."

Kris gave her brother a grateful look before her gaze was drawn back to Zeke when he sighed. He then waved toward the table. "Fine, I'll let it drop for now, but I'm guessing you both have something going on, or you wouldn't both be here at the same time." He then gave Kris a slight smile. "Why don't you take those blasted glasses off and we'll all sit and have a chat."

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